This was better than most scifi of the 2000s, and I just found out about it sadly.
one question, why did the mutants use torches? Like they didnt seem very smart.
also what are some similar movies? (scifi, mystery, close quarter survival etc)
This was better than most scifi of the 2000s, and I just found out about it sadly.
one question, why did the mutants use torches? Like they didnt seem very smart.
also what are some similar movies? (scifi, mystery, close quarter survival etc)
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who is that willy filly?
Europa Report is some kino tier close quarter survival.
thanks I'll check it out famalam
4real? she played faora
Looks like a pretty guy with a wig.
tell it to her delicious tits
tfw no sequel because nobody even knows about this gem
can somebody post that webm of her jiggling tits from this film
please i need it for my research project
I want Antje in more movies ffs
especially scifi badass woman roles
is this the only promotion this movie has?
Needs a sequel, I liked the end twist. Maybe with more mutants and Bridge Regan as an amazon
Clicked the trailer, stopped it about halfway thru & rented it. If thread is still up, I'll report a thumbs up or down in 2 hours.
Delete your account
spreading the word of god one post at a time
payton started the whole cannibal culture thing and they just continued it and devolved. They werent completely retarded, they used traps and shit.
He did nothing wrong.
How did he play god? Sure, he unfroze some ppl and closed the doors on them, but thats it basically
its been 2 years since I saw it but when earth was destroyed why did he want to kill off the rest of humanity what was his end game
he got tha pandorum,baby
the scene with the black guys story explains he went cannibal and rapist.
He didn't he thought the old ways resulted in destruction and he wanted a society without rules full of cannibal rapists more or less
wtf there was no implication of rape
I guess they dont say it explicitly but it seems pretty obvious from this part
yea I guess it can imply that in some way but still theres nothing godlike in these actions
I heard its supposed to be some a sort of a similar movie to event horizon but I just dont see it, no demonic elements and also I think pandorum is much more suspenseful and overall better
No more law. Nothing left to care. Just three little souls whose destiny had become undone...because there was chop chop chop chop...then there was only one. One little Indian left, alone with all his doom. He refuses to go to bed, so what does he do?He decides to stay up and play in his room. What nasty little games he would play...with his slumbering prey. He was slayer, he was master. He was both God and the devil. See, that's what some would say. He would grow to manhood, a self-proclaimed king. Master of his own vessel. Home to his own sin. He just cast out all who had behaved. Just exiled to the cargo fend amongst themselves...and scavenge, feeding off their own. Evil grew. The king no longer wanted to play. So he returned to his bed of slumber. And while the king slept, a whole new world of evil we wept
>Europa Report
Fuck no. And fuck found footage movies.
Posting in a kino thread
event horizon was a great movie man they have copied it so many times they even referenced it in stranger things I like both of them though but nothing will ever equal the creepy vibes when they first enter the horizon it is the true doom prequel
Is Pandorum really that good?
one of my favourite movies but if you get it overhyped you might not enjoy it. Also reading all these spoilers wont help
yes it is I didn't expect anything from it when I watched it man cause I had never heard of it before
I don't want to hype it up but I certainly enjoyed it, it's different and probably better than a flick
Good movie, disappointing ending. When they showed the window full of blackness i imagined the ship had travelled so far it reached a sort of end of the universe and went beyond into nothingness. Instead they went with the most boring explanation possible.
no it's a pretty generic zombies-in-space thriller, which was an oddly prolific subgenre during that period. it's notability comes from the fact that it's marginally less shitty than the other movies in that niche and has antje trau in her prime
If you take off the mask will she die?
And then what? They succumb to pandorum and he joins payton? Seemed like they tried to keep the science too realistic for that ending
Its popular because theres barely anything in the genre
u r retarded
Hmm. I rate it 7/10 thumbs up.
this guy lives to over 1000 years old wew
I don't see how you can do a sequel due to the fact that the ship is drowned and they don't have the means to go there. By the time they have the tech to go into the ship again the mutants (for lack of a better word) would have been extinct.
A prequel would be better, showing the mutants surviving and evolving to the level they are in Pandorum. Hell, make that shit a tragedy, some people wanting better but eventually turning feral and betraying their humanity by realizing preying is the only way to survive.
It's on a par with Sunshine
If you liked Sunshine you'll probably like Pandorum
so when they were showing the scene where that guy has pandorum and ejects the crew don't the pods get ejected in a 360 degree circle around the ship?
So at the end when they eject the pods, wouldn't the people on the underside of the ship be trapped against the ground and the ship?
Always bothered me.
Europe Report was great, atmospheric kino.
>not having $2 to rent a movie
>he would rather spend time downloading than going to a redbox and then buying a drink at a 7-eleven
What about Jason X?
>the sequel is about another ark mission to another earth
>same thing happens to tanis enroute
>payton equivalent takes it up to 11 because he knows its a recurring cycle
He got pandorum, and also he went insane knowing the futility of continuing on (in his mind, duh, one would realistically keep on and help humanity start again, sanity or not).
different ships but yeah probably, beats being eaten alive I guess?
I think it was more about thinking that the colony they form would eventually end up like earth. So he loses faith in all the societal values that led up to that point and goes full hedonist.
