The Jews

Ok /po/, you've convinced me the Jews are behind a lot of shit and very powerful. But what incentive do they have to encourage cultural marxism? Why not just chill and be rich as shit? Is CM necessary for them to stay in power?

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It's in their genetic make-up to be this way. They are compelled toward being immoral, clever manipulators.

The ones that know what they are doing know that the white race is the greatest threat to the Jews, and they work to corrupt it.

As outsiders they think they are at danger of being prosecuted in a homogeneous society. So they flood the country with worse foreigners to draw attention away from themselves

From the horse's mouth.

100% agree

>But what incentive do they have to encourage cultural marxism? Why not just chill and be rich as shit?

Basically it´s what the Talmud tells them to do. Also they were kicked out of european countries for 2000 years, revenge also plays a role.

Time for the biggest redpill my brother, get ready

The Jewish religion claims that the messiah never arrived in the face of Jesus, that they are still waiting for him/her and, according to the torah he/she shall arrive when every single Jew on the earth holds a proper sabbath.
Here's the catch: holding a proper Jewish sabbath means not working or doing stuff outside of your property. So how are the Jews going to achieve that, you may ask. How are they going to make every single Jew stay home in his property and not go out hunting shekels? Well, you just make everything jewish property!
That's the end game of cultural Marxism/globalism/multiculturalism etc. Make every place on earth where Jews reside Jewish property, so that no Jew can manage to skip sabbath, no matter how hard he might try. Force a worldwide sabbath, and therefore force the appearance of the messiah.

You are welcome.

Can someone confirm this?

They literally just reworded what they said first.

Kek already did.

B-but why can't we fucking have a home?

I don't want to live in an utopian jewish liberal paradise: aka the international country-wide airport

i wish i could see their faces thousands of years after everything is jewish property and still no messiah.
I also wish people wouldn't turn humanity to shit over a hypothesis.

There are basically two broad classes of jews: (1) secular liberal jews; (2) religious conservative jews.

Secular liberal jews are the ones pushing social justice, cultural marxism, multiculturalism, etc... These are like the hippy jews active in the Civil Rights Movement, the terrorist jews who joined the Black Liberation Army, college professors, people in Hollywood and the media, etc...

They push this agenda because they believe it's right. I have a theory about why that is:

Culturally, jews are often very self-hating and guilt-ridden. They simply transfer this psychological state onto the world.

So, whites should feel guilty for slavery, history should be re-written, nationalism is bad, pride is bad, etc...

>So, whites should feel guilty for slavery, history should be re-written, nationalism is bad, pride is bad, etc...

But not for non-whites? why do they only leach off whitey

Keep your blood pure + ingroup tight (Jew schools, Jew summer camp, Jews brought up with strong ethnocentric identity), while everyone else mongrelizes, and sooner or later you'll be the only pure group left.

That actually already happened long ago. At this point, it's mostly just diluting it further. Proportions-wise, actual non-mongrelized Europeans are getting pretty rare. Even a lot of white European-Americans look like they have double-digits of Amerindian or some other shit blood in them.

I don't really care though. White women will fuck whoever is calling the shots and will fuck whoever they tell them to fuck. They fuck niggers and spics like it's going down the candy aisle trying different flavors; as soon as the kikes add "horse and dog" officially to the shelf, you'll see porn sites like HOOFED and WOOFED in the BLACKED network.

Lmao you sound tramatized bet blacked is on your favorites tab

>t. alberto barbosa

Op here, also fucking stupid, what does the damn t. mean?

Because we let them, and because we're the most productive.

Hey, HEY! Fuck you.

Don't group us in with those fucking corn-munchers.


what do you mean? aren't you guys the same?

Want a serious answer?

Reply and I'll explain.

Yeah, south europeans/northern mediterraneans have everything to do with central americans :^)


a lot of these answers were p good in the first place but sure

2 are just the Israel first Ben Shapiro neocons. They're better than the liberals, but not by much

Stop using porn to get an impression of what white women are attracted to. Most aren't dating outside their race and never will.


who's the chick?

It's a cultural thing. They've been raised since birth to believe they are the chosen race of men, yet at the same time their pathetic dad's and whorish mom's have made them feel that the cucked life is superior.

"If my dad let my mom fuck everyone under the sun and we are God's most perfect people then this must be how the world is meant to operate."

Literally what Adolf said.
Because then they lose control of your nation. This stopped being about survival and has become about power.

idk degenerate. saved from here.

Marsha Brady was not a Jew!

Its to occupy potential entities and have them aim their holocausting energies elsewhere. If there is no monolithic society where everyone gets along, then theres no chance they will notice that all of their judges, bankers, and decision makers are jews.

On second thought. Maybe not. Something's fishy here lol. Ill just gibe you this pic. You're on your own from here on out.

Btw Sup Forums is controlled op. Everything here is Satire. Don't rake it seriously.

They are like the kind of bacteria that cause sepsis. When the body dies, its immune system collapses and parasites can feast on it without any opposition.

Thats a perfect analogy user.

That analogy isn't quite right.

Bacteria can always find another host to infect.

When Western Civilization dies, Israel dies along with it.

Where do the jews go then?

I guess they're back to wandering in the desert.

Most of them probably haven't thought that far ahead. Only a few, like (((Pamela Geller))) seem to realize how good they have it in the west.

You're delusional. Go to any American college campus dorm and you'll see young white girls trying nigger dick left and right.

I get the impression that most of Sup Forums are virgins in moms basement deluding themselves about how prominent coalburning is among white women. Sure, they aren't en mass "Queen of Spades tattoo on the foot" nigger-dick-only, but most of them have tried and, and more and more are becoming -- as one white Irish slut with big tits from Toronto said to a ripped and forward 50 cent looking ape at a club "hey, I'm equal opportunity."

because they want to destroy the white race you goof.

You think they actually plan that far ahead.

The short term is to make more money, and that Trumps all. They just rationalize what they are doing right now with what feels right.

Who is the qt?

Like I said earlier, all their dad's were pussies and all their mom's whores. They grew up predispositioned to the cuckold life

>what incentive do
jews are perverted. they invented the term and the concept. they go against common sense and normal human behavior.
you heard about the fetish where people ;literally want to smell and eat shit? That is nearly 100% a jewish perversion

... ok sven. did your girlfriends son take your computer and tell you what you're allowed to post?