Say something good about the Hobbit Trilogy

Say something good about the Hobbit Trilogy.

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Good acting.

Some of it yeah. But Martin Freeman and Stephen Fry were horrible, as they usually are.

It's over.

It's a series of movie. Audiovisual data, stored on some devices, and you can watch it over and over again, as opposed to seeing something outside one time, and then it's gone.

I'll give you Stephen Fry but Martin Freeman was a perfect Bilbo, he even sounded almost exactly like Ian Holm in places, trouble is Jackson seemed intent on focusing on every character other than him.

it wasn't four movies long

I think the biggest problem of the Hobbit Trilogy wasn't necessarily the direction but the poorly thought out and developed script.

Smaug was adapted well (the character, not the movie)

>Go north. Find the Dunedain. There’s a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father Arathorn was a good friend. His son might grow to be a great one. He is known in the wild as Strider. His true name... you must discover for yourself. Legolas! Your mother loved you.

>Good music.
>The dwarves were mainly well cast

The Misty Mountains Cold song in the first was outstanding. Exactly as I always envisioned Tolkien's songs.

Smaug was well done.
The music was good for the most part.
The 1st act of the 1st movie in Hobbiton was great.

How did they think this was acceptable for a final draft? It's baffling.

>The 1st act of the 1st movie in Hobbiton was great.
Dubs of Truth.


You could really say that about the entire 3rd movie

As others have said: the acting, the music, Smaug, the opening scene from the third movie, and the ending of the third movie (starting at Thorin's death)

I can say more good things than bad honestly. It still doesn't stack up to LotR though, but I'd rather watch these movies than capeshit

The films definitely needed more of Kate the Great.

If it wasn't for the crappy love triangle I'd have been perfectly fine with the character, she wasn't bad.

It ended, eventually.

Wasnt Aragorn supposed to be about 5 years old by the time of this events?

is Tauriel the sexiest elf in middle earth?

She was the best thing about those movies. Not a big accomplishment but still.

First one is just straight up pretty comfy. Second and third one goes retarded, the third more so, but theyre still decent wire-fu movies and have some good fights.

About 27 if i remember correctly

>Martin Freeman was horrible

Gareth please...

the battle of five armies or w/e was one of the most boring movies I've seen in recent memory.
Was real surprised by how much I wanted it to just end. The begging scene of lake town getting rekt and bard pwning the n00b smog was engaging doe

is that a fucking cg arrow?

The first was the best. Hobbiton was great if a bit long, Gollum was magnificent, and "I could not have been more wrong" was a GOAT ending. If they'd shortened or nixed Goblin Town it would've been even better.

I didn't have to see it.

It brought some comfy Tolkien threads here in december for three years in a row

They were CGI in LOTR as well.

The 4k and 3d turned the CGI to shit.

>oh no, 4K means they can see every stark pixel. What do we do?
>motion blur EVERYTHING!

It had the record for most time they had to spend applying make up and costume for the actors.
I heard Pippin at a con say it was over 3 hours

This single scene plus the music was absolutely perfect and still gets the tears going for me. It's ad that it peaked so early though.


Contrary to popular belief, it still used lots of practical effects, sets and location shots.

Too bad the color grading ruined it all.

>Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books, your fireplace. Plant your trees, watch them grow. If more of us valued home above gold, it would be a merrier world.

This scene was amazing. Mostly Freeman's very genuine break down.

No, Luthien is.

The bloom effect was what ruined it the most

The opening scenes in Hobbiton were good.
And it's over.

Those are the only things I can think of.

I had to listen to this bitch talk about Squickerwonkers for an hour just because her panel was before the My Little Pony panel I wanted to see.

>Go North, by which I mean West because there's fuck all North of here but more dragons and then more fuck all and then snow, find the Dunedain, who I know you're intimately familiar with because we both remember the entire history of mankind. There is a ranger among them, you should meet him, he's ten years old so he's still living in Rivendell. His father Arathorn was a big guy, for me, which you know already, his son may be a big guy, for you. He will be known in a little shitburg town you'll never visit as Strider, I'm not telling you his real name but it rhymes with Arathorn and he's the only ten year old human in Rivendell, probably. Legolas, your mother loved you, which of course you know because you spent thousands of years together and as we're empathic elves I don't think we're capable of not loving our children, but maybe in AD&D or Warhammer or something we'll look like assholes.

First one was obviously the best, but only like half of it was actually good. Still, if it were tightened up in editing, and mixed with scenes from the other two, you could definitely manage to cut a perfectly decent Hobbit film out of them.

My biggest gripe: A lot of the fighting sequences throughout the trilogy were needlessly dragged out, to hide the fact that there was little else of substance in the story. The worst offender being the third, which is basically one long stupid battle. The battles in LOTR by comparison were meaningful and epic because they establish through character and story their significance. The hobbit was just an excuse for the CG to cum on screen. And it wasn't even that great CG.

