Chicken Nugget Scoon
Chicken Nugget Scoon
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You should get your mom one of those custom made necklaces with an "out to lunch" emblem
Daily reminder that these are just some of the proclivities of your idol
Chicks with dicks are twice the fun. Everyone knows this
I don't think anybody really cares about this anymore
>you would fuck her
lol cmon user
makes me like sammy more
link to new episode?
Who cares
I'd fuck that tranny too
I hope this is true
I've fucked biological women that were far more pathetic and disgusting than that tranny
Do you guys not know that these photos are literally the creation of tumblr nazis that tried to ruin his career and silence him for saying things that offended them. Is that who you work for?
who cares it makes it even funnier lmao
So we all just believe what mentally ill people post on the internet now? We are finally become Reddit
literally nobody said they cared
Just letting them know who's work they're doing
why does someone spam these in every single wp thread
who gives a fuck--if anything you're only making me like him more
nobody believes it
the gym sketch absolutely creeped me the fuck out
proof or gtfo
either way, fake or not, i found it fucking hilarious when around 6 months ago charls made a rare one-time appearance on the MDE subreddit asking for a specific drum sample or something similar and someone posted "I got it! Here you go man" and it was a hyperlink but instead of leading to any drum sample it went straight to a link of those two images combined.
that comment was deleted by the MDE mods along with the rest of the comments a few hours later but i hope charls saw it.
I used to think that Sam's just a silly buff goober, but when I saw that boston ross video and read the copypasta about him fucking that underage girl I just think that he's a slimy wierdo.
I dont get it. Who is that and why is it important that charles should see it?
thats what the anti free speech ugly tumblr girls want you to think
until you realize it's a greentext story
Dude you must be a virgin to think that having sex with underaged retarded girls is anything close to desirable.
so what. dude got 2 for the price of 1
I like Sam but I'm under no illusions he's an emotional manipulator and creep
No I mean the story isn't true at all. It was completely fabricated by offended tumblrinas to try ruin his career. obviously it didnt work
It's like everybody Sup Forums ends up liking. They always turn out to be incompetent pieces of shit with no real moral fortitude.
Even though Sam seems to throw up tons of red flags anyways. He gives so little of a shit I wouldn't be surprised about the shit people accuse him of. He doesn't have any shame.
Wait so someone faked that chat history between supossedly Sam and Marky or whatever the fuck her name is? I'm pretty sure Sam also says that the chicks name was Marky or something in the boston ross video, even though that shit is censored out.
That teacher skit at the end of episode 3 was just too good
Yeah we don't care about this at all. I would definitely fuck that tranny.
I don't see why that matters with Sam. The guy is a comedian. No on, including Sup Forums should be looking to this guy for any type of insight.
Go back to your fucking video store, Randall
Do you think he chokes her out?
It was pretty great.
pretty based
someone got a link to e03?
That mixed drink thing was pretty bad. It seemed very unpolished for a tv show, it felt like high school kids fucking around and recording it.
Was it 2deep4me?
I don't think it would if his comedy wasn't so frequently political, and the politics are usually alt-right in nature. I actually liked the bit from the first episode of World Peace where that chick fell through the table. The absurdity was pretty funny.
I just think it makes him a distasteful person that he associates with the "everybody else is degenerate" group and while being another reason why that group is a joke. It's more of a reaction to the increasing amount of hypocrisy that I see with those internet circles that makes me not like the people involved. It became its own circle jerk.
So anytime I see a bit of his that riffs off of that, I just groan. When it is less clearly associated, I'm more likely to actually be able to dissociate it enough to actually laugh instead of thinking of Sam ranting on Twitter about Trump or something.
Kek, this bitch was on Sup Forums the other day looking for steam friends. Didnt last long as literal hordes of betas showed up and chased it away
nah, that skit was just way too far on the nose and wasn't really funny. Literally looked like a shitposter on pol wrote it.
It's just commenting on all the estrogen and other nasty shit that finds its way into tap water.
Link meant for
Then you must groan a lot at comedy central, seeing as their shows have gotten annoyingly leftist in the past decade.
Her women's day video is so fucking funny.
>never play the tickle game with uncle pete
>mom says incest is okay cause it's in the bible...but I haven't found that part
>le sigh
you guys relize he was fucking with that person right
name of the cute small chick in the middle? I know she has a youtube channel but forgot her name
>people defending this faggot Sam
Stop shilling this tranny fucker
all her videos got taken down but there's an archive out there with all of them
qt as fuck
Wow that chick in the first sketch kind of looks like Lily Rader
yeah I mean nevermind the fact he manipulates underage girls for sex, let's focus on him having consensual sex with a trans person
No one has ever given a fuck about this shit.
>people believe this shit tier level mud flinging
I have some beachfront property in Arizona for you to buy.
Fuck off tranny lover.
nobody cares that he puts roasties to their intended use, cry about it somewhere else
>it's nu-male who thinks 18 year old girls don't have sexual desire episode
what a fucking qt
I don't have cable, so I dunno what is on there. I do groan at a lot of overtly political jokess tho, but not all of them.
