>its a "Charls looks into the camera and tells the audience to kill their politicians" episode
Its a "Charls looks into the camera and tells the audience to kill their politicians" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
Post link to episode 3
the "Jews Rock!" skit is honestly one of the most brilliant things i've seen in years
He calls out jews (through implication) for owning the media and forcing people to like them and they don't even realize it
>its a funny World Peace episode
you're dumb as shit. honestly. Do you really think anyone missed the implication?
The tap water skit was great
Bonus points for charles covering his bald head and additiinal bonus points for sam wearing a flannel.
>charls mouthing "VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP!" during the credits
My favorite skits so far is the wall,tap water, and evrn though the gym one aint funny I like the look of the skit
If those 3 skits were on one show it would be the ultimate am I high on lsd head fuck.
Can't say I liked episode 3 as much as the other two. How many more episodes are there this season?
>he thinks the average American can understand subtlety or anything that isn't directly expressed
no user, you are the dumbass. have you ever looked at an American political cartoon?
come on fellas
it's not ~that~ ground-breaking
I'm an mde fan too, but I don't feel the need to choke on their cocks 24/7
3 more so only six hopefully after the 6 one airs adult swim films 6 more episodes
this. I also feel the stormfag audience is trying to claim it as "theirs"
It's almost like satire is over the top to demonstrate the point
this is bait
I rewatched episode 3 4 times already and holy shit. So much shit flies over your head and goddamn it just keeps getting better and better.
>Sam in black nose says " I'm like royalty"
A play off of WE WUZ KANGS
Holy Shit
They're the only ones really excited about the show other than the people who are such massive fanboys that they're just excited to see their faces on Adult Swim. World Peace hasn't been anywhere close to their best work but if you're a Sup Forumstard you're ecstatic to see some of your views sort of expressed on television. A lot of them are delusional enough to think the culture wars are drifting more toward their favor and this supports that fantasy.
It's still better than 90% of other television shows
I hope this is bait
>want to get high? drink tapwater
what did he mean by this?
>A lot of them are delusional enough to think the culture wars are drifting more toward their favor and this supports that fantasy.
the culture war is drifting in their favor. Theres a reason Larry Wilmores show got canned and Stephen Colberts and the Daily shows raitings are plummeting
Its funny and awesome to see sam hyde on tv.
Honestly the show could be better
But it has that early 90s mtv feel with that mid 90s wcw wrestling crash tv feel
Fun fact : both world peace and wcw wrestling were filmed in georgia.
It's not, television is trash and you should go back to your /gotg/.
They call me "doorway"
World Peace is literally nothing new, interesting or groundbreaking
You're saying this shit only because you're a fanboy of Sam Hyde
>six episodes
>10 minutes each
How can this even be considered a "show"?
>Fun fact
>wasn't fun
What did he mean by this?
I wish sam used more georgia models and actresses atleast just standing in the background in the skits
Season two
They need to showcase as much of those sexy georgia women as they can
Was the point to show niggers vs beta vs alpha with that?
give it a rest eric
It took you four times to get that? Retard.
It really should've been 15 minutes or 20, it's a good show but it feels pretty condensed to fit the 10 minute format
They need to start filming 6 more as soon as the 6th episode airs
I dont think the budget would cover a longer version of the show
The wall skit,the hooker skit look like they cost alot to film
Does anyone have a link for the new Eric Andre episode
>I'm too stupid to get it so it's not funny
The MDE fanbase has to be the most cancerous thing on this board in awhile.
>omg he said that meme SHOW OF THE YEAR!
why are you this excited over what basically amounts to some insignificant red-pill easter eggs?
so far the show isn't anywhere near college cunts, or ANY of their better stuff
are you just more interested in seeing some right-wing memes than actual humor?
Hopefully its 15 minutes for the next season
To be honest I dont think mde is ready for a show longer then 20 minutes yet
Maybe for a season 3 if the budget is bigger of there are more writers
i doubt they'll get an increase, shit I doubt they will even get a S2 since everyone seems to be so triggered by it, and it apparently cost a lot of money.
I never said it wasn't funny, I enjoy World Peace but saying that it's better than 90% of television is fucking retarded
Also what's to get? is it the ''lol so redpill'' shit?
Why are you so butt hurt over people enjoying this show? Don't you have some capeshit/GoT threads to shitpost in?
They can drop most the memes
They need more writers
Its must see tv because it unpredictable
Their views, Sup Forums views, aren't being expressed though. If anyone actually watches MDE and subsequently characterizes them of being any particular political point of view, you are extremely malinformed. That's never what Sam Hyde's comedy's been about, nor MDE. Everyone commenting on their subtlety and subversion of liberals are looking at it from the wrong direction,, As opposed to them being these radical alt-right artists probing at the most pressing concerns of white nationalism, they err more on the side of cultural critics of both neo-liberalism and the alt-right, how they disseminate and receive information, and how cultural issues are diluted into the vernacular.
I completely agree, MDE fans are so fucking annoying but you can say that about every fanbase
>Having your neurons predisposed for Sup Forums memery
Nah man I got other shit to focus in on besides memes you autist
It's the only feeding factor it's gotten since its plainly unfunny. I spent the entiee time watching it waiting for it to be funny, since it comes off very amateurish and tacky. I had to rewatch to get past the fact that it's severely unfunny, borderline cringey, to see all the subtle nuances redpills. Which is its only redeeming g factor
I enjoy it, I just don't think it's the second coming of Christ, unlike you fucks
Im sure the budget is lower then the animated shows
Adult swim needs a season 2
Faggots complaining to adult swim wont get it canceled.
