CNN nitpicking Trump as usual. Trump mispells "coverage" and playfully jokes about it the next day...

CNN nitpicking Trump as usual. Trump mispells "coverage" and playfully jokes about it the next day. Just to go out of their way just to make him look bad over something so trivial is beyond ridiculous. Thoughts?

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He's obviously embarrassing the country. If he didn't want bad press he should stay the fuck off Twitter and stay in his safe place.

Trump's a shit president. CNN are shit reporters. What can you expect?

Well, murrifags, how does it feel to have a brain amputee for president?

I wouldn't doubt that it's embarrassing. But I'm more concerned with the press posting out garbage just for the sake of making someone look bad. I guess that's typical these days.

>boohoo I'm a snowflake I hate when people say mean things about emperor Trump

Where have you been the last 10 years? The press has always done this.

Like it or not, his 12am unfinished and misspelled tweets are actually news worthy. It says alot about him..

Well I can sit back and relax and laugh at what's going on in the world. I feel as if I'm watching a giant joke and I'm waiting for the punchline.



Yeah, I just feel that someone in the role that he has found himself should be trying a bit harder.
Proofreading is not difficult.

The man can't even manage a fucking a tweet and is expected to lead the US. Fucking hilarious

The days of the press doing their job have been over since the internet became a thing

Can you put that into a top 10 list for me?

Elementary school. I'm a highschool senior.

Funniest thing I read about this moron is how his staff struggles to reduce the time he just sits there watching Fox News, because the more he watches TV, the less he does his job and the more he sends his retarded tweets.

The president of the US of A has to be treated like a fucking spoiled three year old, LMAO

A liberal telling someone to go back to their safe space. Thats rich.

Wow that's cool

BTW, there was recently a bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed 80+ people including Westerners.

CNN... the most trusted name in very fake news.

This is not a fake image. This is actually the CNN home page right now.

It's because you all care too much, and talking shit about Trump creates more attention and revenue than racism now.

President Safe Space

Better get used to it. You got another 7 and a half years left of him.

When did "snowflake" get transferred away from liberal pussies, ie you?

You really miss the point in using it. See, we conservatives are relatively "united" and "in agreement".

Libs get termed snowflake because they each think they are a unique special gift to this earth and theres no one else who has the same moral plane as they do.

Class dismissed, snowflake.

You took a quote that has no context and are trying to prove something? Back to Berkley with you Libtard.

I don't know if you're retarded are just a Liberal but he was uding it correctly. Go be butthurt elsewhere

Are you being serious?

Back to your sisters pussy, inbred.

I was cruising silently through page 2 when I saw this post and had to stop off in this thread to tell you you're literally retarded.

i'm a california hippie liberal, not a trump fan at all, and i still think it's fucking retarded how big a deal people are making.

it was a typo on twitter, who fucking cares? and joking about it is probably the most human and relatable thing he has done since taking office.

you can have whatever ideas and political views you want, but when you get caught up in the "us VS them" circlejerk instead of just wanting things to be good for americans, you're not helping anything. i may disagree with trump's behavior and policies and supporters, but i would be happy to see him succeed in improving the state of the country like he says he wants to.

in my personal opinion, he has done a miserable job so far and embarrassed himself and all of us nearly every step of the way, but this isn't really an example of that. a typo on twitter is not news, and it's not significant to his presidency as a whole. trying to make news out of bullshit like this only makes it seem like you have literally nothing else to criticize.

>Idiots in the US care about some fat finger mistype this much
>Why can't who hate Trump hate his policies and things his peers might press him to do and rather than pick at this shit redirect that energy to push the president to not pass shit they don't want
>Why can't retards the support Trump just call this stupid and point out all the good shit Trump has done and what they want to see out of his presidency
>Why am I typing this, no one is going to care, everyone is just going to say meme shit and ooga booga Trump is bad, REEE Trump is great! Obongo sux, Racist Nazis are ruining this country, better than Hillary

gdi I hate you all

She's busy getting blacked by a Shillary rapefugee.