18 years old, looks like she's 8, and she's making stuff like this. I always found her content unsettling.
It's just a fucking joke you fag. His friends smoke weed and he's just a normal guy. He just revels in the shit that people like to dump on him.
>that last sketch
honestly feel like that's something you end a season on
maybe they have something better though
I thought what made the "alt-right" different from the "right" was that they don't really care or don't prioritize social issues, they just want to be isolationists and make fun of women.
The girl in the quoted pic was a (then) 16 year old camwhore from Sup Forums and /r9k/ that Sam found through her *chan camwhoring and seduced. I'm not going to say "groomed" or whatever the fuck because that's retarded.
In the "Boston Ross" video Sam mentions how he met this "tight little piece" and told her "not to eat anything" before they met so that there wouldn't be any feces in her asshole so that he could take her anal virginity (which he did) without having her shit residue on his cock. That's the girl he's talking about; the one in that pic. Some random underaged Sup Forums camwhore named Marky.
Personally I don't give a fuck and it has exactly zero impact on my enjoyment of MDE, but I'm a sick fuck that loves reading the dirty laundry of mentally unstable lolcows on sites like kiwifarms, MPC and certain infinitech*n boards so I know this story all too well, and it is certainly not the only one involving Sam and questionable activity with some girl.
Dude has some weird fetishes (which is fine) but acts them out IRL and on camera (ehhh...) and even incorporates pieces of them into his public comedy videos (kinda kekworthy, mostly p. gross)
Latest ep of WP referenced "Katie" dumping 3 different guys; watch the very beginning of Brooklyn Street Fashion Pt. 1 and you'll see Sam instructing the IRL Katie to say "My name's Katie and I like to fuck strangers" and then telling her to open her legs up (pic related). Zero connection with the rest of the video. Seemingly only there to humiliate her. She's also featured as a prostitute in a fake porn spam ad in the "CNET Review" MDE video from like 2010.
>he even fucks traps
How could he possibly get any more patrician?
no it's that they do care about social issues rather than economics and israel. just less faux christian stuff.
I forget which vid it is but there's also an MDE video with an intro of a chubby young chick in just a bra with a toilet seat around her neck and a pumpkin on her head saying "I'm your toilet" with Sam saying "yeah, mmm, that's right" behind the camera and again it's totally unrelated to the video. He also references this like 20 times throughout his KSTV series.
Actually, lol, I googled it and found this....which is ADDITIONAL footage of the girl, *not* the vid I was thinking of:
There's another vid out there where she doesn't show her face (it honestly might be a different girl entirely with another pumpkin on her head) but I can't find it. Still, that kind of speaks for itself.
Lastly, there's a site called that puts the worst of /r9k/ to shame and Sam (was) a member. There's still an archive of his posting history on there including some "home movies" of his.
Again, don't really care about any of this, just enjoy perusing internet drama and still enjoy MDE's content, but yes; most of the stories you hear about Sam Hyde (minus the shootings) are indeed true.
Some of them claim that, but it is all they talk about. Tho id think what you just said is /r9k/'s philosophy.
But admittedly the alt-right is a pretty big net now that seems used to just mean non-traditional conservative demographics in America. Alt-right people can frequently be young, living in cities and non-religious.
He's a pedo too. This girl is 15 years old.
Alt-Right is the Sup Forums pragmatic nihilistic meme magic parade.
Self-loathing autoflagellating racism and bigotry of indulgence and the philosophically grotesque.
It's a post-ironic political philosophy that is simultaneously destroying and improving the american right wing, by allowing it to laugh at itself and still stay stupid and inflammatory shit.
The American Left will die too, in a much slower and more painful fashion, so long as they still carry the pretense of righteousness or some kind of moral highground.
Even if Donald fails (he's still incredibly close, way more close than anybody up top is comfortable with), the needle had aids.
She's not in the cnet review vid.
It just says "I'm Katie wanna chat"
I think post-irony just drives me nuts because I can't lose myself in the meme magic. When people say MDE is post-ironic, I just feel like somebody is lying to themselves somewhere. But i dunno. Maybe the defining characteristic of alt-right is just wanting the world to end because there will be good memes along the way.
I do want the american left to die tho. Seeing people un-ironically love Hillary is confusing as hell. I don't feel like Trump helps tho, given that even big parts of Sup Forums are starting to disavow him because they think he fucked up too much and drove a bunch of people away.
Sam Hyde coaxed "The Eggman" into hanging himself. He set his army of internet bullies on him, then he told him to kill himself in the youtube comments of one of his videos.
>including some "home movies" of his
Link please!
>I just feel like somebody is lying to themselves somewhere
This is what post-irony means, dunce.
That image is shopped.
