>terrorist bomb stuff
>it's white guys doing it
Only ones capable of it
You know why.
didn't you know? white people are pure evil and need to be eradicated.
>it's another episode of a jew playing a nazi
>the US bombs the middle east on a regular basis
>why we the baddies, tho :(
>Based off a true story
>Angry nu-right males STILL claim it's unrealistic and they're being oppressed
white people should be exterminated desu
>analyzing terrorism through the practically nonexistent perspective of white extremists
>not picking the obvious Arab Islamic terrorism in case your movie makes too much of a point
It wasn't based off a true story though.
>practically nonexistent
>forgetting Top Scorer
>>Based off a true story
That's a funny way to spell "based off of a crime fiction novel"
zer juden
>Did you do a lot of research into the world of white supremacists before filming Imperium?
>Radcliffe: Yeah, quite a bit. I watched a few documentaries. Spent some time reading message boards of some white supremacy groups.
>tfw Daniel was shitposting here
Despite obviously pushing an anti-white agenda, the movie was actually pretty good. I haven't seen an attempt to humanize and present real and firm intellectual neo-Nazis since American History X. They developed the characters so they weren't just caricatures defined by their hate, but intelligent complicated people with a differing set of beliefs.
Ultimately, still the bad guys, but a compelling step in the right direction.
Also, Radcliffe is really coming along as an actor.
fuck whitewashing
To be fair it's very loosely based on the experiences of a real life FBI agent operating in the 90's.
>implying top score has anything to do with a terrorist's intentions and perspective
>intellectual neo-Nazis
It very explicitly isn't based on agent Mike German's experiences at all. There were security and privacy concerns that made it impossible. It's 100% fiction.
The true life story was pretty different.
They weren't White Supremacists. Just anti-gov loons, and they didn't plan on bombing anything. It was the FBI agent who suggested they make some pipe bombs and toss them at federal buildings.
Not very exciting.
>I haven't seen an attempt to humanize and present real and firm intellectual neo-Nazis
Where do such people even congregate at because I unironically have read a few stormfront threads in the past and they all just seemed like incredibly racially butthurt normies.
>Mfw one of the biggest shitposters in their community is apparently a middle aged white woman who hates asian girls because she's a roastie
It was really quite the magical journey
See? Some people have been so indoctrinated they can't even imagine it.
>I haven't seen an attempt to humanize and present real and firm intellectual neo-Nazis
Because neo-Nazis aren't relevant any more. The movie is trying to change cultural and racial discussions inwardly when there's no reason to.
It kinda is though.
The first lot Harry hangs out with is the Fourth Reich Skins basically, and the Aryan Alliance and the Engineer are kinda based on the Sovereign Citizen lite group he infiltrated.
Do white supremacy groups even exist anymore in actual life. I'm pretty sure the Ku Klux Klan imploded on itself because the leadership was all retarded and now basically their rallies are just a few sad old people.
You know he's still here.
I bet he's the one making all the manlet threads
>Where do such people even congregate at
You answered your own question. Stormfront, largely. Some subsections of Sup Forums. Anywhere really that you're allowed an opportunity for anonymous free speech.
>>Mfw one of the biggest shitposters in their community is apparently a middle aged white woman who hates asian girls because she's a roastie
kek source?
Hmm. You might be right.
Humanizing "radical white beliefs" isn't a bad thing, I think. Painting them as complicated humans with intelligence instead of inbred hick stereotypes validates their views on some small level. Makes them more real.
if you anything you'd know that white nationalists are against bombing the middle east as much as anyone. ironically you probably think obama is a swell guy lmao. brainwashed right-liberal trash.
I imagine they do to some minor extent (I really have no evidence for this admittedly), but even then I feel they're more about discussion and being a place to congregate. Ideas of changing anything or implementing a philosophy in the real world are long gone, especially considering the social suicide that comes with white supremacy.
Why do lefties always piggy back off already established insults? And they're supposed to be the creative ones.
>f-fucking liberals, taking our jokes...
Why would you post such a pathetic piece of text, user?
Do you people ever even realize that for as much as you hate the damn dirty trolls of the "alt-right," you're constantly adding their memes to your own lexicon?
FYI this is called being a cuck
it's true though. you have absolutely no creativity. you aren't funny. you steal everything.
>Makes them more real.
I think pretending as though these people really exist in large numbers misrepresents the reality at hand. Like I said, it changes the discussion inward so people consider "radical white beliefs" as a genuine force on the same par as radical beliefs originating from other cultures and races, rather than the nonexistent thing it is today.
>Humanizing "radical white beliefs" isn't a bad thing, I think.
I do agree with this, but would extend it beyond just 'white' beliefs.
>Based off a true story
lmao no
Hey Sup Forumstards, friendly reminder that right wing militant groups are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Sovereign Citizens are generally considered for the top of the list
>I think pretending as though these people really exist in large numbers misrepresents the reality at hand.
Did you watch the film? The authorities imply several times all these plans are nothing but make believe.
it's because the left now are by default boring asexual puritans. they can't create anything that's actually funny.
