A cast of white generic looking no-name actors for a movie set in ancient Egypt
>No minority money
>No money from whites who side with minorities
>No money from anyone who cares about big name actors
Literally who?
A cast of white generic looking no-name actors for a movie set in ancient Egypt
>No minority money
>No money from whites who side with minorities
>No money from anyone who cares about big name actors
Literally who?
me. it was made for me. i loved it. fuck you
And no, Gerard Butler is not a box office draw anymore.
People who don't give a fuck about any of those things?
It bombed hard so I guess those people are in short supply.
Or it bombed for unrelated reasons?
Someone who still mistakenly believed that the era of big budget popcorn movies was still alive and well. The reality is unless it's a remake or capeshit, it's going to flop.
It's a shame too. Like John Carter, this movie was actually pretty decent.
People who don't care for any of those. Like me.
yep. it was a nice throwback to the 90s. reminds me of the mummy returns, as both are set in a fantasy version of egypt with too much bad CGI, still it's a fun ride with lots of humor
Geoffrey Rush was great
>>No minority money
it was made for the 3 people who liked the clash of the titans remake, only they fucked up because they aren't half animals and no one jerks off onto a salad
Lol no. That was the main reason why this movie was obliterated by both critics and audiences.
oh you mean that fictional social justice war on twitter that noone in the real world cares about?
Or maybe just badly marketed and timed and your falling for bullshit no one really cares about
Same thing happened to john carpenters The Thing and it's now considered one of the greatest pieces of cinema ever.
>tfw there will never be a 150mio action comedy about gay shenanigans between horus and his uncle
As a african american
This movie really offended me by white washing my black ancestors who ruled Egypt
Your a bit odd, maybe you'd like to know Horus and Set are actually brothers, might contribute to whatever twisted shit you've got going on their
Let's not say things that will trouble our sleep.
you know that set literally raped horus's eyesocket and horus tore out set's balls right
It was blatantly made for the Thor audience. It wasn't really based on Egyptian Mythology, it was capeshit.
It was pretty clear they wanted the Marvel audience
I do you degenerate furry faggot, and it gets worse look up how the Nile was made
well not "actually" so much as in the earliest known form of the myth they were brothers, before their conflict became integrated into the Osiris myth. Horus as Set's brother is still around though as Heru'ur (Horus the Elder) who remains the brother of Osiris and Set, but isn't ver prominent in the mythology
Sry that wasn't meant for you
It changes a lot Egyptian mythology is a mess, I guess 3000yrs will do that tho
Just watched Dark City with the Roger Ebert commentary last night.
He goes on and on about how much promise Alex Proyas has as a writer and director.
At least Roger passed before this turd was shat into the world.
Nah it's great, that fat fuck prob would have liked it
>No minority money
They don't go to the cinema, they are too busy stealing and getting drugs.
>>No money from whites who side with minorities
Despite making a big noise in social media, they are a few and despised by all normal people.
People that wanted a nice flick went to see it, like myself, it bombed because critics ran a SJW campaign and it was pulled from a lot of theatres.
I unironically enjoyed this movie
its better than any of the capeshit garbage that came out recently
have you seen the recent mummy recreation with science. Not black at all.
It was actually pretty entertaining.
It was like some nonsensical 80s fantasy b-movie got an unlimited triple A hollywood budget.
>Comparing Gods of Eypgt to The Thing.
>Being this autistic
it was a February graveyard flick that had a bunch of tax rebates from Australia that was supposed to make most of its money overseas during foreign holidays
the movie itself isn't bad at all, I enjoyed it more than civil war and the human chick who was also in fury road is an absolute qt
I liked it so I guess, me.
This exactly, it's great
True but they really shouldn'ť have had Gerard Butler as the villain.