Did people, especially the anti-war people, really attack veterans (the foot soldier type) and call them murderers?
If people hate veterans so much how can they like this movie?
Did people, especially the anti-war people, really attack veterans (the foot soldier type) and call them murderers?
If people hate veterans so much how can they like this movie?
Yes and they still do
"Baby killer" is the worst
Because it painted veterans in a somewhat positive light, that they weren't stone cold murderers but actual human beings tortured by what they did and what they saw over them.
Rambo's more of a monster in the book though.
>If people hate veterans so much how can they like this movie?
Didn't this movie help change people's opinions about Vietnam veterans?
>If people hate veterans so much how can they like this movie?
They like it precisely because Rambo is the kind of fucked up monster they envisioned the Nam vets.
europoor here
can somebody explain to me this "vagrancy" thing? is this still a thing in usa, or was this just a thing back then? even so, how the fuck did that happen? rambo was just minding his own business, why the fuck couldn't they just leave him alone or something, was he really breaking the law?
I just wish the sequels never happened.
Same goes for Rocky.
The Sherrif was an asshole plain and simple, he took one look at Rambo and decided he was an unshaved wannabe troublemaker.
And boy did he make some trouble.
Daily reminder that Rambo was named after an apple.
>no rocky iii, and especially rocky iv
fuck you, one of the few times I'm glad the sequels happened
maybe they shouldn't have killed babies then.
Yes, even though they were FUCKING DRAFTED.
They didn't even have a choice. Think about that. Zero choice. You have to do it, then your fellow countrymen spit on you for it.
Baby Boomers truly are the worst generation of all time.
>tfw he talks to Trautman on the radio about all his dead friends
>anti-vagrancy laws don't exist in yurop
Troll or uninformed, I don't care which. The problem is that they never do "just mind their own business." Homeless people are desperate, and desperate people do terrible things. It's no surprise that any cop who gives a damn about his community will want to keep them away.
I've read that the sheriff was a korean war vet and he was just jealous of all the attention nam vets were getting
Vagrancy used to be a criminal offense and it was widely believed that anyone who was jobless or homeless was holding that status intentionally to mooch off of hardworking citizens.
I don't think it's illegal as such but the sherriff had the right to turn him away from the town as he thought he was a potential troublemaker, which he did.
It was only because Rambo returned to town that he was arrested and kicked off the whole standoff.
For real? Really made me think
I think it's how those who dodged the war relieve their survivor guilt
"I didn't go because I don't want to be a baby killer"
why would you hate the soldiers, they didn't have all that much choice in the matter, didn't plan the assaults and would be shot for desertion if they did "the right thing"
go throw eggs at generals and politicians
One thing remains mystery to me. I am affraid it will remain a mystery.
How do Vietnamese people, I mean people who lived and grew up under the new Vietnam, and those who have Tv and internet but didn't learn English in colleges, see Rambo, Back to Vietnam, Heaven and Earth etc?
Maybe I should ask the Chinese students
because pussy civilians are ungrateful bastards
>t. civilian that feels guilty for not serving but doesn't want to fight wars for the zog either
I think capital punishment for desertion had been abolished before 'Nam.
So he was a troublemaker! The Sherrif was right!
>You have to do it
No, you don't. That's the power of free will. There are consequences for refusing the draft but, in the Grand Scheme of Things, that is something you can do.
You are a massive fucking faggot.
alright, may be wrong about that (though punishments for desertion are still severe) but the general point still stands
not to mention often they'd be in the situation where even a single unreliable soldier would get himself and all his mates killed because its still a bloody war
then everyone who didn't go to 'nam is equally guilty of that war as the people who did go because they didn't overthrow their government and forced it to sign a peace treaty
I had a teacher in high shool who loaded bombs on planes in the navy back in Nam. He said they were told not to wear their uniforms when they were coming back home, for their own safety. Shit is fucked up man.
