Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

St. Louis, for not building a stadium for the Rams.


I bet Sup Forums wouldn't say half the racist/sexist shit to the face of any minority or female haha buncha virgin cucks

wow what a pussy


can you expect anything more from some wimp cracka?

>textbook example of projection

Wew lad

>/fit/ vs Sup Forums

Los Angeles?

How is this Sup Forums related?

FUCK YOU what do you know ?? I would say and repeat it right two their faces if they came to my room !

You underestimate the power of the redpill.

Hello redd!t

the LA rams have their own TV show on HBO called Hard Knocks.

t.angry nig shaboon

>proving my point

thanks Sup Forums. you really are useful idiots.

Being a useful idiot implies they are unwillingly manipulated to help further someone else's agenda. That's more of a liberal thing these days. Sup Forums may be idiots, but they aren't useful to anyone, idiots like you however are very useful to the establishment.

>useful idiots.

you don't even know what that words means you stupid low IQ idiot lmao

>but they aren't useful to anyone

Sup Forums is more useful to the establishment than any 'liberal' ever could be. its quite funny how you fail to see that.

>building a stadium for a dead team

yeah a bunch of 14 year old neets memeing is useful to the establishment, right, you are one dumbfuck millennial

>say it to my face is considered a threat


Not really. Brainwashing liberal college kids into fighting for big government and for the sake of big corporations and wallstreet is the greatest victory the establishment has had in decades.

>what that words means

Nice trips tho.

The faggot that replied. Just a typical nu-male millennial response

Can someone explain to me how this is related to television or film? Are the Rams getting a show, or is woozy an actor or something?

>Just a typical nu-male millennial response

Yeah there is something deeply wrong with these people on a biological level. Like a lot of these nu-males are balding at the age of 21 for example

22 pushup challenge?

Fucking anybody can do 22 pushups.

ur mom tried it on my dick but couldn't do em all

Ice bucket challenge? Anyone can fill a bucket with ice.