when does filming start
Eternal /got/ general
sage in all fields
October. According the recent WOTW article at least. Casting auditions soon.
Wake up /got/
Bran a cute.
I thought it was supposed to start next week
Maybe in Spain, but they said they're waiting until things look Wintery in NOrthern Ireland
Post sneks
> they let a thread with 260 posts die
Morning /got, what the fuck?
>98% of posters are gone
>soapnigger "retired" last night because sophie is a shillary supporter and it rustled his jimmes
>tripfags are gone
there is literally no one left except for the 3 branposters
It's a real shame.
We've lost 50% of our offseason posters from a little while ago..
2 weeks ago, in a 24 hour period we could get 90+ posters. Last thread had a measly 45 when it died.
soapyfag said he'd still post just not about soapy anymore, and fuck the tripfags.
But /got/ is truly dead anyway.
We had such a slow period 2 weeks ago but somehow last week we actually sped up and started finishing some threads in 12-16 hours, now we're back to being slow and with fewer posters.
Any other bros looking forward to the season 2 of the Telltale Game of Thrones series?
Look upon your sins /got/, look at what you let die
I'm here, brother. I was finding a file to attach and I found this filename. webums don't have thumbnails on my computer and I don't remember what it's actually of so let's find out together.
It was terrible so no.
I want another season of Borderlands.
But the second season will be much better. It'll take place with the rise of Jon and the death of Ramsay. Rebuilding the name and house will be a rewarding payoff after the kick to the groin that was season one
no more sweet memes, that's why /got/ is dead.
can't discuss the books cuz the fat fuck isn't done with TWOW yet
can't discuss the latest season because that's all we've been talking about for months
/got/ is in end times. Others take us.
In times like these we must look to Based Preston!
>tfw we have 3.5 weeks at least until the next Deeper Dorne
We could couldn't we?
He has enough of a library of videos that we could start with one, watch it and discuss it, point out flaws and major leaps of logic and why it all shows preston is autistic.
His theories are out there and atypical enough that it's not just the same shit a hundred other people come up with or that we do here.
very good post, Uncle Benjen blesses this thread, for the offseason is long and full of waifus.
>make thoughtful and respectable conversation starter in /got/ to maybe get things rolling and talk about one of your favorite fantasy series
>no one responds to you, but they respond to the meme poster below you posting bran or Maisie in the real world out of costume or something else that warrants no reply
Jeb is a MESS, Jeb is a WASTE
Good. That thread was a terrible landwhale general with their retarded Littlefinger and Sansa shipping.
How do you think I feel? I've been posting interviews with sophie and D&D, casting calls, questions and speculations about the book and show, even came up with this:
>If you're Littlefinger right now, how do you try and become King?
>If you're Sansa, do you side with Littlefinger or Jon and do you try and get rid of the other?
>If you're Jon, how do you handle the survivors and heirs of the Houses that rebelled against you and what are your plans right now?
>If you're Dany, where do you land and how do you plan to take King's Landing knowing Cersei has wildfire? What do you do about the North and Stormlands?
>If you're Euron, how do you get back at Yara for stealing your plan and Dany now opposed to you?
>If you're Cersei, how do you defend King's Landing and what do you do about Sansa, who you think killed your son, still being alive and well in Winterfell, now with an army?
>And if you're Arya, do you go to Winterfell or go South for vengeance for your family?
>How do you see the Riverlands factoring into the story?
>Answer one, answer some, answer them all, whatever.
And yet still very few people respond.or bother responding to other people who respond
Because your questions and speculations are atrocious.
>We could have had nagga's ribs at the kingmoot and actual production money/effort put into it but noooo Ramsay, Jon and Daenerys get all the money fucking shitheads.
Judge for yourself, but at least it's on-topic and not the same shit people ask everyday.
For example:
Does anyone think George might involve Harry's bastard more in the books?
Harry introducing Alys to Alayne I feel could be a great scene, especially if Harry says he'll be involved in Alys' life even after he marries Alayne and expects her to be involved too.
