is he okay
Is he okay
looks like there's something wrong with his neck.
the "im not gonna cry about this" face
Kris Stuchman
>Different lighting
>Has braces now
That's really it
He's definitely doing better than me
>crying over RLM making a light joke about him
this guy
He gave Suicide Squad a bad review by not even pointing out any positiveness or how fun the movie actually was (I loved it).
Cuckman can fuck off!
>receding hairline
>purple bags under eyes
>definitely paler regardless of lighting
Required Stuckmann reading:
whathappenedtofuryofthefilmfan dot blogspot dot co dot uk
He's a complete and utter sociopath.
What joke?
what is this about?
who cares?
Rich called him a prick and he unsubbed from RLM
I am 22 and my hair is already receding
HE'S OUR GUY, user
Sup Forums would be concerned if Fantano suddenly looked paler and sick
In a vid or in person?
Here, at the very beginning.
>HE'S OUR GUY, user
Get him the fuck outta here
>our guy
Fuck off, no-one likes this whiny baby. RLM are """"our guys"""" and as entertaining as they are, Mike has horrible taste and Jay's a doormat.
>RLM are """"our guys""""
Anyone who doesn't like the Star Wars prequels has shit taste in cinema
>""""our guys""""
pls leave
Do you think it might be snapped?
I don't get this 'Jay is a doormat' meme
She has a rare form of super AIDS on her head
You must not watch any RLM content
>Autistic video editor puts music over his voice
>Can't judge for myself whether or not Chris is being a crybaby or not
>write awful script
>everyone making fun of you
>instead of just ignoring it you make video after video of it
>g-guys? w-we're adults right?
>it's kind of a compliment
cucked by your own shitty genetics
who is he though?
I have a hard time believing chris was actually offended
Anyone who likes RLM should know that's their kind of humor
> Jeremy Jahns jump cuts his conversations in real life.
wow, where did this come from? seems unprovoked
Do you really care?
it's called a joke
Internet bullying is always a problem and we need to take a stand against it!
it doesn't make sense, though. You can stop fanboying over RLM for a minute, can't you? or do you autistically just agree with them on everything?
The joke doesn't make sense? Agree?? What the fuck are you talking about
All i ever see is about this person is the "zod's snapped neck" or him crying about RLM. What is his normal thing? Reviewing movies? What's his angle? Why is he posted here every three days?
something would prompt them to make the joke. there's nothing to prompt this, so they're just calling whatsisname a prick for no reason and you're eating it up. LOL super funneh joak
>is he okay
Who the fuck cares?
You sure this was meant sfor stuckman? Rich does say a red curtain isn't he referring to Jeremy jhans
did you need a trigger warning or something? jesus christ
okay, i'm just going to stop. you're right. RLM can do no wrong. It's just a joke.
What a faggot
According to Rich Evans, it was all improv. When they started recording he just started speaking with the voice of an "enthusiastic host". Mike improvised the thing about the asshole youtuber and Rich just tried to follow on that. As evidenced in the follow up during the Mad Max review, they really meant nothing by it.
guys how long did it take him to write that again?
What I love about the "I wrote it in 20 minutes" excuse is that his script is bad for a 20 minute effort and it's flaws are not related to the time put in, it's just horrible ideas/dialog from someone who has no idea what they're doing
His career was snapped along with Zod's neck when he released that script.
>Wha...You thought a pair of glasses could fool the world's greatest detective?!
so there's literally nothing interesting about him aside from "zod's snapped neck" and being mentioned by RLM. great topic.
The most interesting thing about Chris Stuckmann is his wife's headscarves
Seriously why does she wear those?
The better CA reviewer...
Livestreaming now...
He's the definition of a cuck
Why is Brad in a wheelchair? Does he really have cancer?
brush your fucking teeth