>>I personally feel bad for not seeing this in the theater. I do.
she aight
>>I personally feel bad for not seeing this in the theater. I do.
she aight
Other urls found in this thread:
She actually looks like she's made of cheese in that picture.
That moment of existential dread she had after seeing Suicide Squad was great
what's the most obscure film she reviewed?
Why do the reviewers that this board always talks about almost exclusively review comic book movies?
comics are good for you user
Hi I'm a nobody with pink hair, please value my opinion because it's important and better than your own.
>because it's important and better than your own
That's quite an inferiority complex you got there, pal. Wanna take about it?
patrician choices
>Sup Forums retards with no principles lust after a literal walking red flag with shit taste: the thread
>patrician choices
>the only non-English movie is a so bad it's good poofilm
I fucking hate this culture of irony, it just disguises the fact that adults now have basically the same taste as children
>making a best of the decade in 2015
>doesnt mention cliff martinez
Why do people keep doing this
>comicbookgirl19 or something
>reviews movies
immersion lost
>>didnt see the movie but it sucked poster
She's a footslut.
>comicbookgirl19 or something
>or something
The fact you know this skanks name and still try to hide it are two distinct types of pathetic
Post her soles.
This is a completely baseless accusation.
most of Sup Forumsv/ is very insecure so
I want that shirt.
who is that? is that a dude? "she" looks like it has a penis
because more people will watch their videos then
>movies you missed
>all entry level Sup Forums trash that any teenager with even a passing interest in movies has seen
So this is the power of the female intellect.
>it's all fucking garbage
idk what i expected
Ding ding ding
She used to be real cute years ago. What happened?
Comic Book Girl is Shilled HARD on Sup Forums.
Yet no one ever really dicusses her or her videos at all. She's just another boring shallow waifu youtuber.
the host
wtf you talking bout
I don't understand either when there are much better options like Alachia Queen to be quite honest with you.
Don't end a sentence with "so", you fucking teenaged girl and/or grown autist.
And how aren't those entry level IMDB shit? If a teenager can watch it then it's garbage. If somebody who watches comic book movies and plays video games can watch it then it is horrendous garbage.
Because this board is full of children from Sup Forums. Before the in/v/asion no one cared about these youshit reviewers besides RLM
she is made of cheese. That stupid fake hair doesn't help.
She's got a really masculine face