Anyone on Sup Forums play OSRS

Anyone on Sup Forums play OSRS

Random image from quest guide

I would be dead if not for this game. Newly single and it's helping me cope

It's my happy place

Fuck it. We can go back through memory lane for a bit.






Yes im almost maxed




was a f2p. there were times when i played the game for a while and went off for 1 or 3 months. one time i went online to check how things were doing in the ge. realised that i got hacked. lost 4m. before that i wanted to get to 6m and buy token to go to premium. /// didnt have bank pin or 2 step verification. i know my mistakes. atleast the game thought me something >double security never hurts.

Almost maxed also user, 7 levels left

Yup, 15 year vet of RS.
Still get onto the RS classic vets server now n again, dont play it at all any more though, lost intrest when it all changed and i maxxd lvld.


Hook me up with a bond bros

I have mining and herb left. Both 90 tho

You should try Oldschool Runescape user.

my mistake. not a token but a bond.

Go beg somewhere else you lousy faggot. don't ruin the thread with your beggar shit. So easy to make enough for a bond.

Oke virgin.