I'm straight, but lesbian porn does nothing for me

I'm straight, but lesbian porn does nothing for me.

It has to be one girl or a straight couple.

Is this normal?

My girlfriend enjoys rubbing off to lesbian porn and she's 100% straight, so I don't see why not

Yeah but girls are fucked up anyway. They get molested at a young age and then they want to be choked when they're adults. Girls are fucked.

Not my girlfriend, but okay

My cousin is a butch dyke and she says straight porn gets her off more than lesbian porn. Take that as you will

yeah it's because you're putting yourself in the position of the cock

no cock

no suspension of disbelief

no magic we call theater

Does that mean there's a possibility that I'm gay despite my gigantic folder of oiled big titties?

kek Caspian Paddock that's a Tim & Eric name.

I like lesbian porn, but I never really watch it, has to be straight sex for me to finish. one girl doesn't do it for me either. lesbian porn in general is nice though, it just isn't enough for me to finish so I generally just skip it

Yeah there's no mention of her specifically you narcissist. Stop thinking every story is about you.