Why do we love movies about White Nationalism?
Also, name some good ones.
Why do we love movies about White Nationalism?
Also, name some good ones.
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I like them because they portray white supremacists as smarter than what they are and make them out as if they are a legitimate threat to society.
>they portray white supremists are smarter than what they are
what if it's the only way we can make white people seem threatening, without actually being racist?
Because they systemically dismatle Sup Forums's ideology. Check american history x. Pol will literally do anything to escape any criticism at all. Jist watch in this thread. Jews, women, blacks, sjw etc. they are the most paranoid bunch of people, and theyre idiots. Just watch as a soon as someone disagrees theyll call shill. Pathetic lol.
>american history x
>derek makes tons of good points constantly
>never disputed or disproven
>you're just supposed to believe he's wrong because le evil racism.
hello r*ddit
american history x just proved that affirmative action is real and is discrimination by the government towards white men.
bullshit film, heavily introverted guy suddenly makes friends easily, didn't believe that for a second
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.[1]
The so-called typical "attacking a straw man" argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e. "stand up a straw man") and then refuting that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the original proposition.[2][3]
This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged emotional issues where a fiery, entertaining "battle" and the defeat of an "enemy" may be more valued than critical thinking or understanding both sides of the issue.
white people are superior dipshit. thats why you refuse to live in africa or the middle east. you minority shit birds are chasing down every last white person until what? when is the west diverse enough? after whites become minorities in their own countries even though they are already world minorities.
Its a film about harmony. It shows that all sides are guilty. It doesnt cast a shadow on white people at all. Just look at the fucking ending lol. Retard.
It was never an argument, idiot. Now that youve called me a strawman you got a few more buzzwords left. Maybe reddit now?
Imperium doesn't actually do that though. If anything it just shows that most organized white supremacists are fucking retarded asshats led by money hungry shills.
Im white you fucking idiot. I dont live in the middle east because why the fuck would i? What about china, japan, south korea, taiwan? Are they not good places to live?
have you watched the movie dipshit? do you even know what affirmative action is? look it up. black people or mexicans or asians or women all have special lower standards to be hired,go to college,while all being just as racist as any white man. sorry if you get special treatment and get into college with test scores white people would never be accepted with than you are a part of the problem. you are supporting government racism against whites while telling whites they are baaaaad and must stop being racist.
It's SOOOOO bullshit. I made it 20 mins before I turned it off.
Fucking terrible script, acting, directing, editing and everything.
Radcliffe's accent sounds like an alien with an adderall addiction. Nothing was believable at all.
you guys are being picky for the wrong reasons
the reason radcliffe wouldnt have been accepted is bc hes a 5'5" inferior genes manlet
they are good places to live for asians because asians have homogeneous societies. you think japanese are chasing theyre people down saying we need more niggers and jews and whites and mexicans to live in japan. diversity is a strength. hell no. they are not cucked like most white liberals who are taught in school to hate their ancestors and feel sorry for """"""minorities"""""" . we all know white ppl are the real world minorities world wide. so why i cant i move to mexico and buy property? oh because mexicans do not let foreigners buy property.
Not really. There has to be one or more guys in the clan who developed a taste for boipussi when they were locked up.
>so what are we up to my fellow adult men
Looks shorter than 5'5"
Some people instantly realize what's wrong and what's right and some people need a black dick up their ass to realize it.
Which one are you?
yeah cos gooks have higher average iqs than whites. niggers and abbos being the lowest rung. cept fuck taiwan
You're a grand wizard
>please vote Hillary - the film
In all seriousness though, the film was decent in the middle but the ending was thoroughly unexciting and predictable.
The racists in the movie didn't look like pic related, brought me out of the film.
Paid shill thread?
I started watching this movie, 10min later I shut it off and deleted the file.
"Forget about muslims, they are not really the bad guys. White men are the real issue." was so forced.
>All those replies
You're ruining the faggots' safe space user. Cut it out.
>"Forget about muslims, they are not really the bad guys. White men are the real issue."
lol is this an actual scene?
Yes, but they later 'reveal' that the female agent only said that to emotionally manipulate Daniel Radcliffe into helping her operation, because no one else would.
Not word by word. But when the woman officer or whatever talks to harry potter, she says that the other cops are too focused on muslims and are forgetting something more serious, the white supremacists.
A slideshow of neo-nazis are shown with omnious music playing.
So yeah.
Do libtards actually think their selective photos are proof of white nationalists inferiority?
I fell for the bait didn't I?
>too focused on muslims and are forgetting something more serious, the white supremacists.
This is the problem with the modern idea of equality.
>that treaser with Polish Flag as a Nazi Flag
Problem is this is based on a true story so...
Movie was pretty awesome. Harry gave a nice performance, they didn't make the White Supremacists cartoons. Solid 8/10 movie very worth watching.
>w...we're beautiful! my mommy says so!
Jesus Christ. It's literally propaganda isn't it?
It's propaganda but will probably make more supremacists
>Jewish manlet playing a white supremacist
Oy vey
Looks like a photo from the 90's.
Most people with racist views dont share them because they know they'll get ostracized from society and those that are open about there views get attacked by the jew media so much that their health suffers. When your enemy is the media then its not really surprising that the only images you see are not flattering.
Never seen a left wing march?
>Problem is this is based on a true story so...
>he actually believes the true story meme
I bet you think Texas Chainsaw Massacre really happened because it's based on a true story as well.
>good place to live
Apparently it's not even based on a true story, I got tricked by the Jews again.
I thought it was a really interesting turn for them to reduce Dallas to a shallow figurehead motivated only by money, and make Gerry (the friendly, honest, intellectual family man) the real villain. Especially given that Nate really does bond with him more than any other nationalist, its presentation feels so much more sympathetic and pitiful than I was expecting
You'll learn not to trust anything they say, user.
demonizing whites, and waking white-guilt in them, what else
>It's the Jews fault I'm hideous
So they've done their job?
its not that good as i can remember, but the title sounds good, and has crowefaggot in it
anybody else saw this?
The last time i was discussing this topic the exact same to two photos were used.
It is true that many down trodden, poor and unattractive people join the white nationalist movement but that is true of any group. The awareness of your heritage and shared culture can be a comfort in times of distress.
White nationalism has never been solely about looks and its not even about superiority.
Is that Harry Porter as a skin head?
Would watch
>White nationalism has never been solely about looks and its not even about superiority.
damn he's fucking ripped now
Whats funny?