Alayne is supposed to be bastard born and should ideally treat Alys well and understand a father wanting to help their bastard daughter since that should be something Alayne would've wanted and possibly dreamed of when she was younger and is indeed what she asked for so she wouldn't become a septa.
But Sansa might feel different since it'll remind her of Catelyn and Jon, maybe not the infidelity but having to love and help raise a bastard that'll be ever present. It could be a great make it or break it part of Sansa's growth, not only pretending to be a bastard, but learning to love and treat well a more baseborn bastard borne from a common woman and really learning what a bastard feels like growing up
>If you're Sansa, do you side with Littlefinger or Jon and do you try and get rid of the other?
I'd probably side with Jon but appear to be neutral or on Littlefinger's side. I think the book shows she's turning into Littlefinger 2.0 so I have a feeling she's going to learn as much as she can from him and eventually she'll have him killed in a way she isn't seen at fault so she can put on a facade of sadness and keep her hands clean.
>If you're Jon, how do you handle the survivors and heirs of the Houses that rebelled against you and what are your plans right now?
Well if it were me, fuck that's a tough one. I mean, Jon is going to forgive them because he's too nice. I think showing them mercy and letting them come back could appear weak so any lordling would look back on this and be like "lol fuck the Starks they're weak and they'll just forgive me if we participate in this other rebellion hehe". On the other hand, they are your subordinates so showing mercy as a leader could be seen as kind. It's a thin line.
>If you're Dany, where do you land and how do you plan to take King's Landing knowing Cersei has wildfire? What do you do about the North and Stormlands?
If I was Dany, I'd strike a deal with the North and give them independence in exchange for helping me take the Throne. Although I'd have to assess their military strength first. I'd land probably at Storm's End and take it with my dragons and use it as my base of operations for now. Dany is going to go full Aegon the Conqueror though and I'm not sure if it'll work out for her. She's too u on her righteousness high horse to use actual sense. I don't know what's going to happen. She'll probably take the Throne temporarily, but I almost best she either gets beaten on the field so badly one of her dragon dies and she goes full Mad King mode in depression, or she outright gets assassinated by someone she trusts.
What castle will this be?
>>If you're Euron, how do you get back at Yara for stealing your plan and Dany now opposed to you?
Euron is a fag in the show. I don't know. I might wait it out and see how things unfold before making my move. Since my islands have no fucking trees to make boats, I'll have to bide my time to make up a new fleet anyway. Plus the crew to man them? Did they all go with Yara? What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Hire green boys I guess and hope they can sail a fucking boat.
>If you're Cersei, how do you defend King's Landing and what do you do about Sansa, who you think killed your son, still being alive and well in Winterfell, now with an army?
Make her come to me. Or hold Moat Cailin and keep them in the North so they can't march South. Probably both and if I lose Moat Cailin, draw the northers as south as south goes. I know, it seems retarded to let them get right to your doorstep but my forces are thin and trying to fight them in the field would result in losses at every skirmish. Basically, Cersei is fucked.
>And if you're Arya, do you go to Winterfell or go South for vengeance for your family?
I'd go to Winterfell, but Arya is probably on a vengeance arc right now.
>How do you see the Riverlands factoring into the story?
Pretty important. I hope Radmure gets freed and take command under allegiance to the Starks in the North.
Watch it be something for Daenerys
Dorne? Or are we going to get her stopping in Essos again before leaving?
Every location they've reported on reminds me of Essos/Dorne even though we were celebrating the fact we wouldn't see those locations again in the finale. I suppose they can be something to do with KL as well.
Well I know the like shooting in Spain because it is cheap. They could always just do this for the castle walls. Cgi the land scape.
An instant pop culture series that has lost track of it's own convoluted story and has paid the price for overstaying the public's welcome.
