The Joker after the end of TDK

So what do you think happened to the Joker he was caught at the end of TDK?

Do you think he ever escaped? Was he tried and imprisoned or even executed?

He seemed to have supernatural powers of planning and executing impossible stuff, but I like to think he's probably some nobody in Gitmo or somewhere where he gets one hour of daylight each month or something like that.

By the way, he's such a shitty villain. His plan was to terrorize and kill a lot of people to prove people will go to extremes after such acts. What an edgelord.

PS. Let this not devolve into shitposting about da Jokah baby.

He was sent to Arkham where he OD'd on his meds.

In TDKR novel adaptation he's the sole inhabitant of Arkham Asylum

He wasn't even insane, though. He was clearly a tactician and compus mentus.

The big guy didn't let him out

Can you provide a link for that? I never read it, but iirc the only reference to him is something shitty along the lines of "even Selina Kyle didn't know of what happened to him... or did she?".

Doesn't Bane take one look at him and realizes "nah keep him locked up"

obviously escaped from holding again because GCPD are idiots

probably far away during the Bane incident, making bombs

I remember Nolan said once he originally planned for Heath to comeback and Harley to be introduced.

Imagine a version of Harley not made just to be eye candy that isn't that appealing to the eyes anyway.

Do you have in high res i cant read a shit

Nah just grabbed it off google

That looks like it was taken from deviantart.

Google it

>they let him keep his makeup on
>despite being in a straitjacket

Were they applying it for him..?

What are you talking about, he was sent to Arkham.
Don't you finish watching your movies or something?

fucking faggots posting thumbnails, man

Scarecrows role in Rises was clearly made for Joker, he acts way more wacky than he does in the other films.

Low quality posters. Posting thumbnails, begging for better images. Improve yourselves.


Joker isnt a beta cuck like scarecrow no way he would agree or coop with bane

>he's such a shitty villain
i think he`s the perfect villain against batman, but all in all he is really not that threatening or whatever compared to ras al ghul or bane

that's so fucking stupid why would the joker do that

he wakes up and realises it was all a dream

So then he probably starved to death unless he ended up eating those guys? Gotham's occupation lasted a while if I recall, and I doubt Big Guy left the staff of the asylum stick around.

Lol what a cuck

Well considering its not a picture book for babies, he was probably confined to a prison cell and didn't escape because terrorists escaping a first world prison defies logic.

>you are a weed in a garden we cultivated
The big guy wouldn't say something like that.

Where did this happen?

Ebin trole, m8.

It literally says it was made by someone called kinjamin. No way that's official.

Where is this from

can anyone confirm if this is in the novel or the exact passage where they mention dah jokah? no way I'm reading that shit just to get one line vaguely mentioning him

If Keith Legend survived, Rises wouldn't have existed as it does. It likely wouldn't have an 8 year gap, foremost.

Yes, yes, the implication is that's Harley near his cell and she should release him soon.


that is obviously a shitty fan made comic.

That makes more sense, the Feds or CIAdeciding his fate and not those Gotham cucks.

>I didn't want to get out anyway.

is that harley next to the door

He probably went to Arkham and was broken out by henchmen, sympathisers or people who would benefit from him being out, like someone trying to find Bats.

The absolute madman!

Well Nolan is an idiot for not even bothering to mention the Joker in TDKR

honestly what would of happen if heath didn't die ive heard two stories

1. he was just going to play the judge that the scarecrow had

2. twoface wasnt going to be in TDR and the joker was going to go i trial and burn dent

eerrr no twoface in TDK but he would of been main bad guy in TDR



I hate when people quote any of his speech to Harvey Dent.

He's clearly bullshitting Two Face, of course he has plans. The whole fucking movie is him and his plans.

most plausible to me would be that bane understands that freeing the joker would throw a big annoying wrench in his own plans so he would just keep him locked up

Nolan's Joker wouldn't do that.

Even Hamill's joker would only do that if he had his own escape plan.

Also, why the fuck does he have his make up on?

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

>I hate when people quote any of his speech to Harvey Dent.
right? how would he dot shit like calling the tv program and going on air immediatly? he clearly had people inside working for him

it was written by Jared Leto

>still sucking dead man's dick

is johnny depp turning into a rl joker? did you see that finger!

This is the quote from the novelisation. Catwoman says it.

>Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city’s criminals to cop an insanity plea, Blackgate had replaced Arkham Asylum as a preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure.

It was

thanks almighty Sup Forums god

please kill yourself

wasnt the joker supposed to be a third protagonist between batman and bane. batman was the good. bane was the bad and joker the ugly

At the end his laugh faded away.
He was broken.

I wish Heat didn't die and Noland could made the 3rd one like he always wanted to

TDK Joker was so edgy.

someone should re edit the ending where you can hear the laugh fading away and then you hear "im da joykur baybee"

>Heat was only 28
Jesus Christ

seeeee >>

just imagine it in Tom Hardy's silly voice

lol hardy doesnt take acting seriously so he makes up funny accents

Fanfic trash

The kind of stupid post you expect from people who have only seen Dark Knight Rises, jump off a bridge

wow your an idiot seeing as how ive seen alot of tv and films hes been in. fuck off niggerdicksuck

He says he never plans shit and at the end he pulls second detonator like nigga wtf who you tryin to fool

t. Nicolas Winding Refn

Plans usually have a goal. The Joker's goal is only chaos.

