Why does every single race hate niggers?

Why does every single race hate niggers?
Whites and asians hate them obviously, but even other smaller groups hate them.
Why is this so?
Why does everyone hate niggers?
I can't bring myself to like them no matter how much I try.

Other urls found in this thread:


The world hate white people

>Why does every single race hate niggers?


Imagine an asian girl bringing a guy of another race home to her dad.
What would be the difference if the guy was WHITE to if the guy was NIGGER?
You already know the answer.

>Blacks vs. Niggers point brought up
>People agree
>Muh dick comment bait
>Bait taken
>Nigger 3rd world low IQ pictures ensue
>Anti-white comments come out

I'm genuinely asking.
The OP pic was just for fun.
Every race hates niggers.
Any father of any race would be dissapointed if his kids married niggers. This is a fact.

They are the only race without civilization. Here are a few examples. White: Europe, Russia.
Asian: China, Japan.
Indian: India.
American: Aztec, North American tribes, Inca.
Mongoloids: Golden Horde.
Arabs: Abbasi.
And blacks: nothing. Not even the level of North American tribes!

Obviously I didn't name every single civilization of every race, but you get the point, that blacks didn't do anything for the whole history of their existence!

>They are the only race without civilization.

No, that's America.

Niggers are a culture. Anyone can be a nigger. Even if you the whitest, palest motherfucker out there, the second you acting like a nigger - you're a nigger. It just happens that the race that subscribes the most to that culture are blacks due to history, socioeconomic situations, popular culture, media industry, violence, gang influence, etc.

There's nothing productive...or even safe about nigger culture, so no one cares for it.