ITT: Movies with cryostasis/cryosleep
ITT: Movies with cryostasis/cryosleep
Loved this movie but I understand the flaws and why it flopped.
Vanilla Sky
sorry OP I just ruined the movie for you
>Event Horizon
>Alien 3
>Alien Ressurection
>Some old retarded kids comedy from disney where a dope qualifies as an astronaut for mars but fucks up and stays awake the entire trip
space movies general?
OP here, I forgive you ill still watch it
Metal gear solid 4
Dat try hard futuristic
captain america
Groundhog Day. Sorry i just ruined that for you. Dick.
This movie was great. I looked at the reviews and thought to myself "the only way the critics came to this conclusion is if they didn't even watch the movie."
Pandorum has the best twist I have ever seen. It is probably in my top 10 favorite movies and I am sad that it flopped. At least I don't have to worry about a sequel tarnishing it/
Encino Man
The Riddick series of movies.
Dat foreshadowing tho.
>the norman reedus death scene
Fuck that sjw cunt. Fuck him in his boipucci.
I'm glad he's nothing but a meme actor.
Riddickulous was an okay bunch of films.
Love the riddick series but the latest was shit.
Rehashing the same thing over and over should be illegal.
word son
>Rocketman wasn't kidkino
It's Mel Gibson
"So there is no such thing as time machine"
Demolition Man
I liked it but never remembered the name.
Cryostasis is a one way time machine to send men to the future
I will never understand why people are interested in peimitive man's mind
The X-Files movie
But it seems extremely risky. Imagine you want to be frozen for like 50 years but in the meantime a war, riot or any disaster of a large scale happens. The facility you are in just gets abandoned and you basically committed suicide.