United? The entire Republican party treated Trump as a joke until he won the nomination. In agreement with what exactly? That most conservatives are Christians with Christian values and yet promote division and keeping poor people poor? You're right about that. Liberals are just as ridiculous, don't get me wrong, but your little soap box was probably made in China for 5 cents an hour. Every bit as silly as the snowflakes you speak of...

every fucking day i hear "ties to russia, ties to russia, ties to russia"

"Anonymous sources say"

I'm sure in 1973, people were sick about hearing about watergate too. But its pretty important shit then and pretty important shit now.

>When did "snowflake" get transferred away from liberal pussies, ie you?

when the conservative snowflakes started having meltdowns at the slightest criticism of an incoherent, corrupt narcissist, and started screaming about "liberal tears" and "we won get over it" constantly.

Hint: Trump is the king of snowflakes

He's a poow innocewnt victewm

Such hypocrisy. Trump quotes anonymous sources when it suits him. Constant "many people are saying" tweets. Or a "very reliable source" called his office to say Obama was born in Kenya. Did he name those sources? Never.

And btw anonymous sources are a common thing in journalism. Read up on Watergate and every other major political scandal in the last 50 years. You're just butthurt because it's crippling your guy. Poor snowflakes.

>talking about hypocrisy while you're crying about ties to russia without a single shred of evidence
fuck yourself

Aww snowflake did i touch a nerve? Sorry to make you upset.

let's not forget the totally unbiased NPR

>diverting away from the issue somehow wins the argument
typical liberal shill. still crying cuz your bitch lost? get over it

they waste time on pettiness. I dislike Trump but even I can see right through cnn.

Awww boohoo trump can't handle criticism even though he criticized obama for everything.

Waahhh wahhh. Unfit for office.

Even George W Bush was able to take the punches and shake them off. Because as incompetent as he was, he was actually a man of character.

Trump is a pussy.

>Getting this triggered over being called a snowflake
If the shoe fits user.

>people dont change
>prgoressive liberal
pick one

How about that phone "tapp"?

Ha ha this big toupee wearing faggot is going down HARD. I LOVE IT

if you think that's bad, I stopped being able to read the WaPo rag because since the election, the entire business has made it clear they were strongly politically affiliated with Hillary, and that's not the kind of biased, pussy, PC, press I'm interested in.

It's mean to pohotoshop his hand like that

not really at all, actually. Sounds more like you're one of those delusional people that come up with their own fantasy world around them where they are always winning. You know, to make up for the fact that you're obviously a loser you like to pretend the fucking President of the most powerful country in the world is doing anything but winning, lol

Daily reminder tht CNN is objectively the least credible news source. This is fact derived from the opinions of the public through legitimate sampling methods

As a normal liberal (not the batshit insane idiots you in the US have) from europe, I approve this message.

The US starts to miss the last bit of dignity the world had for them. The conservatives suck the cock of a 3 year old in the body of an old man and the liberals go batshit insane about the toppic in which bathroom transgenders can dump their shit in.

Or in this case: that an old man uses twitter and misstypes a word. Holy...

His name was Seth Rich.


America is the best country on the planet.

CNN with the hard hitting news.

maybe trump should do an apology tour?


And it's lead by, and i say this with great surety, the most competent people.

truly a idiot


yea, those damn russians at it again

This. It's like the USA are turning into the simpsons version of itself. You know, where everyone is stupid and nobody really knows what they are doing.

>Mfw radical muslim refugees flood into europe
Muh euros!

>Muh refugees

Come on. Nobody in europe talks about refugees anymore.

The man wan confrontational with the press in general right out of the gate. I don't know what he or any of his supporters were expecting other than exactly what's happening now.

The guy just needs to learn how to shut up, but obviously he never will.

>I don't know what he or any of his supporters were expecting other than exactly what's happening now.

I think we need a final solution to the "journalist" problem.

Journalists are the worst of the races.

Wow, what a constructive thread.

Let me finish it.

>snowflakey autism faggotry niggerly eurocunts terrorists feminists sudo-islamiscists refugees fake news cuck cuck cuck cuck cukc triggered stfu.

>can we be done now?