So he plans chaos

>1. he was just going to play the judge that the scarecrow had
No way. A villain like the Joker needs his own vehicle to ride on. If he were in TDKR, he would've competed against Bane for another comeback against Batman, but that will be fucking insane of a movie.

>2. twoface wasnt going to be in TDR and the joker was going to go i trial and burn dent
Without Harvey, TDK wouldn't work.

He was poorly written.

rumor has it that the riddler was supposed to be the secondary villian in TDK. he was the jokers brother who gets caught by batman and sent to die by execution because of dent thus setting the joker on his chaos killing spree thn getting caught by batman at the end and setting up the third movie where joker makes dent into two face and bane fucking gotham up. batman,bane and the joker battle for gothams fate while two face was supposed to be the judge that was replaced by crane/scarecrow

This 2bh

I always thought that after him being captured, cops kill him on the road to prison.
After all he did a lot of shit to them.

No, the Joker is a great villain. Part of what makes him so intriguing is that he completely lacks material motives. Instead, his purpose is entirely ideological. He is endlessly compelled to tempt and seduce others into abandoning their morality, placing people in situations where they are forced to commit evil in order to preserve their own existence. Any seemingly random act of senseless violence he carries out is calculated to cause somebody connected with his victim to suffer a mental breakdown in effort to make them become like him.

Most villains combat good with evil. But the Joker DESTROYS good. His only interest is to corrupt others' understanding of goodness and to bring them down into the existential pit of purposeless, brutal absurdity that he lives in.

Anybody who says "hur dur the Joker is just edgy and does random shit for no reason" just 100% does not get what Batman is really about.

lol he's fucking twisted!

B-but Arkham closes/is destroyed after the events of Begins. I think so.

Yes, please.

Feel bad for the kid that made this

Man, TDK fucked you up good.

Not an argument

you got it all wrong. joker plus dent were the only ones who truely became what the joker wanted which was utter chaos. if you remember in the movie the joker states that even the crime bosses lost their balls to even do anything criminal. joker was the first to become a chaotic villian and tried to turn gotham against batman and only suceeded with dent but were both stopped by batman

I'm not talking about the movie Joker, I'm talking about the entire history of the character in all his incarnations. Joker and Batman are two sides of the same coin. Both are the result of extreme traumatic events that destroy their sense of meaning and out them in an existential crises. Batman responds by taking responsibility for creating his own meaning, by finding a purpose in his vigilantism. Joker denies purpose and abandons meaning and morality entirely. Batman wants to rehabilitate and redeem, or at least incarcerate Joker so he will no longer be a danger to others or himself. Joker wants to corrupt Batman and prove that the struggle to create meaning from chaos is futile. They are both trying to "save" each other. The Batman mythos is a metaphor for existential-nihilist conflict. Two-face splits the difference by letting chance decide whether he will do good or evil, essentially copping out of the problem of meaning by investing his faith in luck, which he sees as the only meaningful force in a world that is cruel and absurd.

>falling for the cop is the same as a criminal meme
>this philosophical theory
Jesus Christ.

I like the openendedness of The Dark Knight where it's to be presumed Batman and The Joker are in fact "destined to do this forever." Joker does some time, escapes, keeps wreaking havoc, there's more "escalation" (as Gordon called it at the end of Batman Begins) and more freaks show up. Hell, maybe Ra's was even still alive, Nolan's universe was fairly grounded but who knew what it could escalate to over a decade. It felt like Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were together as a whole a prequel to a Batman universe of one sort or another. The only part I didn't like about that was how much finality there was to Two-Face's death.

I prefer to just pretend The Dark Knight Rises never happened, I feel like it was one big ill-conceived plan B. An alright movie on its own, but dragged the universe down with it.

You fool. You couldve been the greatest. You blew it. You threw it all away.

Godammit, baka

I think the Riddler being in Nolan's Batman was post-Inception speculation. I remember anons posting fan posters here featuring Leo on the cover. kek

Wears clown make up in public

kills people.

Literally nobody knows this guys real name

>Not Crazy

The novelization stated that he disappeared after escaping from Arkham or something

The proloque is also amazing in the novel, CIA's inner dialogue is hilarious

>CIA's inner dialogue
Pls post it.

That's a big ass

>hasn't watched Locke
That accent was ridiculous

>the joker possessing the ability to do that to two armed guards

top kek

Nice fedora

Neck yourself

That's not even the most autistic DKR fan art


Last one I'm posting.

For more autism look up "Dark Knight Epilogue"

>Two Face II

That went full retard very quickly. The other two at least had some potential.

Actually, using James Gordon Jr. as a villain is a great idea, imo, he's a really underrated Batman villain, only the Two-Face thing was stupid.

where does it say hes not insane?

Where the fuck did the TDK Joker come from? He had no identity or records and not even the mob who controlled the underground network of Gotham knew who he was.

I've heard it theorized that he was a former special ops guy gone mad and only higher up government officials knew about him. Even if it's complete bullshit it almost makes sense to me.

Bear in mind that this is a place where world-famous billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne can just up and disappear to go be a ninja.

Could anyone please explain me how wasn't he caught in the opening scene? The bus driver behind should be like:"Ok, there is another unplanned bus straight oughta hole in a bank wall, nothing to see here, let's move like nothing happened." Or how he casually got to a mob meeting, obviously not facing any security. Or how the fuck police forces hasn't anticipated burning cars before they even started to transport Harvey.