Doesn't excuse the horrible CG orcs. There was really no reason for them to make Azog a CG character.

The last movie was made out of something like 54 pages of the book.

If they had stuck to two movies like they had originally planned it could have been awesome.

You disgust Tauriel. Apologize at once.

She literally fucked her way into that movie.

Their reasoning was a lack of time.

They couldn't come up with a proper design for Azog that they all agreed on. They kept creating new prosthetic suits and designs but the release of the movie was getting closer and they couldn't find a design they thought worked for the character. So in the end they had to CGI him due to a lack of time and filming already being over.

If i remember correctly, the Azog you see in the first movie was created and designed 2 weeks before the official release of the movie, and they just pasted the CGI azog on top of the prosthetics Azog that they already had filmed.

Apparently when she signed on she said there had to be no romantic BS and thy agreed but then they did it anyway

You don't have a source for your claims but I believe you anyway.

No i don't have a link to show you, but you can find it all on the appendices of the extended edition.

They also talk about the "Gandalf crying because of green screen" issue and you'll see it actually wasn't a big deal at all and the people on this board just like to blow it way out of proportion

That I know. It was a relatively brief moment that he was unhappy with but it's not like he hasn't done green screen shit before.

Mckellen is a class act and a consummate professional so it is annoying when people try to smear him like that.


The worst part about this trilogy is that there's still so many great scenes in them, they're just buried beneath tons of dogshit and filler.

If every single thing about this trilogie was shit, it would be easier to just forget it exists. But now it just feels like a giant missed opportunity.

So who's ready to pay $800 for The One To Rule Them All Edition?

this is so absurd it's just funny

The love interest between the elf and dwarf. Yes I actually found this cute and great

Is it because you're an unlikable ugly dwarf yourself and so can relate to it?

get the fuck outta here


the few non CGI landscape and the music

Fuck me, aside from different cases the only extra thing these have is a wooden shelf. Is the shelf made of $600 on its own as all that other stuff is in the EEs we've already got.

great casting

eat shit


Agreed, I really like that song

It also has a full size replica of the Red Book of Westmarch.

As a fan it's a pretty good deal, but not $800 good. 30 blu-ray discs with all the extras and the extended editions? Damn good if you ask me. At most i'd probably pay 250-300 for it. I guess the high price stems from the fact that it's a limited collectors item.

Ah, well that makes all the difference.

The $800 is just a rumor from the Amazon posting. I think it'll be the same price as that Harry Potter Wizard Edition which was I think $400.

To be honest the only one I really disliked was the 3rd.

1st and 2nd were decent enough, No LOTR of course, but they had some good moments.

Bit too many dumb decisions though aswell

everything in the first movie before they leave the shire
martin freeman's acting
the riddles in the dark scene

they ruined thorins death though, which I will never forgive

>they ruined thorins death though, which I will never forgive

That was one of the few good scenes though. How did they ruin it?

The first one was kind of okay.

Speaking of that, why was there absolutely no blood on the blade when it went through Thorin's foot from under the ice, and through Azog chest into the ice?


you know what I just rewatched it and it wasnt as awful as the impression it had left me the first time

I still dont like how they had to move it to some glacier, I think the tent would still have been better and possible

but they made thorin switch back and forth between a dick and a friend to bilbo throughout the three movies which lessed the impact of this scene

>is Tauriel the sexiest elf in middle earth?

In the movies? Possibly. Though, admittedly, whenever I go back and watch it, I'm still in awe of Undomiel when she first appears in The Fellowship.

It lessened the impact to Bilbo but I think it made it more poignant for Thorin.

So it's different but not bad.

I'd only pay $800 for it if it came with a lifesize blow-up, anatomically correct Galadriel.

Peter got fucked over by the studio like most directors does these days.

This is indicative of how Warners do things now. They shit over and interfere with everything they touch like a grabby baby. Look at how bad they're futzing the DCEU.

No more

The first movie was comfy as fuck.

I have the Harry Potter Wizard Collection

>Biggest waste of money I've ever spent lads.

I have it as well. Then again I also got fucked at a convention while dressed as Luna Lovegood so my decision making should be questioned.

They ruined all the dwarf's deaths to be fair. The only good LOTR and Hobbit deaths are Boromir, Boromir's shit dad and Theoden.

>Then again I also got fucked at a convention while dressed as Luna Lovegood

that's gay as fuck desu

If you're a dude that's weird as fuck and if you're girl that's weird as fuck unless you were being fucked by a geezer dressed as based Snape.

He was dressed as Victor Krum. He certainly had no problem getting my golden snitch if you know what I mean.

more like Dicktor Kum XD

5 points to Gryfinndor.

>Getting fucked by the disgusting Bulgarian pleb and not Igor Karkaroff. disappointed in you user.

yes yes

Where do you think Igor is from?

Martin Freeman

The limited edition steelbook collection is the shit