The mainstream media verbally whipping it or bad rateings would get it canceled.
Untill TMZ does a story on neo nazi sam hyde the show wont get cancelled for racism.
why do all liberals look like this? poorly developed child like bone structure, scrawny etc.
well in that case I get it man
>I never said it wasn't funny, I enjoy World Peace but saying that it's better than 90% of television is fucking retarded
there are maybe two current comedy shows that could be called better. Nathan For You is all i can think of off the top of my head.
I'd say WP is better than 95% of tv shows. that's not crazy.
Why do you immediately assume that what he said was a reference to the meme? It was a very popular theory, particularly in the artists group during the development of the Harlem Renaissance, that black people descended from royalty, not to mention all of the other cultural associations that hip hop has developed to associate royalty with black culture. Do you only learn things from memes?
gynocentric upbringing
children are punished and forced to take drugs because its unnatural for a little boy to go outside and play instead of sitting in a room for 5 hours listening to some glorified baby sitter wax poetic about Martin Luther King, the patron saint of the public school system
Can someone please explain the gym skit to me?
Adult swim better film 6 more episodes
>Backpedaling your reasoning for watching this mediocre show 4 fucking times
i hope it gets a S2, but I think AS itself will try to sabotage S2.
>The wall skit,the hooker skit look like they cost alot to film
>cardboard sets and a set bedroom were expensive
Ok buddy
World Peace is garbage
The gym skit is not funny.
I only like it because the girl is hot and the set and charles plastic hair reminds me of the early 90's mtv show liquid television.
inb4 some liberal tries to claim MDE are really liberals hiding behind several layers of irony
They are promting the show on adult swims website
.they even brought in a world peace actress for a an adult swim live stream show.
Rateings will make or break the show.
The newest episode was crazy. Especially the ending. It feels like there's something comedy oriented on tv worth watching again.
didn't they only start promoting the show less than a week before it aired? there wasn't even anything on the AS YT channel until around then.
>the funniest parts are when charles and sam almost break
They are kind of liberal they smoke,do drugs,probally dabbled in gay stuff,hang with minoritys.
Just because the refuse to put the black man on a throne like liberals do does not make them racist.
They seen the first episode got over a million views
All of a sudden they got more into promoting the show.
The rateings will determine if adult swim keeps the show or not.
Where is a not shit rip of the episode?
>It's a Sup Forumseddit shills their newest unfunny post-post-post-post ironic meme """comedian"""
>Just because the refuse to put the black man on a throne like liberals do does not make them racist.
this mindset is the exact thing they are mocking. the idea that if you are conservative or simply critical of aspects of the left, it must mean you are a NEONAZI KKK member.
Pretty sure Sam is straight edge, or at least doesnt do drugs. If you ever seen him talk out of character, he is obviously more right wing. He promotes being masculine, owning guns, and is totally against this new liberalism. He makes it a point to show how much he hates Lena Dunham and sees her as his exact opposite. Hes also not some neocon republican either though.
>it's an all press is good press post
>it's just a prank bro
lol no. sam is completely open about his beliefs, yes he exaggerates stuff for keks just like Sup Forums does, but i think your projecting a lot of stuff about a guy who is just some goofy guy who's funny in a weird way who discovered therightstuff.biz and clearly is not happy about the liberal direction society is heading.
Just look at that za'
Yeah I suppose since it's doing pretty well it could easily get a S2, I fucking hope so.
I feel like this show would work better in 26 minute chunks, where the related sketches (breakups, the british reality show) could be spread out more.
I'm dying
Sam isnt a stormfag
Retards go to the gym just to show off, get instant gratification and hurt themselves in the process.
Then they take drugs to deal with hurting themselves making them feel good but look really fucked up
The problem is I dont think can get a bigger budget or better writers to do a show that long.
Id say 15 -20 minutes is the best they can get.
I loved the bit where Nick pulled on the noose and got lifted by the wire harness.
Not particularly deep or anything, but the execution was perfect.
>this mindset is the exact thing they are mocking. the idea that if you are conservative or simply critical of aspects of the left, it must mean you are a NEONAZI KKK member.
it's more that they mock the idea if you have or promote any kind of white tribalism/racial identity you most be some KKK member. sam has literally said this exact thing.
The whole tilted staging was cool as fuck
>comedy is art, it doesnt have to be funny
The surreal stuff like that thecshow needs more of.
It needs to be more trippy more funny.
I think season 2 will bring the lsd sensation even more in the sketches.
This show looks great from what I've seen, and there are some good ideas, but the execution is very sloppy and fractured.
>baaaw i can't conceptualise anyone with an interest in white identity outside of my retarded stereotypes because i'm a butthurt retard
he's literally donated money to TRS.
stop being so butthurt and pathetic and accept that not everyone who disagrees with you is some hollywood skinhead caricature so you don't have to psychologically deal with their arguments.
Thinking your race is better than another race is the exact definition of being a racist kkk neo nazi
Also Sam is friends with a literal white supremacist hacker, and then he claims that he's not a racist
>that tap water sketch
when will it end
Shut the fuck up,you faggot nigger
pathetic, user.
I loved the tap water sketch sams flannel shirt made the sketch 10/10