>I think the book shows she's turning into Littlefinger 2.0 so I have a feeling she's going to learn as much as she can from him and eventually she'll have him killed in a way she isn't seen at fault so she can put on a facade of sadness and keep her hands clean
I honestly don't think Sansa will ever be that smart. She's still a pawn for now, a happy pawn, but a pawn, and even if Littlefinger has feelings for her though mostly cause of her mom, I don't think it'll be enough to get the drop on him.
>but I almost best she either gets beaten on the field so badly one of her dragon dies and she goes full Mad King mode in depression, or she outright gets assassinated by someone she trusts.
House of he Undying visions imply she'll die against the Walkers.
>Make her come to me.
Ive said this before but a great way of getting Sansa South is to attack the Riverlands. They were her mother's childhood home and you'd end up killing more of her family while also putting down a rebellious land.
Sansa would likely seek revenge anyway, but additionally threatening her family could be another big draw.
And could sow dissent in the North cause Jon has to decide if he'll focus on the North, or head South for Sansa. Could go either way but family is important to Jon and the Tullys are Sansa's family.
this, tbqh
>I honestly don't think Sansa will ever be that smart. She's still a pawn for now, a happy pawn, but a pawn, and even if Littlefinger has feelings for her though mostly cause of her mom, I don't think it'll be enough to get the drop on him.
You think LF will see it to the end then? Will Sansa be his pawn the whole story you think?
>House of he Undying visions imply she'll die against the Walkers.
Oh shit, which vision? I've forgotten most visions from the House of the Undying. Should probably review them.
>Ive said this before but a great way of getting Sansa South is to attack the Riverlands.
But the Lannisters already hold the Riverlands. Arya assassinated Walder Frey, but the Freys still hold Riverrun. Unless Walder dying is going to throw everything into disarray and Radmure gets freed and everything works to where he can take it back from the Freys.
>And could sow dissent in the North cause Jon has to decide if he'll focus on the North, or head South for Sansa. Could go either way but family is important to Jon and the Tullys are Sansa's family.
I think that would be retarded for Jon to give in to Sansa's request to help out Riverrun is Edmure holds it and they got marched on by the Lannister army. His focus as King in the North should be securing independence for the North. That said, you're 100% correct that family is important and Jon is too nice a person to just leave Edmure to that fate. I don't want him to, but he could try and help out. Once they're south of the Neck, that's a recipe for disaster. Imagine drawing the Northern forces south of the Neck, then securing the Neck, isolating them. RIP. That's what I'd probably do if I was Cersei.
Reminder that Davos, Sweetrobin and Littlefinger will die.
All men must die and have their positions usurped by women, bastards, cripples or broken things. Unless they've died already, metaphorically died, or lost their cock
>You think LF will see it to the end then? Will Sansa be his pawn the whole story you think?
No, I do think he'll die. But not from Sansa outsmarting him, it'll be some combined effort with Sansa maybe playing her own part or Petyr made some mistake on his own.
>Oh shit, which vision? I've forgotten most visions from the House of the Undying
Starting at :46.
>Unless Walder dying is going to throw everything into disarray and Radmure gets freed and everything works to where he can take it back from the Freys.
This is what I think will happen. Walder was the only one keeping things together. The Freys are a large family, but too large, they don't all trust each other cause too many half-siblings and cousins or half-nephews and this and that. The Riverlands were already rising against them through the Brotherhood rallying commoners and some Houses were rising up too. Soon the whole of the Riverlands will rise against them yet again and as Jaime said, they gave them the riverlands to hold the riverlands, if they can't hold it, why do they need them?
>His focus as King in the North should be securing independence for the North
Yet at the same time, the Riverlands stuck by Robb, fought for Robb, bled for Robb and were part of Robb's kingdom. Jon may not have the Tully blood, but Sansa does so he can help her through that claim and those are still her people, still her uncle still his cousin. Riverlands could also benefit them by getting them more men, hopefully more than they lose from freeing and defending it
>Imagine drawing the Northern forces south of the Neck, then securing the Neck
How would Cersei secure swampland like the Neck? Bog devils would fuck her up. Moat Cailin I could see if Jon doesn't learn from Robb's mistakes and leaves enough men in the North still to take anything back if ironshits come again or Lannisters now that it's winter.
