Just had my leg amputated

Just had my leg amputated

R8 my new stump Sup Forums

Dick Pillow

So will you put on a plastic leg.?



Does the missing leg fit into your anus?

You posted months ago, it isn't new anymore, just a stump.

lets get some better photos

Probably not. Doc said because its well above my knee, prosthetics wont be easy.

whyd you need it amputated?


Bone cancer


how did it happen?

is it contagious?


>"w-whats the news doctor?"
>"you have bone cancer"
>"no, BONE cancer."
>"Oh, alright, PHEW!"


So, when they amputate, what do they do to the end of the bone? Like, do they need to cap it off or do they leave it to heal around the exposed marrow?

Diabetus fattus murricanus?

Looks like a poorly made cushion

File off the edges and suture some muscle over the tip.

PVC and duct tape mostly.

1 out of 5 stars
The first was much better and the sequel just came up short. I'm tired of Hollywood trying to make everything a franchise nowadays. Like, hear me out, leg was great. It wasn't the best out there no but it got you where you were going and it was enjoyable. It wasn't the prettiest no but that wasn't what was important. It was a good sturdy and stand alone film but this sequel is just terrible. What even was the goal here? It's seriously just a let down and the people behind it have no leg to stand on to defend it. Seriously don't bother with this one. The original was so much better.

>dat pale greenish colour