>The sequel is supposed to be "Vietnam war done right"
>It's a regular sneak in and rescue mission
>muh "honor"
>muh "loyalty"
>muh "sacrifice"
>muh "military"
>muh "camaraderie"
Military. It's essentially a declaration that you've lost the game.
Think about it. The power of free will and you *still* settle for slavery. Wonderful, no?
From an early age, you're influenced by your environment. Your parents (or lack of), teachers (in some manner, shape or form) and other mentors can help steer your life in a direction, whichever direction that may actually be.
However, during all of this, if you're still alive and have most of your bodily functions, there are a whole world of opportunities available to you. Especially in this day and age of technological marvels and the wonders of the Internet to provide information (and, of course, misinformation.)
The military should not even be an option, at this point, because not only is there enough information to suggest that joining it is only for those who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by a military-industrial complex keen on retaining what power they have left ... but there is also enough information available for people to make their own decisions on what they'd like to do, instead.
Still, people join. They wish to be broken down and remoulded in somebody else's image.
This is a sign of weakness. Of allowing one's self to be influenced and corrupted by those with power and ambition. Essentially, those who join the military are no-better than mindless sheep.
>tl;dr: Join the military? You're a faeces-flinging, irradiated, nuclear-powered rhesus monkey who enjoys others making decisions for you.
Hippies did. It was a mistake to not kill all the hippies.
>in next episode of Crossing Line, the team is pursuing a Vietnamese serial killer targeting American veterans' grandchildren
>they track him down just in time as he holds his last target as hostage
>the killer gets two minutes of monologue to complain that Americans get to make a movie of his village getting burned down
Don't know about other shitholes, but burger military is great if you're not braindead and don't get thrown into infantry.
>extend childhood for 4+ years while rolling in benefits and cash
>free college and various other benefita
>make it to 20 years and you get 40K+ a year in benefits after retirement
>be a welfare queen people have to respect because MUH TROOPS even though you never even came close to any action
Good shit man, but keep talking about how you won the game while I use your tax dollars to sleep with foreign whores :^)
I remember my first beer
Yeah? How was it, you condescending little faggot?
Arresting vagrants goes back to the fucking 1700s, and was brought over from Europe. It's a consequence of property law reforms, mostly the fault of autists who were into positivism.
The real Vietnamese people right now are only beginning to explore the market economy and its boom after decades of communism induced slumber
So they would now have a naive curiosity and fondness for American cultures and a temporary amnesia on the war
But make no mistake. Years of nationalist indoctrination will come back when the boom falls short and they will again blame US for their decades of poverty. This time boradcasting it on Twitter and YouTube
Vietnam fucking shit here, born in the US from parents that fled after the Fall of Saigon
from what Ive heard, is pretty much right, there's not really any animosity for the U.S. The real hate has always been for the Chinese.
White blood cells. It's essentially a declaration that you've lost the game.
Think about it. The power of free adaption and you *still* settle for slavery. Wonderful, no?
From an early age, you're influenced by your environment. Your parent cells (or lack of), DNA (in some manner, shape or form) and other biological functions can help steer your life in a direction, whichever direction that may actually be.
However, during all of this, if you're still alive and have most of your cellular functions, there are a whole body of opportunities available to you. Especially in this day and age of biological marvels and the wonders of the double helix to provide information
White blood cells should not even be an option, at this point, because not only is there enough information to suggest that becoming one is only for those who've allowed themselves to be restructured by a Hematopoietic stem cells, keen on retaining what power they have left ... but there is also enough information available for cells to make their own decisions on what they'd like to do, instead.
Still, people adapt. They wish to be broken down and remoulded in somebody else's image.
This is a sign of weakness. Of allowing one's self to be influenced and corrupted by viral and bacterial strains . Essentially, those who become white blood cells are no-better than mindless sheep.
>tl;dr: become a white blood cell? You're a cancerous, , nucleus-powered hemocytoblast who enjoys others making decisions for you.
