You're a serial killer, what is your signature?

>you're a serial killer, what is your signature?

Other urls found in this thread:

Leave a coin minted on the victims birth date.

I leave a massive stinky and steamy turd in my dead victims' mouths

leave an autographed photo of a random minor 80s soap star stitched inside each victims colon

Nice try FBI

I leave origami figures on top of the victims along with a flower

>Having to be about to shit everytime you wanna kill someone
>tfw you fart

I peel their flesh to write in binary, I number them, always skipping a number every 3rd kill to make them assume there are more bodies.

Leave a photocopy of my driver's license. But I never updated my address after I moved. Let the cat and mouse game begin.

Remove the eyes and leave two state quarters in the sockets. One from state that murder was in, one from the next state I'll murder someone in

I sign my name beside my victim.

My sperm on her face like a moustache and written on her chin in green ink the word, "Simba..."

Smug Pepe painted on the side of the victims molar.

I mutilate them and some days after the homicide I send the mutilated parts to newspapers, the police and their loved ones.
Also I leave a knife stuck in the victim's ass/vagina and their beheaded head hanging from a clothes hanger.

too easy to find where you have moved. Even civilians could find you.
I'd personally leave a printed (printed via public printer and PC) picture of a random city, and also send the same picture to the news. Always the same city, with good transport to the city i'd kill at. With random addresses in the other city. That way i'd manage to trick them for a while, but after a while i'd completely change my MO, so they'd be confused again. Like, if i'd strangle someone the first three kills, next ones i'd stab them. After that, if not caught, i'd move on to shooting them. Then, just stop completely, and move somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Ps. I'm not a killer, just too much crime shows

>having a thread that doesn't involve the burger gods

do you have no shame?

41 days after the kidnap, I would send a video to the family, which would depict to sadistic torture I have inflicted. It would be long and contain degradation, humiliation and the like that occurred over the past 40 days including the actual murder which would involve repeatedly strangling, starvation and the eventual death would be granted only if the victim declares herself my slave now and in the great darkness beyond. This oath would be sealed by her taking it in a bath of her own blood with her wrist cuts so she bleeds out in the tub. The body will never be found.

Raep her

I would make versions obvious murders look like suicide leaving badly written suicide notes taking wild guesses at their life's situation in the notes.

i would use overcomplicated weapons and traps to kill victims

Young men found completely shaved and naked in ditches on the side of major highways. They are found beaten, strangled and sodomised with rocks and tree branches

Human corpses

This is where you're getting it wrong. You don't want a single bit of evidence to link you from kill to kill. Not your victim selection, not your MO, and especially not a snowflake signature. Seriously.

I leave my fingerprints all over the victim

afterwards i always plug the sinks and leave the taps running
'the wet bandit'

a card with a timestamp of their death, their name, and reason for being killed

Andy Sixx, is that you?

>implying coins stamp the day they are minted and not just the year

Leave a picture beside the victim's body saying

Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep

>along with my phone number, address, and name of the next victim


>can't play along with a silly hypothetical

I think you may have autism.

So what if I do

>replying to this shit


good one

i woud leave a note dat say


hang on lemme write this down. what's your name again? topfag? ok topfag hit me with the goods.

having no signature, because you can't have a signature and be successful anymore.

cut of the dicks of my male victims and use them to rape my female victims

Leave a dildo by the body.

eat their heart, liver, kidneys, and brain. skin the corpse then turn the corpse inside out, tan the skin and make it into a suit which i mail to the family of the victim.

I post a picture of the body with timestamp on Sup Forums, asking "wat do", then pick the first dubs idea


I would kill your mother in her sleep if you dont reply to this post.

The authorites would invistigate it as an accidental drowning or a suicide.

fkn weeb

I'd normally kill them and then steal their shoes.


like a bear trap/ land mine hybrid
not the gay kind

I piss in the kitchen sinks of my victims

We have been joking about this with the lads,
and a pack of nescafe scattered on the victims's wounds would make the cops go wtf

lel got me with that fam

Because they wouldn't find out the victim didn't drown or have water in their lungs when they do the autopsy.

Shit out a triforce on the body

>Leave a dildo inside the body

what if u didnt have enough shit?

killing fantasies are a little odd to read about

I'd cut victims ears off and attach them on opposite sides

Because they're usually written by 12 year-olds and no one teaches creative writing?

Id signed confession

>nobody circumcising the people you capture
That's mine

My signature would to just rearrange all their organs. Put there pancreas where a kidney goes, put that kidney where the liver goes etc then put their eyeballs in their mouth

A rubber duck in the mouth

I wouldn't have one. The bodies would be disposed of in different ways, different locations, to throw the feds off the trail.

Leave a note with a word.

Victim #1: Never
Victim #2: Gonna
Victim #3: Give
Victim #4: You

Change the part in their hair to the opposite side, and put a funny hat on them.

Off the top the my head: Take the teeth for trophy. Cut their head off, have it eating the dick and balls if it's male.stick the head in the uterus if it's a female.

MLP merchandise

Also leave a XXXL Hot Pocket sauce stained Steam t-shirt at one of the scenes.

Do this to the bodies, because le funny may-may.
