>marvel's target audience
Marvel's target audience
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Do they even want to make money anymore?
Zendaya is biracial, not black.
Mixed people magically become full black when it fits the current agenda.
I thought it was confirmed a while ago her character's name was Michelle, where'd the Mary Jane thing come from?
Yes, but if we acknowledge this. the already pathetic list of first rate black people will be left with only two or three names
>mfw the left has brought back the One Drop Rule
Their lack of self-awareness is past being funny and well into depressing territory
One drop rule is bullshit, and outdated.
They wanted a girl black enough to call the "black Mary Jane" without using an actual black woman because of the ugliness.
Its not about adding diversity, its about getting rid of white characters.
Also, is Neogaf a black website? Everyone there seems to hate white people quite a lot.
>not able to read
The left have brought back the One Drop Rule, only with the opposite intention than before
still a nigger though
They also brought back "colored" and segregation.
Great, now all we need is to find a young Chinese guy to play Miles Morale.
No, remember, black characters being black is important to their character.
White characters don't have to be white so eventually they can all be replaced.
does anyone really give a shit? MJ is the flattest, most boring, nothing character in all of capeshit
>Cast a black chick
>It's basically the least black, black chick that ever was
Take that racism
Why is Hollywood bigoted against gingers and redheads?
>Zendaya was born in Oakland, California, the daughter of Claire Marie (Stoermer) and Kazembe Ajamu (born Samuel David Coleman).[5] Her father is African-American, with roots in Arkansas; her mother is white, with German and Scottish ancestry.
literally blacked
Gingers aren't a protected minority. They don't have a lobby.
They're the whitest white people so they are the most hated.
they arent, there just arent any attractive ones right now that are big enough names
My misogyny and appreciation for women as objects outweighs my racism.
I applaud this move. She is gorgeous.
Fucking idiot.
Somebody answer this question:
When they announced the Real life adaption of "Ghost in the Shell " SJW`s( SJWs because you know lets just assume everybody against it is a SJW like the bitch in Op's post ) they screamed in anger, made a hashtag on Twitter about "whitewashing" asian characters ( lets ignore the fact that Motoko Kusanagi and many other characters have white characteristics in the anime ( blue eyes, blond hair )) and said its racist to do so.
So now we have quite the same situation but with reversed roles:
A characters that has white features ( red hair, white skin ) is portrayed as a black female and now people are racist because they complain about it?
And this flat, skinny, wide nosed mulatto is a big name?
doesn't matter compared to the Indian tranny Flash Thompson
I guess that makes sense. They're too small a group to really stand up for themselves and not dark enough for other people to stand up for them.
Once again... its not about diversity and its not about adding non whites.
Its about getting rid of whites.
The SJW shit is a political agenda using double standards to get their way and crying racist whenever challenged.
holy cow don't be so rude to me
shes a big enough name
name one attractive ginger actress in hollywood
"black" woman
what is he going to do, cyberbully Parker?
Prometheus was a godawful movie, in my opinion
No comment on your discussion though, carry on
Imagine being Tom Holland in this picture. You've been acting your entire childhood and have landed the dream job of playing one of the most beloved superheroes, in a universe of diverse characters. Then some obese producer protruding sweat from the forehead reaches over to you at a party, whiskey on his breath, ranting in your face "Hey kid, your film's gonna be the next big thing. You're gonna be an inspiration to thousands of young people. It's gonna be great." Then you start shooting your scenes and realize there isn't a single white person in sight. Every cast member you're interacting with is of a darker color, aside from the crew behind the scenes who have plenty of whites, but you can't chat with them because you're an actor, so you're all alone in this bubble of forced 'multiculturalism'. But Tom looked back on the Avengers, and how they have plenty of whites and no one gives a fuck, but you're circle of cinematic friends are black for no other reason then to pander to a leftist audience whose student loans will afford them the movie ticket and popcorn needed to consume this garbage and post references to the funniest quips on their Facebook profiles. So now you're in a photo studio, and have to sit, surrounded by these darker skinned actors, who are as equally excited to be apart of a superhero film, but deep down also know it's only dependent on the color of their skin and not on their acting merits. And you, Tom Holland, have to sit in acceptance, that you're the minority and that you'll never be as happy as the Avengers team are.
I guess it's true when they say German women can't resist the BBC
There is no logic to their thinking mate. I speant like half an hour trying to make a mate of mine see sense when they announced the cast of the live action Death Note with a black guy playing L, but according to him it's fine to cast a character who is a mix of Japanese/English/German etc as a black American guy. They're fucking idiots.
Karen Gillan.
>taps Peter on shoulder
>"e-excuse me!"
why are people interested in this movie anyway? we all know it's gonna be another meme movie. now that this mary jane shit happened, that's more than enough for me to not even watch the trailer for this. just don't give two fucks about it.
this is the thought process for neck beards
>I need to be friendly and open
>yes a black woman should play mary jane
>I am for peace and white people are too racist
>I read it on reddit a few times
>people who like trump hate everyone
This movie may be too graphic for me to bring my wife's son with me
They're trying to replace the common sexual fantasy men have of "hot redheads" with black women, obviously. Now when guys think of Mary Jane, they'll imagine a chocolate goddess instead of the comic book version.
pol will still pretend to care and complain though
Conversely, they also magically become full white when it fit's the current agenda.
What's their endgame?
SJWs cry when a white actor is cast in an ethnic role, while Sup Forums (really just Sup Forumsfags in denial) support it. Sup Forums (aka Sup Forumsfags) cry when an ethnic person is cast in a white role, while SJWs support it. Normal people, like the ones who have a life outside of Sup Forums and Tumblr, don't give a shit. Meanwhile, the retards who whine about this stuff desperately try to convince themselves they're better than the other side, when they're really, literally the same.
