>Let's hire the 6'3, 300+ lbs 50 year old woman, a 400 lbs woman to be the leading ladies in our new 144 million dollar film to revive a beloved franchise
>And let's let them ad lib half the film and ignore the script
>what could go wrong?
Let's hire the 6'3, 300+ lbs 50 year old woman...
Other urls found in this thread:
You know what they say, can't have Ghostbusters without spooks
>ignore the script
>implying there was one
Bump 4 the lulz
>Yeah! Also, let's insult our target audience by calling them a bunch of whiny manchildren whenever they criticize us! Absolutely brilliant!
Feig got 10 million. McCarthy got 12 million. The rest of the chicks probably got 5+ mill each.
That's 37 million already. 25% of the budget.
Fuck off manbaby
I hate this movie and the politicics around it as much as the next guy, but can't we just pretend that it didn't happen?
>calling them a bunch of whiny manchildren
It's 100% true though
It should be out of theatres by next week.
Mojo already shows it down to 1,437 theatres. It was originally in 3,900+ theatres.
This will be forgotten by Labor Day.
>but can't we just pretend that it didn't happen?
Well that's what audiences did.
194 million. That is PATHETIC.
GBII made 215 in 1989 money BEFORE Inflation 450 million after.
This is the worst performing Ghost busters film by a LARGE margin. 1/3 of original film, 1/2 of II.
How do you not make money on a famous franchise reboot that's released during a week with no competition.
This is hilarious. Even the toy / game sales are bombing. Jews went too far and lost a hundred million on this flop. Probably devalued the franchise quite a bit as well.
>A movie like this has to at least get to like $500 million worldwide, and that's probably low.
>How do you not make money on a famous franchise reboot that's released during a week with no competition.
They showed zero respect or even interest in the original film. Read Feig and Pascal's emails. They never mention how they liked the original films. They just used it as a launchpad for their new female super hero franchise.
Then they did zero market research on this. Pascal approved it and no one could challenge it. I'm certain that if they did they would have found that there was little interest in an all female ghost busters. And I'm sure they would have found that many of the actors they chose, specifically Leslie Jones were unpopular and would make people see the film less. The resulting product, in terms of looks, humor and tone are so different that it was not interesting to most people.
And it's a film no one asked for. At all. People wanted III with the original cast for 20 years. No one wanted a reboot.
Then when the awful trailer dropped, they attacked anyone who was critical of the film, which just further alienated the original fanbase and males.
This was japs, not jews
Sony Japan does not run Sony films. The top execs are JEWS like Amy Pascall.
>It didn't make its budget back in the US.
>It didn't come close to the 400-500mil feig said it needed for profitiblity
>it flopped overseas
No chink release too was a disaster, but the chinks wouldn't have liked it with Harambe being the titular character.
Please what is this from
my webm folder.
>muh diversity
>3 office-working white women
>1 black woman working in subway
even suicide squad was more diverse
What is the folder titled
worst korea
From korean film?
the thing that really gets me is it will be a "classic" in 20 years they will think its great and its message of fatty will be all that is talked of , they have ruined us . this is a shame upon my country. may all responsible for this catastrophe burn in hell (a place I don't believe in fyi) for all eternity !! (also something I don't believe in)
But you'll probably still see people attempt to claim that 2016 version did better at the box office than the 1984 version.
Even though they conveniently ignore how the new movie was released at twice the number of theaters and had 3D/IMAX behind it.
too much dancing
no, it's chinese.
get a life
>they attacked anyone who was critical of the film
they attacked people who were shitting on the film being an all female main cast
Can you hook an user up with the name of the film
>false flagging any criticism as misogyny and feeding the sad story to the media for pity views
That's the excuse they give.
every critical response i read about the movie was some variation of journalists asking ''what do you think about the negative reaction to the main characters being women''
if you loved the originals and wanted a sequel i get it or just liked the idea of it staying a boys club sort of movie, which is fine, but people were literally going on leslie jones' twitter calling her a nigger.
>only quotes opening numbes
>doesn't talk about total budget or what was required to make profit
>Ghostbusters (1984) got a sequel because it made money, despite it relying on lazy, sexist humor
This is the new narrative? It never had any "sexist humor". It only had two female characters who were treated pretty normally. Only thing that you could spin as "sexist" is Murray's character being a perv. But that's played for humor and makes him look negative.
>and taking away any substance its one black actor could’ve had.
