If you post about Capeshit you should be banned

Comic book films are pure garbage, they are single handedly dumbing down the film industry to the point where you losers try and argue that movies like BvS had artistic merit- no comic book film made today has artistic merit. They are made to make money off of idiots that don't understand or appreciate qaulity- if you did appreciate or understand qaulity your bones would leave your body if you say through 5min of a current Capeshit film.

You are this boards AIDS, when there is an entire board dedicated to your favorite children's medium you come here because you want to discus "film" not comic books. You are AIDS.

t. pleb

Capeshit just happens to be the meme movies nowadays, stop crying faggot. If it wasn't capeshit, it would be something else.


Thousands and thousands of hours of capeshit, each more climactic than the last! Constant, dizzying, twenty-four hour, yearlong, endless capeshit! Every scene of it massively mattering to someone, presumably. Watch it all, all here, all the time, forever, it will never stop, the capeshit is officially going on forever! It will never be finally decided who has won the capeshit! There is still everything to fight for, and forever to fight it in! So that's the football! Coming up! Watch it! Watch the capeshit! Watch it! Watch it! It's gonna move... Watch the capeshit! It's capeshit!

They should be forced back to Sup Forums

How about you suck a dick you tryhard faggot. 99% of threads on Sup Forums are about $150m+ budget Hollywood blockbusters. Liking Terminator or Star Wars instead of Iron Man doesn't make you more mature or cultures


All you need to do is make it so Sup Forums posters can't cross post
thats literally the only thing holding this board back

I bet you didn't even see cafe society

Yes brother. I agree.

all meme movie series such as Capeshit or anime films or whatever is next should be kept to their respective niche board because meme movies are not film they are slop for the tards.

Comic books are literary genius compared to all the Sup Forums and meme stuff on this board, so it's about tenth in line of things you should be complaining about. Unless you're retarded, of course.


I have not, I gave up on Allen after I left Blue Jasmine halfway through- though I have heard good things recently about his yearly release so I may have to catch that. Truth be told I haven't been to the theaters in a few months, everything that's been released has looked so bad.

Comic books make up about 90% of all the meme and Sup Forums stuff on this board. When GoT ends and walking dead is not on they Capeshit it up.

>I eat out of a garbage can, stop telling me to not throw the garbage around

What are your top 10 films of all time?

funny enough: I posted a DCEU thread in Sup Forums and then someone replied with "Super hero films are cancer to /co"

Then its very clear that superhero movies(and comics, videogames, books, etc) are a cancer that need to be quarantined into a board much like /mlp/ and /vp/

It's so dense

So by your logic, you should be banned too?

Ooo better yet, stop posting them all together


he died for your sins

jeez dude who stuck the kryptonite spear up your butt

Sup Forums is for the discussion of television shows and movies. Nowhere does it say that discussion has to be about good movies. kinda pathetic desu

If it saved kino discussions I would happily take a permanent ban

>for the good people

>Sup Forums claims to not want live action shit pushing their indie comic threads to 404
>Sup Forums claims to not want capeshit pushing their indie movie threads to 404

>both keep posting about superhero movies
>both never talk about their respective indieshit

You sound like a pretentious art student who jerks off to shitty art films and hates any film that's popular because "it has no artistic merit".

thank you friend
you are a true hero

All this board ever is now is you capeshitters, all us film lovers want is a place to disscus actual art

Why because I'm tired of your fast food level films?

Some films I loved in the past few years:
The Master
Killing Them Softly
Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy

All of these films can be argued as tentpole productions however they can also all be argued to have actual merit and substance in them unlike cookie cutter Capeshit


Yup, definitely a pretentious art student.

But literally every pleb love those movies when they came out here, Sup Forums tourist

what refined tastes you have

This list reads like it was written by someone who enjoys capeshit, not hates it

How can we cleanse our board of this scum?

By you going back to whatever board it was you crawled out of in the last 2 years because you heard about baneposting.

>pretending like you didn't like at least one of these films when they were released

I don't know brother. I don't know.

>shits on capes from a sense of superiority
>posts only American movies
Not saying those movies are bad, but if you're going for the "better than all of you" angle, at least be, you know, better.

capeshit quarantine board
even Sup Forums doesn't want them anymore

I'm only better than capeshitters user.

I don't mind a thread or two, people have different tastes. But the catalog is filled with nothing but capeshit and that's a bit too much. Other threads die because the same 15-20 faggots just have to make a new thread to post Chris Evan's fake ass laugh and a sorry ass one-line greentext.

Same bullshit when pleb of thrones is airing (let's not kid ourselves, it's the same group of people).

I never say this, but kys please, capeshitters.

>>pretending like you didn't like at least one of these films when they were released

Says the MCU fan

This. people want /film/, but Sup Forums actually needs /ca/.

So, you should be banned?

Not with a list like that.

Not particularly.

Those movies are good on their merits and worth, but they are also basically a starter pack for "fuck movies, I watch FILMS".

I'm not saying you can't legitimately enjoy them, but you posting said movies actually contributes to them being perceived as worse than they are, simply by association with you.

I only said they were films from the past few years I enjoyed- there are many films from way back when that I enjoy, though I understand your point.

>if you did appreciate or understand qaulity your bones would leave your body if you say through 5min of a current Capeshit film.

you sound like a whiney bitch but I agree that capeshit needs its own board.

ban the dr who general first



I agree OP

>posts about capeshit

Fuck off OP. You're the lowest form of scum on earth. Literally kill yourself.

but posting about hating capeshit is okay, right senpai?

Or send them to

>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>Television & Film
>& Film

Remember, sage in all the fields.

If you say "Kino" you should automatically be banned.

Capeshit has actually toned down significantly in the last couple of weeks.

>[screencap of a normal day on Sup Forums in the week after the opening for The Force Awakens]

Whats wrong? are you scared Sup Forums will hurt your feelings for being too casual?