As a Davos fan its my wet dream for his show counterpart at this point.
>If she were a superhero in real life, and not just in X-Men Apocalypse, Sophie Turner says she’d pick Donald Trump as her ideal super-villain.
>“Oh, my God, I think the world needs fixing,” Turner told reporters. “Donald Trump would be out of the country. And we’d create a wall around him so he couldn’t escape.” (Turner followed up by suggesting people should just build an ark and ride out the current world in hopes of a new, less Trump-y one.)
And maybe Sansafags if they think she'll get the Vale through Robin
>No, I do think he'll die. But not from Sansa outsmarting him, it'll be some combined effort with Sansa maybe playing her own part or Petyr made some mistake on his own.
I don't know, user. I still think she will secretly steal his knowledge and eventually set him up in a situation in which he appears to have betrayed Jon and is executed, and Sansa benefiting.
>Starting at :46.
Oh, that vision. Good point. I don't see her taking the Throne then, but I'm still not convinced she dies to the Walkers. That vision just implies Cersei took the Mad King route and self destructed using the Wildfire like she did to the Sept of Baelor.
>as Jaime said, they gave them the riverlands to hold the riverlands, if they can't hold it, why do they need them?
Very true. So you think the Lannisters will just cut the Freys loose then and give up Riverrun without a fight? It's a major castle that commands a lot of authority. Is it wise to just concede it even though the "Lords" of the castle are pieces of shit?
>Yet at the same time, the Riverlands stuck by Robb, fought for Robb, bled for Robb and were part of Robb's kingdom. Jon may not have the Tully blood, but Sansa does so he can help her through that claim and those are still her people, still her uncle still his cousin. Riverlands could also benefit them by getting them more men, hopefully more than they lose from freeing and defending it
I agree that they're allies, but they aren't in the North. What's the long term plan here? The North gets independence, but the Riverlands will inevitably bend the knee to the Iron Throne, even given the Stark/Tully ties.
>Moat Cailin I could see if Jon doesn't learn from Robb's mistakes and leaves enough men in the North still to take anything back if ironshits come again or Lannisters now that it's winter.
Moat Cailin is her best bet. Again, she's fucked. She has to throw a Hail Mary here man.
You feeling butthurt trumpfag?
theres not really much else worth discussing at this point
>sophie went in
She sure did, deep in her own asshole. What is this "our leaders" shit?
did you guys already sperg speculate over the new casting descriptions?
havnt been to this shithole in months but finally theres some tangible news to discuss
I want house Seaworth to rule the Storm Lands
>I still think she will secretly steal his knowledge and eventually set him up in a situation in which he appears to have betrayed Jon and is executed, and Sansa benefiting
That'd be Sansa going from 0-100 real quick. From being a pawn and not even a player since she's still doing largely what Littlefinger tells her to do in the books, to outsmarting the guy behind a lot of the shit that's happened in the story. Even in show she's still behaving and acting like Littlefinger wants her to and falling for his "half-brother, "motherless bastard" bait, and she's still not playing the game. Littlefinger may have a lot of Gatsby in him and Gatsby's downfall was the women he loved, but Sansa really can't get that smart that fast to be his downfall.
>but I'm still not convinced she dies to the Walkers.
I interpret it to be Dany's journey. She'll go for the throne, but won't seat it, hence her not even touching it. Then she'll be drawn North to a threat beyond the Wall, hence being transported there in the vision. Then die and be reunited with Rhaego and Drogo, hence her seeing them again in her vision right after being beyond the Wall.
>just cut the Freys loose then and give up Riverrun without a fight?
No, going back to what I said about how Cersei can draw Sansa south, the Lannisters could burn the Riverlands again. No House they can trust there to hold it, and they'd be putting down rebels and it'd serve to kill more of Sansa's family drawing her where Winter won't be as much an obstacle for Cersei's army.