>default boring asexual puritans
I thought the left was full of degenerates? Oh, shit, you're in the middle of some agenda pushing. Sorry.
daily reminder blm has killed more people than the kkk has in the last 40 years
>>not picking the obvious Arab Islamic terrorism in case your movie makes too much of a point
Except that's exactly what they fucking do at the very start of the film?
They are asexual when subjected to things they don't like. For example, straight relationships.
Actually it's still left wing environmentalists at the top of the chain lmao.
Did you watch Four Lions?
>white supremacy groups
>having any real power in 2016
Why is this movie being made now? Seems like a random fucking topic
At the very start they make a point of demonstrating that the poor Muslim was only upset because the evil Americans attacked his ancestral village and that he was entrapped and that the REAL threat is white people.
it is. it's full prudish purple hair women and emasculated nu-males who have unhealthy relationships with sexuality and thus let it out in degenerate ways. it's puritanical in the sense that they think people can be "pure" according to the sjw ideal by banning things and policing language. the left take everything seriously and get offended. leftist humour in 2016 is similar to christian evangelist humour or radical islamist humour, it just doesn't work. humour requires pushing boundaries and the left can only push things that are upheld by people's unwillingness to talk about them honestly due to social shaming.
>I thought the left was full of degenerates
There is literally nothing to think about. Pic related, your typical gross "safe spacer"
Because we still want to cast white stars. A movie about Islamic terrorism starring Islamic actors isn't going to sell.
And Harry Potter can't very well infiltrate the Mujaheddin, can he?
God the fucking woman and harry potter where unbearable. That guy from bates motel and lost was the best part of the movie.
People like this deserve murder.
imagine if this thing fly
>I am not a total jerk who thinks for him self
What the fuck. I can't believe I actually just read that. I'm not being hyperbolic here when I say that this statement filled me with some kind of sense of dread.
There are people who exist today who are so emasculated and just generally void of any capacity for real agency that they think acting in your own self interests is fundamentally negative.
What the fug
>I have a penis and wants it to say hello to a vagina
This is society's fault for not hitting this evolutionary dead-end in the face until it dies.
Miss me?
What? Are you triggered, polcuck?
All these Domestic terrorist plots, but somehow only the islamic ones come to fruition. White people must be really stupid.
>Tim McVeigh wasn't a skinhead
>one incident in 50 years
28,0000+ incidents in 15 years.
he wasn't. he was some libertarian ancap type with an interest in some white nationalist stuff, but he wasn't motivated by white nationalism.
lots of middle eastern people and jews are white
deal with it white bois
You;re right, he wasn't.
No, Sup Forums is probably the biggest one, im serious
Every white supremacist doing an attack is a lone wolf, shitskins & liberals get angry at the term lone wolf but it's true, this is something the media is honest about
There are plenty of movies and one of the most popular dramas on TV all about islamic terrorism.
There are lots of films that target Arab extremism.
This is a rare exception. There are far fewer modern films made about white extremists. This film is very much the exception, and yet you feel opressed.
Why are getting such a sore bum?
White guys bomb stuff all the time, we just use drones.
Still a white Christian terrorist ;)
It's true that you lack creativity and thus your own joke could be easily repurposed for another agenda? Well, sure. I agree.
Obama signs off on all of them in the last 8 years
So you think people like Zac Efron aren't white?
Americans are literally delusional
>There are lots of films that target Arab extremism.
Name on film that targets Arab terrorists without blaming white people.
>moving the goalposts already
typical chronically dishonest libtard with a high verbal iq spouting shit that is essentially meaningless but sounds good enough to reassure himself he isn't subhuman trash.
How is that moving the goalposts? Oh right, because you can't answer it, and the addendum proves there is an agenda in portraying white people as villains. Thanks for exposing yourself for me.
n..nn..no, it's ebil traditionalist nazis that are bombing the poor oppressed brown people not the very people who embody the multiculti liberal ideals i subscribe to.
No, Abdul.
Just read about this dude. He was actually a really smart guy.
Does this movie blame Arabs or blacks as the cause for white terrorism?
>he hasn't been to pol threads where they ask what country you would nuke
heard this was really good. anyone who isn't an altright nazi or libertarian wanna give me their take on it
A quick google search showed the Zac Effron is not religious. He claims to be agnostic. Why are you calling him Jewish?
>How is that moving the goalposts?
Why do you ask question you already know the answer to?
Mecca is not a country, retard
Can't we just blame the internet for this and call it a day?
Jews are an ethno-religious group. You can be Jewish (ethnic) without being Jewish (religious). The opposite is also true.
>I can't answer his question
>quick tell him he's moving the goalposts. That will get me out this jam haha
You still can't answer a very simple question.
Yeah that's all fine and dandy...but how was the movie?
as a furfag im sorry
that fursuit is shit
implying not all fur suits are shit
>still no answer
Thanks for playing.
>le Jews are a race meme
>le Muslims are a race meme
>le Christians are not a race
"Zac has described himself as Jewish"
from his wiki
White people BTFO, enjoy sharing your race with the shylots lmao