How dare they treated Zimmermore as a normal guy rather than "AH HELL NAW" shouting sassy black lady.
>When women make something you have no choice but to consume it, if you don't you're a manchild.
Yeah nah m8, don't step er or I'll fucking nip yah.
>but people were literally going on leslie jones' twitter calling her a nigger.
debunked as false flagging and making her the main victim + Leslie Jones was attacking people on her twitter before
While it was a bad, unnecessary sequel, female cast wasn't one of the problems.
>debunked as false flagging and making her the main victim
It was Milo's "alt right" fans doing that. He got into an argument with her, and they insulted her because she's an ugly black woman. And she kept replying so they saw blood and kept doing it.
That's just a normal day.
your life must be pretty shit then.
The shills for multiculturalism, fat acceptance and feminism are being BTFO by the majority. The media is losing this war.
>The media is losing this war.
the media gives less than a fuck about anybody, they back whatever gives them attention that's how it works.
fat people, feminisim and multiculteralism are on the rise and the media backs the best pony in the current race but they will always exist. you'll just have to deal with that
>the media gives less than a fuck about anybody, they back whatever gives them attention that's how it works.
Not really, the MSM is literally owned by people who use them for their political agenda. I mean, you can act like the DNC leaks and all the Hillary superpacs don't exist, but that doesn't change reality.
>target audience
Their target audience was internet feminists, numale cucks and tumblr crowd. Thy did great job pandering to them.
>owned by people who use them for their political agenda.
your media maybe. are you american?
The number of theatres has dropped again to 788 and the average gross per theatre is shockingly low as well. It was averaging less than $200 per theatre this week.
the rlm analysis was pretty solid on this.
Something like 0.5% of all youtube comments mentioned the female cast.
Enough to warrant a shitstorm about MRA manbabies i guess.
>Something like 0.5% of all youtube comments mentioned the female cast.
how did they measure it?
>This is the new narrative?
It's been popping up in some comments and articles. No one's really been calling them out.
Even if its true, you don't hurt you demographic and audience for potential buyers
>expected a jump scare
>sitting her nervouse as shit
>my phone vibrates
>literally shat myself a tiny bit
fucking hell man, spoiler that shit
I could literally filter everything that ever uses the term MRA from now until the end of civilization and lose nothing
Here this cucklord thought it would be a good idea.
Dancing is never entertaining to watch unless it has sexy girls
Dumbest part of human culture
>too much dancing
>the ONE opportunity they had in the film for a dance number they didn't fucking use it
absolutely criminal if you ask me
They took a random sample of 1000 comments of counted how many mentioned women. About 120/1000 comments mentioned women. Out of 38 million views, only like 288 thousand left comments. Thus like 99.92% of people did not care enough to leave an anti woman comment on the original trailer.
For anyone who wants to sit and watch some good videos about how much of a failure SONY is and how they fucked up
Jesus the black one really does barely look human. If a white girl looked like that there is no way she would be where she is, she's only there to make up the minority numbers.
thank you for backing up your point i appreciate it. but however you look at it, sexisim was present. i'm not calling you sexisit, i'm just being straight forward, that was a problem for a significant amount of people.
Is he looking up that gorilla's skirt? Poor bastard
It was a problem for a small percentage of people, the main problem was that the trailer looked like garbage. The second biggest problem was people being called sexist pig manbabbies for not being excited for the movie.
>Movie jail
This piece of shit still did twice the business as Steven Jewbergs "BFG".
Sad, really...
Ghostbusters (2016)
Budget: $144 mil
Domestic: $123,170,434
Worldwide: $194,971,740
Budget: $140 mil
Domestic: $53,590,481
Foreign: $55,346,740
Worldwide: $108,937,221
Foreign: $71,801,306
>for a significant amount of people.
It looked like an Adam Sandler movie. Difference being Sandler still somehow manages to get an audience for his disasters.
GB's is one of the best examples of disconnect between Hollywood and its audience I've seen in years. They marketed it to the Tumblr crowd, which never shows up when it matters.
Faig describes this as a billion dollar idea to Pascal.
>making a movie based on a doom gun
What did he expect?
Ghostbusters was also supposed to be the start of an bigger franchise that would bring plenty of cash into SONY
thats not happening now
>Those Sony emails where Pascal insinuated bringing Tobey Maguire back to the Spider-Man franchise somehow alongside Andrew Garfield would be "two billion at the box office, easy."