>Riverlands will inevitably bend the knee to the Iron Throne
Not if Jon and Sansa can successfully defend it. And they won't have to for long cause unknown to them, Dany's coming and will wipe out the Lannisters.
Yeah, you buttmad.
And she's talking in general.
from right to left: dead, dead twice, endgame kitn
shes fucking annoying and should stop interacting with randoms on twitter, its embarrassing. just shut the fuck up, alcoholic
It'll be House Tarth and you know it.
But is she wrong in saying people should concern themselves with politics?
Her own views on politics may be shit to some people, but at least she concerns herself with them.
an essential character is going to die in the first episode of the upcoming season
who will it be?
>i work in your country a couple weeks out of the year so i totally know what im talking about
i hate trump but i cant stand people like her either, piss off
Consider that some of us are concerned with the politics in our own country enough to the point where we know full well she's (not just her, most celebs tbqh) being a fucking idiot. Is your mind blown yet?
>I work in your country.
Hollywood barely counts :^)
Celebrities who are obsessed with what people are saying to and about them on social media and respond to fans frequently are already cringy as fuck but the ones who actually get into arguments with nobodies because they're so fucking insecure about being owned on the internet are the worst of all.
so i guess thats a no then...
>she's still doing largely what Littlefinger tells her to do in the books,
I disagree man, she's learning that LF is messing with her and she acknowledges that she needs to learn from him. She is waking up my man. I think she will learn to be the new Littlefinger and Littlefinger will fall to his lust/love for Salsa and trust her too much. Salsa will then use that and lure him into a trap and have him killed. Probably with some satisfying scene where LF will see her, she will smile at him, and he will realize she was the one who had him killed before he is ded.
>Then she'll be drawn North to a threat beyond the Wall, hence being transported there in the vision. Then die and be reunited with Rhaego and Drogo
That will probably happen, but I'm still not convinced it's to the Walkers, my man.
>No, going back to what I said about how Cersei can draw Sansa south, the Lannisters could burn the Riverlands again. No House they can trust there to hold it, and they'd be putting down rebels and it'd serve to kill more of Sansa's family drawing her where Winter won't be as much an obstacle for Cersei's army.
So they'd burn the Riverlands even though they have sworn fealty to the Lannisters by swearing fealty to the Freys of Riverrun?
>Not if Jon and Sansa can successfully defend it.
But why should they? Jon is King in the North. The Riverlands aren't in the North. They can't possibly hope to hold that and strike a deal with the Throne for independence.
This is so annoying, but it keeps the thread going, unfortunately.
As if D&D remember the stormlands
>She is waking up my man. I think she will learn to be the new Littlefinger and Littlefinger will fall to his lust/love for Salsa and trust her too much
Wit hthe amount of time left and what we've seen from Sansa both in the books and in the show, can't see it happening. It'd take her years and a lot of experience in the game to really pull something over on Littlefinger even with his feelings for and now reliance on Sansa now that the Vale is pledged to Jon. Sansa making a mistake conspiring with him that gets him in trouble if he trusts her with stuff I could see. Sansa working with some other people to take him down I could see. Sansa turning into some mastermind that outsmarts him, not really.
>by swearing fealty to the Freys of Riverrun?
As I've said before, the Riverlands would rise up against the Freys. There'd be a lot of infighting among the Freys now that Walder is dead and they'd be weak enough for the commoners and other Houses to take out now.
>But why should they? Jon is King in the North. The Riverlands aren't in the North.
Cause they'll be rising up against the Crown again like they did with Robb and like they did this season in taking back Riverrun. And Riverlands were part of Robb's kingdom and Sansa is just as much Cat's child and Robb ever was so Jon can get it through Sansa
it obviously warrants a reply if people are replying to it
Well then good for you, but you're not answering the question.
Is she wrong or right that people should concern themselves with politics?
