>it's an ''interviewee sees through Louis charade and exposes him which makes Louis uncomfortable'' episode
It's an ''interviewee sees through Louis charade and exposes him which makes Louis uncomfortable'' episode
What is there to expose?
He's a jewish puppet
When has that ever happened?
the america bashing is getting old
he should investigate uks rape gangs instead of "insert bullshit here"
Fuck off Stormblr
it's an emotionally unstable woman develops a deep attraction to Louis episode
that his whole innocent act is fake and he just wants people to say controversial things
He already introduces himself as working for the BBC, doesn't he?
The boer episode, Micheal Jackson episode
Finally someone pointing out Louie's TRUE HIDDEN NATURE.
I can't wait until he gets EXPOSED for what he is.
ehh in most of his recent shit, Louis is pretty transparent and upfront.
Part of the entertainment value of Louis Theroux is watching a self-aware Brit run circles around barely sentient Americans. Louis Theroux acts nonjudgmental to lure people into expressing the more foolish side of their thoughts, and when he tried it on Max Clifford or Paul Daniels, they saw through him straightaway. In USA, he gets away with it, and it's like watching an adult bully handicapped children. Comedy gold.
At some point I kept mistaking him for the 2015 guy and wondered how he got so ugly.
>louis draws out a silence to make things more awkward
Come on David Miscavige, we know it's you.
No matter how many times I see it this is still pure gold.
oh nice to see a fellow reddit Sup Forums sub browser here,on the look out for memes!
britcucks would never allow it
He says he's FROM the BBC
Amazing how even after all that inbreeding and getting raped by muslims you limeys still have a wierd superiority complex.
>a person making a documentary on a controversial subject shouldn't have the people in it say controversial things
Do the people being filmed think it's for shits and giggles?
>it's a Louis feigns naivete episode
>being this new and thinking that these screenshots stem from reddit