The donald gets alot of shit from libtards but i think it's just because of constant negative press covfefe

The donald gets alot of shit from libtards but i think it's just because of constant negative press covfefe




the liberal media, negative. nah

Don't worry, we've got him covfefed.

why is this orange sack of shit up at 3:00am tweeting incoherent sayings??

fuck man. the US is in really bad shape.

A lot is two words retard.

ausfag agrees

a couple is two,a lot is 5 or more. dip shit.

it has gone beyond funny into scary.


It was hacked by the russians.

It's mean to photoshop his hands like that.

No you fuckwit, he's saying that the word alot is a lot which is two words not one you fucking moron.

eat a dick

eat alot of dick

he sounds like a domestic terrorist

he's destroying your intelligence community (people won't share intel with you anymore), and he's ruining relations with your allies.

I guess I'm surprised so many Americans are allowing this to happen.

he's turning you into a 3rd world country.

>voting for a meme
>not expecting this

some fucky mudslime's going to attack, and it'll be because you didn't have the intel needed to stop the attack.

this guy's going to get some of you killed, watch.

so many leaks in his administration. worse than the plumbing in an old house, and everybody knows it. other countries are providing fake intelligence at best, because the American government is so full of leaks under Trump.

what else would you expect from someone who's that incompetent?

This is a combo I had yesterday with some dems.

She was a republican who turned dem, I'm a dem who turned republican.

We BOTH agreed that the parties have flipped on allot of core issues THEN the convo got worse

My personal prob dems USED to use facts, and republicans didn't once the republicans stated to use specific facts dems stated to fall back on superficial information.

Here's the convo.

me " the second amendment is important because if they ban one right, they can ban any right." Them "We don't want to ban guns!" My response " THEN why did cali do a registration THEN gun grab?" Me "what about NY a very dem state and their gun laws" them "states should have the right to pass laws" me " but rep want a national gun licencing to avoid prosecution for guns" them "I don't think you know what your talking about and watch to much news" "well tell me your stance " them " I feel like no one has the correct information and they are making opinions based on how they feel" me "ok can you give me some specific examples of what dems have done for the second amendment" them " I feel we have a lot in common and want the same things" me "ok like what?, can you give me an example?" . Them " this conversations over you're talking down to me!" Me " I am not I'm trying to find the information you're vaguely referencing.." them " I will not have you continue to talk down to us please leave"

Like Jesus I want even debating THEN, I just wanted to know specific examples of what the dems in congress have done that coincides with their beliefs of what dems do.

Not one, not a single one.

Britian has said the us is still a great ally

dumbshit do you know how fucked the US is because of undereducated trash like you?

you've destroyed your stupid country with trump. god I hope he rapes you economically.

Written by someone with horrible grammer skills,

How could I believe someone who wants to write his facts when he can't write?

The Winter is coming

They said the same thing, give an example, a house Bill anything.

I'm a libertarian, show me one thing that the dems have done to increase my personal rights.

I also have to B.S. of science.

(Sorry for typos I'm using my phone)

The UK ceased all intel-sharing for about 48 hours, with the US.

The first time that's ever happened.

Mossad (we get it, you hate Israel), won't share "full intel" with the US now.

some of you are going to die because of this.

Alot of Europfags have already died, (Grande like)

you most certainly do not have a ba in science KEK

this isn't about libtards, this is about RETARDS like you voting for trump boy


Examples dumb ass? ExAMPLes.

Just because you say it doesn't make it true.

*two b.s. of science. (Again on phone, auto correct and typos)

Year right I have TWO B.S of science.

You were saying?

This. All the pepes and poopoos and peepees and meme magic, acting like a bunch of retards, and people are surprised that it is a disaster irl?

He would try to turn it into justification to invade someone. Just depends upon what resources are needed at the moment.

Not the one yer da got m8

Degree in pooper with timestamp

Six minutes to change a font and print a few words and then post it, I simply do not believe it's real.


Hey, here's an idea. FUCK TRUMP.

Get this fucking piece of shit traitor OFF OF B.

They are just shitting themselfs because the tories shat the bed by leaving the eu.

You can't even speak proper English, and it's your first language.

YOU'RE the filth that voted for trump.

Sour grapes lol, because people live in one thread lol lol lol

It's called auto correct, short hand, and typos.

Welcome to the internet, on a written paper I'd spend much more time caring about this.

I promise you all if I ever get close enough to hammer this fucking turd in the face with my fist it's happening. I'll throw a punch hard enough to go through a brick wall and destroy every bone in my hand to make this lowlife cunt feel pain.

Trump is lower than cancer. He's the scum of death that you find under bodies in wartorn Africa. He is virulent maggot-filled putrid death and we are a dying nation. The United States is DYING and this lousy, filthy treasonous cunt is leading the charge.


Post facts, this is only "feelings". Ascend this is why the adults voted trump

Kill yourself today. You are a stupid, stupid, stupid cunt. (Benghazi!!!!! EMAILOS!!!!!!))

fuck you people. fuck you all.

Still waiting for facts........

found the fake news educated mouth breather

Also 6 mins to remove degree from wall and take a clear picture. Aldi, that degree is framed.... there is glass...