She can have a wrong opinion and be an idiot, but at least she cares enough to be an idiot.
Sophie is all about rapefugees and wants all of the US to be flooded with them like London. She is also opposed to a wall on our southern border even though her country just voted for Brexit mostly because of the immigration. She is shit and her opinions are shit like most of her generation.
Not really. Since the show has moved beyond the book plot, dismissed major characters, and created OC characters, it's pretty hard to guess who the casting calls are for. Plus, a lot of the casting calls were for roles that don't resemble any particular book character (guard, northern children).
But there's one casting call for a young, handsome lord which I still hope will turn out to be Darkstar. Since he's supposed to shoot in September, it means the character is most likely placed in a warm climate area, which by now is mostly Dorne.
Don't know why but few anons wanna discuss it.
Posted them twice already in previous threads and was in the thread where they were first posted and barely anyone seemed to care.
Hopefully Sansa.
Just when she thinks she catched a break...
Classic Dabid.
Not that user but Darkstark isn't a Lord
>But there's one casting call for a young, handsome lord
I think it's Rhaegar
*Wait, fuck, yeah he is, my bad
i think its rhaegar
This shit makes me laugh every time.
Remember how last years turned out this season
P.S (No its not from reddit its from a pm i had on westeros. org)
GoT is the most normie pleb shit
you have shit taste, go back to rxeddit
OP and all of you are fags
From the reading it that it seems like GRRM is setting up Sansa to be empathetic to Jon's plight. Like, why do all of this if she's still going to be an asshole to him in the end?
We were still right tho.
>Remember how last years turned out this season
So fucking what? These casting calls aren't even up to that level of blatantly recognizable characters so nothing to get hyped over.
They're just characters that will be involved in something with the main ones instead of well known characters from the books, and in that regard we can still speculate without getting hype.
This is like saying "I filled my fuel tank with sugar because I thought my car wouldn't run on it. I didn't actually do the research or anything to determine what the optimum fuel choice would be, but at least I meant well. Fuck me, right?"
Yes, fuck you. And you can't even begin to convince me that every single drooling idiot on social media smearing their opinions all over the online landscape like so much FAT KID POOP, all actually "care™" about what they're talking about.
autistic faggots
It isn't just generational. There is a clear divide between first and last wave Millennials for the most part. Also all the "Dream of the 90's is alive in my dick" Gen Xers are still pretty dumb. Boomers are essentially Azathoth right now: they really don't give a shit and are too busy fighting AIDS and cancer from living large in the 80's.
Oh yeah we were but, it proved to be nothing worth talking about. Id expect this years to be even less worth bothering to discuss about
>Like, why do all of this if she's still going to be an asshole to him in the end?
Possibly to teach a lesson about selfishness.
Where even if Sansa can better understand and empathize with Jon and what he went through even if her life and treatment as Alayne is much shorter and much better than his was, she'll still let personal feelings about what she wants and thinks she deserves get in the way.
Human heart at conflict. One side telling her she can trust Jon, the other side telling her that Jon's in her way and she is entitled to something he got. And instead of predictably trusting him, she'll still be an ass and if things should work out badly for her, she can regret doing it and feel guilty, and if things work out well for her, she can still feel guilty about how she arrived there.
utterly autismal
>"Ah shure du liek dat Donal Trump. He helps me ferget dat I can't get no shweet yung pusshy on account of lookin like Billybob McBellydick. Fuckin' build dat wall yeear"
Well more casting calls will roll in as the offseason continues but for now this is what we have and what we can speculate over until leaks or videos of sets prove us wrong.
And speculating is fun even without hype since no one knows who it'll be yet but you can still give some reasons as to why you think X casting call refers to a character that'll be involved in or with Y main or secondary character and how they might fit.
The majority population of the US already has so many rapes and rapists that a few more from a smaller population isn't really going to make that big of a difference. Also, the majority population of the US would be hypocrites to point that refugees that rape while ignoring the fact that they do it themselves, just like England.