Europa Report is a movie undone by its very last shot. It all turns into a joke when you find out that the alien life form is just a fucking cyborg octopus from Crysis
>travelled beyond the stars
This was the first thing my mind jumped to but just as quickly dismissed it.
How exactly do you think that could be possible? The furthest reaches of the expanding universe have been traveling multitudes faster than this ship and literally since the big bang (a decent head start I'd say), they'd have to do some REAL fucking retarded stretching to make it plausible this 2100s ship caught up to the edge of the expanding universe, and there's no way it'd not be a wholly unsatisfying explanation.
Looking up into the window there were 3 options-
-they're floating lost amongst unfamiliar stars (boring)
-they're actually still at earth! (kek)
-hey whaddya know they're at tanis
They chose the most interesting of the 3 options.
Literally what are you even implying or saying?
LITERALLY one post earlier I said I rented it.
He didn't have an endgame. When he got word earth was gone & all that's left of humanity was on his ship, he decided that if he'd take out the other 2 guys with him, he could ascend beyond human morality because there'd be no retribution and no one who could judge him or his actions. He started playing. With the on-boards as his toys. Perhaps the bit about the life-support systems altering people to survive on Tanis was a contributing or even main factor in creating the mutants, but also the game Gallo threw them into conduced the rise of mutant cannibal society.
the ship is only partially submerged so they can go back plus all their tech and dna samples are in it so the literally HAVE TO
>This was better than most scifi of the 2000s
No it wasn't, and it's not even close.
agreed, the ending put me off as well. But I liked the film up to the last 30s.
Stupid meme. Seriously, he killed his command and brought chaos to the last known pocket of humanity. One can forgive atrocities committed against people, I personally approve of us bombing Japan, but doing this on something fragile and limited as his vessel is unforgivable. It's like if you're stranded on an island with some chicks, and instead of banging, you stab and torture them. Horrible circumstances and horrible decisions. Should have manned the fuck up and done his job instead of being an emotional faggot.
He could have still kept shit up AND raped and tortured. Fuck, still pisses me off. Absolute power and he fucked it up. I would have defrosted a mother and daughter, and raped one while another watched, then repeat it again with the other. Then I would have frosted them up again and done worse shit to others. You can be horrible and still follow through with something noble.
That's shit flick
The ship landed on its own on the planet, so maybe it also didnt shoot people at the seafloor in containers.
>we dont know if the entire ship is flooded at the end of the movie
>all the humans are now on the outside.
>without resources for building a new colony.
>or food.
>the humans have to go back in the ship
>full of the mutated humans, who are getting hungry because their food source is gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>research project
So fucking sexy
think she'll get any new roles, Sup Forums?
>without resources for building a new colony.
>or food.
nigga humans are animals, the planet has all the resources they need
put down the ipad
indulge me, what were the best scifis of the 2000s then?
Jason X may be stupid, but it gave me some good faps and it is entertaining. And their tech was interesting, the ship design especially.
not him but im gonna list some good movies
minority report
AI artificial intelligence
adjustment bureau
logan's run
the island
in time
the giver
(these last 4 are all the same movie desu, plus thx whatever george lucas' version of it)
total recall
i robot
bicentennial man
>adjustment bureau
>logan's run
>the island
>in time
>the giver
>total recall remake
>good movies
wew lad
any more pics of Faora?
Good point. Earth is gone but what happened to all the other ships? In The 100 humans in orbit made a super-spacestation, why can't the rest of humanity have gotten together and done something?
>some complete faggot will call that 'manly'
dat ass
They imply earth was nuked so bad it literally exploded or an asteroid hit it so anyone in orbit is fucked mate.
>ex machina
Terrific pleb filter.
So? You can be insane and still function. There are people who keep women for years hidden, repeatedly raping them, and still go about their lives, without people knowing their shit. Just because you are Bad doesn't mean you are also an idiot.
>spotted the pleb
You're right.
>haha I'll call him a pleb first so that means I'm not a pleb xdddd
which one of those isn't gr8?
also, who said remake you projecting pleb shitlord
I meant all the other interstellar ships, dude.
joke I meant to have this image attached
but also see these
they got blowed up kapooewww
>this much projecting
You implied I was a pleb you fucktard. This is why all your arguments are void now. You've exposed yourself as the ultimate retard. You can end your life now.
Uhh where are they going to go? There's no where for them to land
One of my favourite sci fi's ever, I don't know why it gets such low scores from critics.
Why are German chicks so hot? Literal perfection.
insanity != personality disorder
You think ex machina is a good film. Your opinion is void and null.
None of them are great. The fact that I even have to explain this proves how little value your opinion has. They are okay as best. They are timefillers.
I assumed you meant the TR remake because we were talking about sci fi movies after the 2000's. The original was in 1990. so yea, you can fuck off now.
>tries to meme on someone else's movie preferences
>ends up going full sperg
haha i love a happy ending
Ex Machina is a good film. The script is tight. The characters are engaging. The dialogue is true to what people in the tech industry would use. The cinematography is great. The atmosphere is palpable. The CGI is implemented immaculately.
You have to be a fucking contrarian sperg to dislike this movie.
name one of them on that list that isnt great you idiot
>You have to be a fucking contrarian sperg to dislike this mov
you forgot where you are m8