>the second amendment is important because if they ban one right, they can ban any right
slippery slope
>THEN why did cali do a registration THEN gun grab
hasty generalization
>what about NY a very dem state and their gun laws
NYC is very dem, the rest of the state is fairly rep; i'm not sure what your point is about NY. in fact, i'm not sure what the point of that "convo" is -- what are you arguing for?

Nigger if your common sense isnt fact and prove enough the user you replied to is right.
You are part of the retards who let it happen

Fuck off. You cannot comprehend facts.

So done trying to educate you fucking cunts.

I don't follow the news closely, you can read all of the executive orders online, and proposed house bills are all online in their entirety.

What's your excuse?

lots of idiots have a BS, it isn't hard. anything outside of engineering and premed is pretty easy.


Is there any source that said dems wanted to ban all guns outright? I mean a bill or something official, not some Britefart rant.

I would wager that a lot of dems don't want your guns, they just want to make sure there are safeguards in place. Personally I think you should have all the guns you want, but if you are convicted of a gun related crime you should be given 30 years mandatory.

Nah, it's because he's a dementing old man that can't even form a coherent sentence that doesn't sound like a first grader wrote it.

What's the slipper slope? I believe the constitution should be taken at face value.

Cali, a dem state, prior to outlawing certain guns required a gun registry, after they passed the gun ban they USED to registry to force owners to give them up (google now pls)

My has not voted republican since when? It has the strictest gun laws in the nation. The NRA regularly supports republicans, republicans regularly support pro gun laws, explain how a ny is a republican majority when these laws were passed?

I have a BS and I'm a complete retard

You haven't posted any facts......nice trolling

sub 80 IQ detected. see you can't even tell when someone is being serious or not.

It's a science degree.....pre med is easy...It's just bio...mostly English..pre med isn't even a degree....

What do you think you receive when you finish an engeneering degree?

I'll give you a hint.

It's a science degree, usually an associate, bachelors, masters, or PhD.


You don't get a B.S. for business or any of those crap degrees.

And I'm not a femanon so def not psychology,

And sociology is garbage too.

So figure it out, what kind of degree?


>implying you can only get a bachelor of science in english countries

>typical right wing tard isnt thinking for shit

you should use the thingy between your ears sometimes before opening your foodhole

oh my god tee ell dee arr
but I'm sure you're a retard so don't even bother summing it up

it was 12am
>source: I get his tweet alerts on my phone

Well for someone stating "facts" and his only fact is "cry cry cry".

If your not trolling, you're doing it wrong


Get this.... a Republican with a BS in Science...
>climate change isn't real!
>fuck the environment!

sure, kid. that "science" degree is really believable.

Back to Sup Forums.

Notice how this has some key facts

"No facts stated"

"Cry cry cry"

See, Start's sentence with facts

This is why I hate libs.

It shouldn't be against all,

I never said I didn't believe in climate change,

I never said I was far right.

I said I was a libertarian.

Do you understand what that is?

There are other reasons to be republican than "climate change, guns, oil"

conservatives base their worldview on emotions. that is why every time someone proves them wrong with facts, they rant like mental patients.

THEN why are dems still protesting ?

why are you a partisan retard the, son? your kind and democrats are the filth of the earth.

explain yourself boy.

>mfw the majority of Americans are moderate independents like me

I've asked for facts, nothing was even stated to the original question, so you have this backwards

>LIBERALS base their worldview on emotions. that is why every time someone proves them wrong with facts, they rant like mental patients.


protesting is Patriotic, it's something Americans have done and encouraged since the inception of this nation, do you know why the 1st Amendment was written??

I'm a republican.

Follow the thread

Thanks (:

i laughed out loud good one user

Simply cannot fucking WAIT for Donald Fucass Trump to V-A-N-I-S-H from US Government.

I cannot possibly HATE another human being more than I do that vile slime.

I'm ok with protests, but to not recognize that protesting is based of emotion is foolish

Spoilers: all the "shit he gets" isn't just from liberals.

That's the price of being a putz

Still no facts

Your the reason I left the dem party.

Give us reasons WHY.

listen to the alt-right whine and cry about sjw's, and then listen to trump whine and cry for months about Russia

"conservatives" (there are no real conservatives left in the US btw) are 100% emotionally-based.

liberals tend to have educations, and they're producers/earners.

blue states = worth trillions of dollars
red states = welfare states

Why so dems and libs leave out the most important question?


But you'll call them all
and have your preconceptions about them. Furthermore, why would you call them liberals, but not say you're being mistaken for a conservative- instead of a republican? Do all republicans hate "climate change, guns, oil"?

Come on, user. This is ideological bullshit.


Yup, it's defiantly a real republican


I have NO TIME for your mental illness. Go slam your face into a tree all day. I don't give one fuck about trying to teach you the error of your life.


And then, when you think you cannot eat anymore, have another.

I can understand why you don't understand.
>I'm not the user you're responding to.

forced meme

- Colluded with the Russians to alter the election, or rather steal it from Hillary
- Bigot
- Racist
- Misogynist
- Unqualified

why so covfefe

You're a forced meme.