Mfw we still have to wait 2 years for Affleck's The Batman

>mfw we still have to wait 2 years for Affleck's The Batman

I so hope the DCEU are able to survive that long with decent box office hits for Wonder Woman, Justice League, Flash, Aquaman

You can always count on early Batman solo movies to do well.

It's rumoured for early 2018

yeah there are 2 unknown DCEU films at this point.

I am hoping for the other to be a Suicide Squad 2 or a Harley Quinn spin off with Poison Ivy

Ben recently said he isnt happy with script so dont wait this arrive no earlier then 2019

He also said he won't be using any comic stories but his own.

I just hope we see him punch out the Joker's teeth and the death of Robin.

I hate when we just get some backstory from outside sources but we never see it on screen

>I am hoping for the other to be a Suicide Squad 2 or a Harley Quinn spin off with Poison Ivy


? what are you getting at.

I so hope to see the Suicide Squad team again. They were the best

wtf is wrong with his eyes

Suicide Squad is doing fine in the box office so there's reason to hope. In the end internet SJW reviewers don't have that much relevance as one may think

>Harley Quinn spin off with Poison Ivy
I could go for a short film that's more of a slice of life thing where Ivy tries to get Harley over her addiction to the Joker

>short film

The DCEU would probably benefit from short films to fill out their universe, released either in conjunction with BluRay releases, or on Netflix or something.

Like 20 minute films shot at the same time as the main films as extra pieces of story that pad out the universe without crippling the films pacing. I'd love for a deeper investigation short film that details Bruce investigating Supes, and then Clark investigating Batman.

I'm hyped as fuck for The Batman and whatever the Harley thing ends up to be.

How is this not clear

2018-Superman 80th aniversary
2019-Batman 80th aniversary

Suicide Squad just came out here and I went yesterday to watch it. My expectations were low but the film actually manage to be even more underwhelming than I expected. I really liked BvS and I loved Man of Steel. This movie looked like it was trying to appeal to 15 year old edgy teens. It looked like a collection of oddly recorded music videos and the acting was abismal specially the actress that played Amanda Waller and Jared Leto. I fucking hated it, and to be honest after seeing the clips from Justice League it seems like they are going to keep this unfunny random humour style so probably I will torrent the following movies. I used to be a DCuck but no more man. Go fuck yourselves WB

Suicide Squad is one of my favorite super hero films at this moment.

Even my friend who was concerned about the RT score said it nowhere near deserves such a low score after he saw it.

Just like we could count on a movie about superman fighting batman to do well, right?

It did.

It was a pile of shit my amigo. Through and through, they spent the first fucking forty minutes of the film making "cool" montages of every character of the squad with "cool" songs for everyone of them. I understand that you need to introduce new character but you might as well just make a fucking powerpoint presentation at that point with every single detail of the character.

>2 years

it's actually 3, user, The Batman isn't hitting till November 2019

buff batman is cool but i think he's too buff. Scroll past the image and you get a descent image of how he should be.

Hahaha DCucks still clinging to hope for a dead cinematic universe. Not even the brainwashed normies will keep seeing these movies after the thrashing they get every time.


>Affleck's The Batman
Literally the only DCEU movie I plan to see in the foreseeable future.

It's almost sad how scatterbrained Ayer is with Joker's backstory.
Apparently he got the grills and tats because Batman beat him for killing Robin, but he has them when he meets Harley, who helped kill Robin?