Thoughts my lads?
Thoughts my lads?
for me, The Revenant is one of those movies that comes along every five or ten years that simultaneously stokes that desire for righteous bloodlust while also telling an objective heroic journey. It's in the same vein as Braveheart and Gladiator, movies that may have had more thought put into their overall ensembles, but nonetheless come from that same idea. The scenery was strikingly beautiful and well worth the effort of all involved (Glass leaving the horse's carcass is one of the prettiest shots of the last five years). The ending, too: Glass tracking, baiting, and cornering Fitzgerald like an animal is that massive catharsis on the level of Maximus putting his sword into Commodus at last. I think The Revenant will win the Best Picture award, deservedly so, because it is the kind of movie the Academy secretly loves but will never admit to it.
In short: I really liked it because as I watched I was reminded of movies from my youth (Gladiator, Braveheart, etc)
what did he see was he looking at god
shit movie
I didn't like it. Excessive, overlong, pretentious in the non-meme definition, and has the worst kind of revenge movie trope where it leads you along to support his violence only to have him back out because revenge is bad. It's a have your cake and eat it too scenario, get the audience excited for violence then pull the rug away in a transparent attempt at moral superiority
And just like Birdman the last shot was meaningless and corny.
>only to have him back out
That was not what happened you simpleton.
Pure kino, misunderstood by women and numales everywhere.
The Revenant is simply the representation of the artistic bankruptcy plaguing the contemporary film industry.
Like Birdman, Inarritu's last endeavor in hackery, this latest attempt is to convince the masses that what they are viewing is something deep or meaningful, when all it has done is push forward shallow technicality and exaggeration to make the frame pulsate with vulgar loudness. Characters are mere veneers, the cinematography is pretty but so conspicuous as to be rendered aggravating and the thesis is about as overdone as DiCaprio's acting. The camera feels like it has been waiting all day for a climactic shot and the film's deliberately difficult production history is laid bare in the indulgent cinematography.
Thematic complexity and philosophical subtext take a back seat to what amounts to as basically an action movie with action stars wrapped up in the veil of arthouse. And much like Salome, what lies beneath is ultimately puerile, obscene and holding fascination only for adolescents.
Inarritu is guilty of something far greater than simply making a bad movie. He is guilty for the crime of gestating his pretense and self-importance, forcing many others to labor over it in a misguided attempt to create art and daring to call the afterbirth a film. Perhaps instead of taking his cast and crew to the ends of the Earth in search of a better shot, the Mexican counterfeit filmmaker should have taken his juvenile and crass sensibilities to the seedy San Fernando valley. There he could have at least made a profit of filming all the money shots he wanted.
Yes it is. Inarritu gives you the whole graphic battle, but at the crux of it he passes the kill along to the Deux Ex Indians, because killing him would be wrong and the whole journey didn't make him feel any better and all that cliche shit. But he put in that 10+ minute battle, he wanted to have it both way and make an exciting revenge finale and comment on revenge at the same time and I don't think it works
Self-critical revenge movies are inherently silly to me anyway. Who are these people that relate to the story of wanting violent revenge but need a movie to teach them it's wrong? It's a fantasy for a reason, and merely being a revenge movie contributes to the fantasy criticism or not
Fitzgerald was going to die anyway you moron. He actually gave Fitzgerald the death Fitzgerald would not want by feeding him to the Reeeeee. It's still a revenge movie.
nice imdb review
Nice fedora
nice fedora
Leo's performance was shit. Tom Hardy was 10x better
Well made, but 30 minutes too long.
Unmemorable, for sure.
A revenge movie that has the protag opt out killing the villain himself but still ends with the dead inside stare at the camera.
It goes for all three stock endings and botches all of them
>kill the bad guy, crowd cheers, what a hero
Doesn't work because he doesn't kill the guy firsthand
>pass the kill along, absolve himself of a murder, still get his revenge
Doesn't work because he still feels empty after
>kill the guy and realize this won't change his situation
Doesn't quite work because he didn't actually kill him
Every few minutes it changes direction like Inarritu couldn't decide what endings he wanted or theme he was going for.
>it didn't stick to cliche so it's bad
You're operating on a whole new level of stupid, aren't you?
fucking miserable
by the time his horse ran him off that fucking cliff it started to get hilarious
looked lovely though
why did the indians kill him when it was the french trappers who had betrayed them in the first place
Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded beyond help. Had the indians not come he would have killed Fitzgerald anyways. He just decided it was a more "appropriate" death. And being friendly with bloodthirsty indians is never a bad thing.
It's still a cliche, just an ineffective mix of them
>Had the indians not come he would have killed Fitzgerald anyways
But it was written so they did.
biggest disapiontment of the year
because he was white.
meme movies
literally filmed with memes
no wonder this reddit board loved it