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katy perry is not good

dated but


first person to reach 100mil must be pretty good

This is the era of purposeful internet accounts.

is the album any decent? I can kinda dig the singles

100 million drones

goddamn dude that's deep

>eyes blinded
>eye in mouth
>"i know nothing" in description

what did they mean by this?

You have a shit taste so you'd probably love it.

by drones he means bots
they're bought artificial followers

She's a literal forced meme now, doesn't even has any of those grammys they give to every relevant pop artist, and she isn't edgy or """alternative""" like Miley and Gaga. What a has-been mom core hag.

no he meant all 100m
it's deep.

The more you look into Katy Perry's behaviour recently the creepier it gets.

I've never been big into researching any MK-Ultra type stuff but her behaviour recently has been weird (I just tabbed out to get a pic of her instagram post recently where she started to have a mental breakdown and wanted to be referred to by her original name and was speaking in bizarrely depersonalised ways but it's been taken down since...) look at her stage fall when she was singing a few years back too, it's no normal fall. It's like a random moment where he conditioning broke down and she spazzed the fuck out and didn't know what was going on.

No lie though I just went to go and get that instagram post and it's gone now. It was so fucking weird bro. I honestly think she is a test tube baby for some program.

what did she mean by this

Who cares? Just stop giving her attention.

What the fuck does this even mean? I see this slang but have no idea what do normie retards mean by this

think "Work it, girl!" but the people that use "slay" instead are too illiterate to type that out

>not woke

The difference is she's not a test tube baby. She was a relatively self-aware normal girl before her fame, something the majority of pop stars of her magnitude and influence can't really speak for. She's simply able to contrast what's normal with what's happening because of her. You can feel how fucked up it must be for her.

this is confusing as fuck on multiple levels

Fuck now I feel bad for her, I bet there's gonna be "Paul is dead"-tier rumors about her in a few years, but this time they will be true.

legit and heterosexual

hm, where have we seen sharp, flat, polygon-like protruding costumes with odd subservient dancers being slayed in the performance?

2008-2009 gaga

shut the fuck up idiot

retarded mentally ill gay humor

>first person to reach 100mil must be pretty good
Subscribers is not a good way to decide stuff.

This because there are guys that dont subscribe to someone but still read the stuff they say.

The same apply to youtube subscribers, and thats why I dont show the subscribers at my channel.

The good way to do it, is by like to dislike ratio and not even that is good enought because approval system voting system is not so good

baka it was part of a transition to a break and costume change, it was the middle of the show. She didn't get hurt. She told everyone that was part of the show and said she should be an actress.

OF COURSE she'd say that you dip

easily manipulated by media and celebrities retard

who's mindcontrolled now?

whoa! she is good! best pop artist of all time!