That's shopped, and that's Marky she's 18 right now
>Lastly, there's a site called that puts the worst of /r9k/ to shame and Sam (was) a member. There's still an archive of his posting history on there including some "home movies" of his.
google turns up nothing. prove it
Wow his brand of comedy sure is funny!
He also hired a guy to take like a dozen loogies to the face in this video:
I mean, these people agreed to it, no one's putting a gun to their head, but you have to be a real sociopathic piece of shit to want to do stuff like this to random strangers.
>liking trannies is a bad thing.
>on 4changs
Haha great comment! Upvoted :D
yeah, you'd have to be a real armchair diagnosis to want to pay people to do something that they wouldn't normally do without you paying them to do it
>people actually know the name of girls who are famous for fucking "ecelebs"
this is so cancerous
i hope charismatic leader sam hyde takes his obnoxious fanbase to africa and they pull a jonestown
I have no idea whats real or not in this thread.
Given his audience it's easy to assume everything has been faked. I'm ok with him having shitty politics, I still enjoy his videos. But this image painted of him as a genuinely shit person is kind of putting me off, not to mention the pedo shit, which I doubt is true.
>pretending to be oblivious so you can argue against common sense
Yeah man I'm gonna go give a homeless guy a sandwich in exchange for letting me piss and shit on him. I'm not a degenerate scumbag or anything, I'm just a silly jokester bro XD
It's obvious Sam is a piece of human trash. I hope it catches up to him one day. Nick's a degenerate too. Charls is probably the only chill one.
it's okay to like someone's work without agreeing with them, or even liking them
pretty sure there are shit fetishists willing to pay money, let alone take money, to be shat upon
>homeless guy
motte & bailey bullshit
What's the dirt on Nick? He seems like the chill one to me. Married, collects art & antiques and shit.
But it seems like people actually adopt that as a self-descriptive term now. I've never actually looked up what post-irony means, but wikipedia kind of gets to what I thought it was. Somebody who takes an absurd thing seriously.
Even though I take it to mean generally two or more individuals, with one set taking a thing seriously that another set meant as an absurdity.
It seems like when somebody says they themselves are post-ironic, that they are beyond "lying to themselves" because they've basically abandoned the pretension of having an identity. They are both the thing that is absurd, and the thing taking it seriously. Which is more real than the other?
When I say I think they're lying to themselves, I'm just saying I think that "post-irony" is a defense mechanism. You can be joking or serious at any given moment if your identity is "post-ironic", but you choose one or the other based on what is convenient for your ego.
My point is that if you have the urge to humiliate or assault total strangers with your bodily fluids (not out of revenge or something) then there is something clearly wrong with you.
Come on, man. I know Sam Hyde's ballsuckers aren't the brightest people on Earth, but surely you can't be this retarded.
your point is that even if someone willingly does it, they are still somehow being taken advantage of because you know better than they do what's best for them
>it's okay to like someone's work without agreeing with them, or even liking them
Yeah, and I lend him that when I say I enjoy his material even though I think he's got shit political views, which are pretty foggy to begin with.
But if he's just through-and-through a bad person, that probably means any kind of ironic filter he put his messages or commentary through has zero irony or nuance and is just being said by a hate filled idiot.
When I watched the latest episode of World Peace, I find him in black face funny because of many reasons, it's obviously in bad taste, but that's not new that's something comedians have done for ages, putting a light on something bad by intentionally doing something in poor taste. But his takes it one step further, it manages to be both in poor taste but serve a point too, he's critiquing the PC police, his comedy is in many ways a response to that, then in some other cases there is yet another layer where it actually does serve a point like in episode 2 where he shit on women in their 30s
But if I find out he's just a bad human being, then where was the nuance in any material he ever wrote? Did it actually mean anything or am I just watching a racist be racist.
He might be a shit human being, but would that make his critique of PC culture any less pointed? Does it matter who says it, if it's valid? I guess I can understand that it might matter to one's possible enjoyment.
Is it contentious that this sort of situation exists?
I Know somebody who bought into what seems like a shady business investment recently. They did it willingly, and if I had told them that this was likely someone else taking advantage of them would I have been wrong just because they wanted to do it?
Intent is all about perceived outcomes, at least in most situations I can think of right now. If the real result is different from what was desired, then the action was a mistake. I'm not who you are replying too, and I've never seen the video being talked about or know what the ultimate result was, but it doesn't seem like it is illegitimate to claim that somebody may not have been abusing somebody else or misleading them just because they wanted to do the thing.
>they are still somehow being taken advantage of
I said in my first post that no one was making them do it, and that Sam is fucked in the head, not that I feel particularly sorry for those other people. Are you deliberately lying or do you just have shit reading comprehension?
>somehow being taken advantage
Not that user, but why does this even matter? Whether or not they're being taken advantage of is irrelevant because it doesn't change the fact that Sam hired someone so he could spit in their face.
If that person was taken advantage of or not doesn't matter, he could be fine with it and good for him in that case. But Sam is still fucking sketch for going out of his way to get that done.
It says a lot about Sam either way.