Buzzfeed called out Sup Forums in a video, how Sup Forums plan to respond

Buzzfeed called out Sup Forums in a video, how Sup Forums plan to respond

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Realistically by giving them more views and making them more money. Fuck off faggot.

"Niggers Tongue my Anus."

>Anonymous 05/30/17(Tue)23:46:53 No.734
i work with buzzfeed, i need to get hem more views, they promised me sex with a chinese woman

Say bye, bye to bitch buzzfeed boyz.

They definitely need to be knocked down a peg. Way before this

Stop posting this

Why bother doing anything? Their relevance is fading and this is a desperate attempt at getting views.

If you really want to see the video, watch it here.
Don't give them views.

sure i will

are they in a fuckton of debt as well

Not sure, but I hope so.

who is a better news source info wars or buzzfeed

which is better news source buzzfeed or info wars

Which video?

i dont think we care that much lol and anyone who does i a bigger fag than you op

who is this Sup Forums?

You watch buzzfeed videos?

ignore buzzfeed and let it die

By ignoring this thread and making more threads about traps and faggots who love black cocks

i had american relatives in my house

Found it
Reported for repulsive content

make sure to like and sub. amirite?

Sup Forums btfo

Holy fuck that whole thing was pathetic.

Fuck Buzzfeed. Who cares what they think. Samantha Bee has disparaged Sup Forums a few times. Whatever.

Honestly, what the fuck is even the point of that video?

Why? Is this for your little market demographics research shill? Posit an opinion. Try to seem like you aren't getting paid to dissect us.

beta males are inferior and will always fail and deserve to fail

Stop trying to manipulate 'news'.

i think buzzfeed is desparate to remain relevant by uploading content that will offend people in order to get views and thus revenue, also they are in a fuckton of debt at the moment, they are a dying website

Let's fill up their shit with gore. Let's pour salt on the debt wound.

who the fuck buys a 1200 watch?

I'm up for this.

a dumb ass who doesn't even say anything whilst giving her the watch and then she rejects him and gets laid off, lulz


No shit, every "media" site just tries to incite a riot in their comments for ad revenue.

It would be better to just ignore it. They want you to give them attention.