10/10 would read again
yeah its like how some people hate all cops nowadays
>Did people, especially the anti-war people, really attack veterans (the foot soldier type) and call them murderers?
yes. and they still do. I have personally been called a babykiller in an airport.
but even worse is the fake "thank you for your service" assholes. you don't actually care. and apathetic assholrs like you are why this country is in decline. atleast the people who hate me have the fucking guts to say it to my face. I respect them. in fact I fight and am willing to die for them. the people that call me a babykiller is part of what makes america great.
Like hannibal burress said, "I support the armed forces but I don't support you in particular".
This is a nice interview
Their other article about Vietnam is bullshit, not 100% bullshit but it makes too many assumption.
Also, see this picture, the guy being shot is an asshole who, while dressed as a civilian murdered soldier's families, the guy shooting was right even by the Geneva convention, still, this picture ruined his life.
>>Same goes for Rocky.
>implying rock 2 isn't just as good as the first one; first movie showed his love for adrian, second movie showed his love for the sport
Are 2 & 3 really that bad?
The first is legendary, and the last is great, but I've never seen the sequels in between
First Blood's a tense and gritty drama. II and III are over-the-top action spectacles of the sort that were so common in the 1980s.
That's something I've been thinking recently. With this feminist fight for equal rights and shit will they fight alongside in case of a war breaks out? Imagine all the numales and tumblr fat fucks fighting in Iraq or Syria. That'd be funny as hell.
rambo 2 is fucking horrible but it has a cult following even here on Sup Forums. 3 is meh. it is sort of a so nad it is good thing. like when he hip fires a m60 to take down a chopper.
but yea the first and the last rambos are pure kino.
But where I live there was an accident where a policeman killed a kid two years ago.
He's in jail but rapid leftists still protest about that and shout at the police "murderers".
They're all getting triggered about the congress trying to pass bills making women able to get drafted
Only to cunts that like boring dramas about going to a stupid war and coming back to be treated like the piece of shit you are.
2 and 3 are awesome.
That's a dumb thing though. If I had the links i'd post them, but there were studies done that show women are less effective in combat roles than men, and that they bring down the combat effectiveness of any unit they're assigned to.
Women should remain bts and not out in the theater.
I bet if the law's passed Americas military domination of the world will plummet.
>Imagine all the numales and tumblr fat fucks fighting in Iraq or Syria. That'd be funny as hell.
It's no more funny than the prospect of neckbeards like yourself doing the same. Less if anything.
>hating on II,III, and IV
They're already allowed in the armed forces, it's too late for that.
However, the main problem are mixed units. Men get protective and act stupid.
They're allowed out into the field?!?
Leftists did. They would go to airports to protest and attack anyone wearing a uniform.
But to be honest, who really give a shit about some chink kids?
Did I trigger you, cuck?
no-one likes a sycophant, user
Yeah, pretty sure. At the very least, they get deployed. I think they see combat. They also have physical requirements and stuff, but lower than the ones for men.
I know 2 girls that were in Afghanistan, one as part of the army and the other as part of the NG.
>tfw always wanted to be in military but my body broke down under me.
i just wanted to travel the world and do good in places where i could desu
cant even be a peacekeeper
There was a Vietnamese poster on Sup Forums and the way he was talking he was more upset that the US lost the war.
If world war breaks out you'll still get drafted, especially when the chinese invade. They outnumber the US.
2 females started training with the green berets and the requirements are exact the same as for men.
What are you linking that to me for?
I'm glad they lost it. The way things have panned out in hindsight, it was stupid and a waste.
The cost was great but the lesson was learnt.
No Afghanistan and Iraq isn't the same. Those were fought over oil.
I don't know about that. Vietnam easily could have been like South Korea today and that would have been better for everyone.
oh well that settles it then
That's special ops user. But I looked it up and it seems that I was wrong, they're gauging lowering the requirements.
I'll ask them what they roles were the next time I speak to them.
In my country women have lower standards tho.
I really hate autists like you. We shouldn't have to put a little disclaimer about it just being an anecdote every time we share an anecdote. Normal people can recognize it for what it is.
you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. show me a proven oil reserve in afganistan. I can show you what countries got the drilling contracts in iraq, and guess what, america only got 2 contracts. also, I can show you the fucking law that says all iraqi oil is property of the state of iraq.
so stop talking out of your fucking ass, stop believing john liebowitz(stewart), and do some badic fucking research.