Go back to plebbit. Half nigger is still nigger
Marvel comic books and movies are going after a specific audience. It's not the progressive/sjw crowd some people would have you believe. Their business model is similar to McDonald's, in that they're targeting kids. They're going for the long con. The Harry Potter franchise of this generation.
The marketing of this movie is going to be as obnoxious as the marketing for Ghost Busters, isn't it?
Why does Sony have to ruin everything?
Better leave em at home for this one
Zendaya is not black. She's hot af and I'm OK with seeing more of her
RIP angel.
>Now when guys think of Mary Jane, they'll imagine a chocolate goddess instead of the comic book version.
Just like they'll think of Eddie Brock being some whiny, That 70s Show fucker right? One film does not change they way people perceive well known characters. To do that they'd have to change MJ to being halfcast in EVERYTHING and keep that change for the next 80 odd years, which - hopefully - they'll never fucking do.
As someone who read a lot of comics I hate Spiderman so I don't care if both Mary Jane and Aunt May are black trannies from outerspace. Retroactively make Gwen an Arab.
>which - hopefully - they'll never fucking do.
Just you wait.
>Suddenly White male x Black female gets forced everywhere
>American woman fucks a nig
>I guess it's true when they say German women can't resist the BBC
Wally West, black guy.
Mary-Jane, black chick.
Is it just me or are ginger roles being blackwashed? Pretty racist if you ask me.
>She's a big enough name.
Nobody knew who the fuck she was until she got race swapped in to be black Mary Jane.
>Pre-order tickets for a movie 11 months from release
when I saw that lando played harvey dent in tim burton's batman I dropped that sjw garbage so fast
Blackout, user. Blackout.
Actually MJ being black makes sense. Abusive father, piss poor family, name is literally slang for pot.
Look at those fucking eye brows.
There isn't a single black black in the US. You fuckers are all brown.
Actually, this is Marvel's target audience.
She should be Mary Jane.
Welcome to the 21st century, shitlord.
>supporting something not because you like it but because someone else doesn't like it
Totally worked for female Ghostbusters.
It's the smart, rich conservatives who know how to manipulate the left into doing their bidding.
How does it feel that youll never kill this board like you did with Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
She looks weird.
I don't understand, I see article after article about "lol white people r angry" written by "journalists" that just consist of an endless stream of screencaps of twitter users...who are talking about white people, nobody specifically, that are apparently angry.
Where are the angry white people? Are they rioting in the midwest? Burning convenience stores?
Is this the epitome of manufactured controversy?
so she's going to get BLEACHED then?
Not cuck-meme while still promoting racial harmony. The fact that I'm a white male doesn't factor in with saying that if there's gonna be SJW cancer, this is the lesser evil. (Racial harmony isn't evil. Shoehorning into every fucking movie under the sun is evil, patronizing, and at a certain point it becomes more racist than sticking to the subject matter)
Go cry over more multiculturalism and jews, neckbeard.
why are blacks so spiteful and obsessed with white people?
"non racists": hahaha white bois, i hope you're hurting
pol racists: i hope i have zero contact with these people
I don't know who to pick hmmm.
It's called an inferiority complex.
Go cry over Sup Forums on another board faggot.
You should go back to Sup Forums, faggot. You're not fooling anyone.
She can't act though, you're posting nice pictures
Calling this shit right now:
I can just see SJW reaction to this:
>Wait you mean the black girl will be in a relationship with a white guy?!
>Cultural appropriation!
>He is sexually dominating her as a symbolic way of showing white domination over blacks!
>The implication of them having sex means white males breeding out the black race by impregnating black females!
And then the studios will give in like the coward bitches they are and make Peter Parker black... and change Mary back to white
>s-stop making fun of me!!!
kek Sup Forumstards man.
Fuck your poison and die, you mainstreamed bummer barrel of sadness.
That's about as black as the average Italian
>He doesn't like muh black Mary Jane!
>He must be from Sup Forums
Go back to Sup Forums with all the other tumblr rejects.
>someone honestly thought it would be a good idea to get a mediocre Indian kid for a bully of spider man
I can handle alterations if the product is good and the characters fit but that dude doesn't make any sense. Dude is just not intimidating t all.
What did you expect them to do?
Make him a tall, white jock like the actual character is supposed to be?
You're on the wrong side of history.
Begging you to have sex.
I'm white and I don't give a fuck who they cast as Mary Jane because I don't give a fuck about capeshit.'
Why do these people generalize people by their skin colour so much? It's almost like they're hypocritical racists who have no power of free thought, or something.
>Make him a tall, white jock like the actual character is supposed to be?
All they had to do was find a guy that looks like they can be on a high school football team. Bam you have a serviceable bully for a spider man movie.
This fucker looks like he'd get raped in the showers at high school and covered in shaving cream.
Noegaf, or Neofags is a cuck weabite, kotaku/polygon type of white guilting, self hating cucks.
>Google Zendaya to figure out who this bitch is
>some D-list TV actress who's been in nothing I've ever watched
>"associated acts: Bella Thorne"
They literally had a better choice for an actress that's probably a bit more famous right in front of their faces and they went with the half black nobody?
There's no way this isn't just to stir up controversy, it has to be.
Will she even be a red head for the movie?
Because they are are all witches.
The director literally said Zendaya was playing Michele in this interview. What the fuck's going on?
What went so horribly wrong?