She fucked Sony worse than that data leak a few years back
>Amy Pascal
how can she still have a place at SONY and any kind of influence?
>The second biggest problem was people being called sexist pig manbabbies for not being excited for the movie.
like i said i read online, in magazines, etc the negative response from the creators coming from the negative response to the main characters being women.
>being called sexist pig manbabbies for not being excited for the movie
that's an exaggeration come on. and i know a lot of men felt no resentment towards the movie, some looked forward to it, some gave no shits. but there were men, people, who didn't want it to happen because it had a main female cast.
>It looked like an Adam Sandler movie.
fair enough.
>They marketed it to the Tumblr crowd, which never shows up when it matters.
i dunno i think they though they had a had a hit with the melissa mccarthy/paul feig.movies after the the heat and spy, which i loved btw.
Muh 79 cents on the dollar
>save money on paying Pascals wage
>loose money on every movie she has a hand in
She's a powerful woman in Hollywood. She probably has mountains of dirt on all the pedos and rapists in the industry.
She literally screamed "patriarchy" when her head was on the chopping block, and Sony backed down.
The idea that she waited till Harold Ramis died to wrestle Ghostbusters away from Reitman was disgusting. All the emails pointed to her turning GB's into essentially her progressive pet project right from the start.
>sexisim was present.
Females don't share the same chemistry that men do, which is why men don't watch their "buddy comedy" shit the way we do when men are cast.
Women are essentially whiny, nagging, children, as was clearly demonstrated when this film, and the female cast, didn't garner the same attention and affection as the original.
>but actually don't pay her any less at all
>The idea that she waited till Harold Ramis died to wrestle Ghostbusters away from Reitman was disgusting.
Well she clearly didnt want anything to do with Reitman and didnt like him at all, meanwhile the feminim Feig who wanted an all female cast clicked with Pascal directly
>the chinks wouldn't have liked it with Harambe being the titular character
holy shit was leslie jones' character really named Ghostbuster?
there are so few women buddy movies compared to men;s buddy comedies/ ghostbusters hasn't flopped but there is a stigma around it. we need more movies written about female characters instead of jumping onto a bandwagon but hollywood is all about money and that shit doesn't sell.
>Women are essentially whiny, nagging, children
don't be fucking stupid.
Is Pascal really still hired at Sony?
She single handedly killed what was left of their movie business. And the worst is yet to come.
You sound like a woman.
We just need good movies that don't force anybody in any role just because its fashionable right now.
Did Kristen wiig get her turkey gobbler surgically removed?
>yfw Pascal won the film rights to the Zoe Quinn memoirs, that haven't even been written yet.
my love, that's what i'm saying
>We just need good movies
and you're bringing it down to gender issues. don't be a cunt, act your age.
>But there were men, people, who didn't want it to happen because it had a main female cast.
Name a single franchise that's focused on women that's ever captured the same kind of audience as any male focused franchise.
I'll wait...
tbqh I could care less about the actresses they got to play the parts. All the problems with this movie stem from the writing and director.
>ghostbusters hasn't flopped
are you serious?
they will be lucky if they make 200 million world wide, and 120 million of those are made domestic, and the rest is then of course from the foreign market where the studio in general gets around 55% of the money, so the studio havent even made 200 million.
Kevin Feigh said that for the movie to be seen as a success and get a sequal it had to make around 500 million.
Hollywood Reporter has been reporting that SONY is now taking around 60-70 million.
It is clearly a flop, SONY wanted it to be a huge movie where they could build a franschice around it.
>we need more movies written about female characters
okey? so make sure that they are good then and played by actual good actresses
Different person replying you monkeyface
>we need more movies written about female characters instead of jumping onto a bandwagon but hollywood is all about money and that shit doesn't sell.
A company should make more of a product that doesn't sell very well because I said so.
That's why smart people don't take women's opinions seriously.
nothing. the business is sexist. the best movies are written by men, the focus on male protagonists. that's the way it is.
>okey? so make sure that they are good then and played by actual good actresses
melissa mccarthy is great
>That's why smart people don't take women's opinions seriously.
they do, you'e just not smart. sorry and all that.
fuck me what heartache
>melissa mccarthy is great
not great enough to make Ghostbuster a success
>we need more movies written about female characters
That's fine, just don't expect men to watch that shit.
>don't be fucking stupid.
This film proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.