Okay go ahead and show me please
So the wars were for nothing and us citizens are still morons?
>hippies called our troops in nam babykillers
>liberal's favorite nonissue is abortion
>liberals hate big corporations
>liberals praise CEOs when they bash Trump
>liberals hate establishment republicans like the Bush's
>praise them when they bash Trump
If there is anybody that deserves a gassing, it's these people
Afghanistan war was to secure natural resources and to make Saudis happy.
Reminder that Saudis did 9/11 and America fucking attacked some small time clan leader in Afghanistan for it
My fucking sides
What a cuckolded population
No, the wars were basically a proxy Cold War between us and the ruskies, oh and the petrodollar
that article covers both issues. iraq owns its own oil and we don't even get to drill it for them anymore.
you are a fucking sheep.
I'm a sheep for not believing what the government that lies and deceives it's public, is telling me?
Are you a liberal? You sound like a liberal.
not really, it's a myth that vietnam/korea vets were treated badly when they returned home, they had no problem getting therapy or getting a job
in comparison todays iraq/iran vets are treated a lot worse than the vietnam vets
Rocky 4 had more cheese than my dick head
>the guy shooting was right even by the Geneva convention
What? He's obviously killing a POW. No convention allows this.
Only officially
Pretty sure some guys got killed by their own squad mates "on accident" for helping some farmers
The movie is more about Reaganism than the Vietnam war, 2bh
It's about bullshit police.
Regarding your picture:
The Vietcong were fucking cowards that hid behind civilans. US soldiers weren't allowed to kill civilians and the VC knew that. It's almost exactly like what's going on in the Middle East now. If we were just allowed to fucking kill everyone, we would win and boom no more fucking problems.
>If we were just allowed to fucking kill everyone, we would win and boom no more fucking problems.
You are a fucking sociopath.
It's for the greater good, sorry.
If the civilians actually gave up the enemy instead of hiding them, I'd be all for going about it 'the right way', but they wont so it comes that or continue getting fucking killed by assholes that basically have sticks and stones.
>b-buht they don't want to be killed for ratting out the enemy
They expose the enemy, the military kills the enemy, boom no more problems.
Check yourself into therapy.
>moralistic argument from utilitarianism
please graduate high school.
The only person here that needs to graduate high school and grow up is the faggot that thinks everything is morally black and white.
Correct, this was the main theme of the book.
You're supposed to figure it out yourself in the film.
>If the civilians actually gave up the enemy instead of hiding them
Why the fuck should they? It's not for the US to dictate how others should run their countries. Have you considered that maybe the reason the South Vietnamese government was shit and about to lose was because the people didn't find them as appealing?
You're acting as though this was a war between a static good and a static bad which isn't the case at all.
>In August 1914, at the start of the First World War, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order of the White Feather with support from the prominent author Mrs Humphrey Ward. The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British Army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.[2][3]
This was joined by some prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary universal draft, which included those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.
>One such was Private Ernest Atkins who was on leave from the Western Front. He was riding a tram when he was presented with a white feather by a girl sitting behind him. He smacked her across the face with his pay book saying: "Certainly I'll take your feather back to the boys at Passchendaele. I'm in civvies because people think my uniform might be lousy, but if I had it on I wouldn't be half as lousy as you." [7]
The supporters of the campaign were not easily put off. A woman who confronted a young man in a London park demanded to know why he was not in the army. "Because I am a German", he replied. He received a white feather anyway.[8]
Perhaps the most misplaced use of a white feather was when one was presented to Seaman George Samson who was on his way in civilian clothes to a public reception in his honour. Samson had been awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry in the Gallipoli campaign
Feminists not even once
Hold on a sec, I am going to find the answer to you.
In Rocky's case it's good cheese, though, you disgusting, fat piece of shit.