will happen under Hillary and further

Hilary isn't retarded enough to do something like this. This smells of Sanders


Hilary is a neo con in disguise so that would never happen

Good, segregation again.
They could also move back to the third-world.
>We wuz opprezz

This. She's a massive shady lying cunt, but not completely separated from reality like Sanders.

>How to create a 3rd world country 101

Yes, in fact let's just remove every white person from power. Actually better yet, let's remove white people from America overall! I mean, it worked great for African colonies!


Do not censor any of these images, the names need to be displayed.

The tweet is probably tongue-in-cheek, but I'm 99% sure that "safe spaces" will turn into radical agitation centers (i.e. agitation in favor of Marxist class warfare) within the next decade, and that this was always their purpose.

>Spics get into position of power
>no more gibsmedat for niggers
Only decent outcome is Asians running the country and maybe, just maybe, they'll govern with more true 'equality' than whites

We should totally give black people their own nation.

But they would have to give up their US citizenship join that nation.

Then laugh as its all crumbles cause there are no evil whities to support them.

We could give them Florida or Georgia. Those places suck anyway.

Yes, she is. She already announced she will promote the "listen and believe" justice for rape accusations. You have no idea what's in store for you.

They won't. They want top positions in countries run by whites, not 3rd world shitholes.

>an Asian dominated country
pick only one. Every Asian countrynis built around a caste system. Meritocracies are a Western philosophy.

just listening to you pathetic faggots rolling over like the snivelling omega males you are makes me sick

ever heard of Liberia

Asians is kind of broad desu. Korean, Japanese and Chinese have hugely different government policies. Most Sup Forums would probably like a Japanese, isolationist government over a Chinese or Korean one.

I don't know what they want at all.
Look at what happened in Mizzou, all the damage done for a hoax they made up.
South Africa, ruined forever.
Thanks liberals.

>Every Asian countrynis built around a caste system
Like lower, middle and upper class?

No, by ethnic structures.

google it then fag

Send those poor black people back to their home, enough is enough america!

This has already been attempted on a smaller scale. See Detroit city counil

>Asians is kind of broad desu
That's exactly why if they were in majority in the government there would be competition

Like what? India? It's always been more about economic and political power than ethnic. Were there rich slaves? Even if you argue about their clannic nature, it's the same with whites.

So vote.


Nah but seriously. I hear Somalia has only proud PoC's in key positions and apparently it's working out really well. Good idea senpai.

just imagine whole country going down becuase of niggers and spics in lead. lol. kikes destroyed south africa like this.
>white american will run into europe to participate in european race war in your life time.

god i hate fucking niggers

I wish they would do this just to see the whole west go full zimbabwe without gibsmedat and millions of starving niggers.
We need to show niggers white people are the only reason they are still allowed and alive in the west.

we dont, we need to kill them or deport them.

Reminder that nigger dont know what the fuck they are talking about even when they think they do

>whites leave and develop somewhere else
>Blackmerican dollars become worthless as the country is run into the ground
>1 White Dollar is worth 250,000,000,000,000,000 Blackmerican Dollars

They'll just blame the pocket of 50 super prosperous white people out in the mountains erecting a space platform for all their shortcomings.

The day that is announced is the day I walk down the street shooting every nigger that I see. Negresses with their niglets.

>want to have a pure form of discrimination under the nose so "poc" can live "discrimination free"

Pathetic. When will they understand that they get the job because they are most qualified for it not because they are fucking white.
Niggers, not even once.

>so POC can live discrimination free.

>You move to Africa to be around African people.
>You move to Japan to be around Japanese people.

If you wanna be around your own people so fucking bad go back to where you came from.

>Be Irish.
>Have family members who bitch about "muh Ireland"
>I wanna go back to muh ireland.
>Tell them to go the fuck back then.
>But muh America is so much better.

I live in America cause its better then fucking South America, Europe, and any other shit hole country out there flooded with terrorists, cannibals, drug dealers, or muzzies. The only other country id live in is Japan because I fucking appreciate their culture and would enjoy living in the farm belt region.

>Hate a baseball team.
>Go to the teams stadium while they play.
>Dont root for them and bitch about them.

Please don't beg us to come and save you once we are remove.

what will happen to the eternal negro when whites stop giving a shit about the racist card?

I am not even talking about deporting or genociding niggers just to make them play without their eternal whitey iz raycis trump card.

>... And become a third world country like South Africa and Zimbabwe.

How has Obongo benefited you, fucking nigger

>whites are banned from power, new nig government deports/genocides white people
>nigs run the country into the ground in less than a decade, turning it into new world africa but with more war
>will still go on to blame whitey for it

Go live in South Africa nigger, there you can stay woke and get dead.

I'm a social worker. I don't know who this lawyer is or where his practice is based, but I can 100% confirm that every single word is true. Blacks are not capable of running a modern society. I'm talking profoundly mentally incapable, and no amount of white guilt or money for dem programs will change it.

Just think, we could have been living in a pyrymidal space utopia by now if we just let the black man take over everything

Fuck off, Georgia is full. Why not ship them to an empty pacific island?

>Entire continent turns into Detroit.
>Gibsmeclass people sneaking over to Canada only to find charred forests and all the dudeweed smoked out
>Mexico is full blown Cartel state where NOT snorting coke is punishable by public limb dismemberment
>The last of the poor whites who couldn't afford to move out of the country willing sign into FEMA secret camps to stay safe
>Puerto Rico is forgiven for debts because negrocrats don't want to pay, not that they could
>negrocrats convinced to sell evil white nukes to Israel because they're a people of peace unlike whites
>Middle East is suddenly exploding because terrorist suddenly have nukes, or so they say
>The last remaining whites just ride to Russia in seclusion because there is no where else to go besides Abostan.
>In unrelated news Adidas is now the #1 clothing manufacturer.

>taking Hilary at her word
Wew lad

They're made by Sup Forums sock puppets, which would become apparent if you could look at the post history of the username. Same shit they were doing on reddit.

It's really quite sad that Sup Forums falls for this shit.