What went wrong? He was supposed to bring about a post racial society

What went wrong? He was supposed to bring about a post racial society.

A red-diaper baby affirmative action mulatto quasi-Communist whose only job was as a racial agitator was never going to lead America to that.

That's just what the Jewish speechwriter had him say.

Why even post?

His presidency wasnt nearly as bad as youre making it out to be.

As far as your post racial shit, sjw shitlords and the useless faggots on this baord have made life for every normie in the country worse. Something out of his control.

He was the first black president
He was the first half black president

Racial division is beneficial to democrats. Why would he want to heal that rift?

he got a nobel peace prize only a few days into his presidency

nobody else ever did that

He forgot to be post-racial.
He hates Whites.

The phrase check your privilege Balkanized America.

I love it.

He's not the racial agitator. Everyone else became agitated because of his race.

Post racial society was always a slogan.

It's our fault for killing his son Trayvon


That's bullshit. You had a few fringe lunatics who were bitching about DA NIGGER BRESIDENT, but no. This is a bullshit deflection tactic used by every supporter of Obama; you criticize him? You must be racist!

Why do Blacks defend thugs so much?

When white parents have a killer son, they upset that he turned out degenerate, wonder why he would do it, etc.

With Blacks its "why you defend yourself and arrest him and sheeeiit". Why Sup Forums?

>What went wrong?
Literally went according to plan

>You had a few fringe lunatics
you mean the republican party?

You can't expect a racist to bring about a post-racial society. Obama and especially Michelle Obama are very racist, anti-white in particular.

Really it's a left-wing problem in general. Their approach to the problem of racism has always just been "more racism, redirected".

He tried to do gun control.

Under Bush, I could talk to black people and make a racial joke (not even about blacks) and be fine.

Under Obama the instant you say the word Black, you are labeled a racist transphobic xenophobic facist CIS intolerant hate mongering white male (and I am not even white). He fucked up racial and gender relations in America A LOT.

>Obama doesn't know what he's doing
He knows exactly what he's doing

Got a credible source that implicates the Republicans of hating Obama because his race or are you just here to post memes?

Black people are the most racist people in America and he hid it while placing the blame on others.
Racism now spreads

>He was supposed to bring about a post racial society.

Technically he did.

His education.


Are you new

Pretty sure all he had to do was say stop shooting cops plz thx

As if a real full blooded nig could make it 4 minutes much less 4 years in office without chimping out on live tv

Seriously though man, what the fuck happened?
Pre-2008 it seemed like most of the racial tension was almost completely gone. People didn't give a fuck about political correctness. Sure there were still jokes here and there about cops being dicks to black people but they were mostly cheeky, tongue-in-cheek jabs. What the fuck changed man?

>That's bullshit. You had a few fringe lunatics who were bitching about DA NIGGER BRESIDENT, but no.
What do you define as a "few fringe lunatics"? Why are you the one to introduce the word Nigger to this discussion?

>This is a bullshit deflection tactic used by every supporter of Obama; you criticize him? You must be racist!
Where did I say I was an Obama supporter? Does EVERY Obama supporter accuse all of his critics of being racist?

>Under Bush, I could talk to black people and make a racial joke (not even about blacks) and be fine.
Your personal experience does not account for the experiences of others.

Under Obama the instant you say the word Black, you are labeled a racist transphobic xenophobic facist CIS intolerant hate mongering white male (and I am not even white). He fucked up racial and gender relations in America A LOT.
Do you really believe Obama made racial and gender relations worse? Where is your source? How can you prove it was him and not the people reacting to him?

I voted for Obama in 2008 because I thought America could finally put racism to bed for good.

And 7 years later race relations are worse than ever. I think he deliberately did that.

Because he's a fucking dindu who doesn't know when to shut his fucking mouth.
Just because you dress a monkey in a suit doesn't make it not a monkey.

I have to give King Nigger a little bit of credit though. Without him, there's no way we'd have trump right now. His failures as president are what lead to this.

Hello and welcome to Sup Forums Doctor Savage. Nice to see you here!

My feelings exactly.

Sure.by making race the no.1 qualifier for a nobel peace prize then using drones to ethnically cleanse a pakistani 'hood the next day.obama definitely united the whole world under one banner.

Because he got up on national tv and said if he had a son it'd look like a criminal with a gun.

He's a nigger.

If you honestly can't see that race relations have soured in the last 7 years you are not just retarded you are fucking blind.

I don't know user. Electing Barack was supposed to unite America in a new way. But now racial tensions are the worst they've been since the 60s. I'm not sure who is to blame.

That's why he aged 25 years in 8. The guilt of all the shit he's done that he'll be known for centuries after his death is a tough pill to swallow.

He knows when he dies MLK is going to whoop his ass.

This. Blacks don't want coexistence. Just like in every African hellhole, they want their tribe to machete the other tribe.

he totally sided with nigs regardless of their merits

he even launched an investigation of Ferguson PD because he sided with Big Mike "Gentle Giant" Brown

Guess what, picking just one side creates division

>Force someone on the basis of his race and not about the quality of his charcter
>People tend to focus on race more

Wew who would have ever fucking guessed

I'm more upset how degenerate people have become under the liberal media

Honestly, People give Bush a lot of shit, but I would pick him a heartbeat

I'm so tired of being told

I want to be proud of my country

>was supposed to end racism
>first president since LBJ to have multiple race riots during his tenure
it's like pottery really

>Islamic Gommunism :D

He continually went out with statements/endorsement in racially charged cases way before there was enough evidence to come to a conclusion.

>Ahmed the bomb kid

>post racial
You mean end the democrat party? He would never

Mah niggas


He rescued works capitalism from the 2008 crash. Doing race shit wa kinda low on his priorities

Niggers learned how to use cellphone cameras and the media were bored so they blew every race baiting shit up

Did anyone REALLY think a nigger would be smart enough to improve race relations? His idea of closing the gap is to order whites to give niggers more, and endure their chimps with guns behavior. We give, they take. Fuck them all.

Makes america great hahaha the irony

social media is the biggest culprit

the whole "he could have been my son" didn't help

he didn't realize that most people are just animals with a veneer of social rules imposed by an oligarchy, and despite the fact they use complex device, those device are operated by very simple interfaces, and were designed by a handful of very intelligent people to allow dumbasses to function

in other words, he overestimated the intellect of humans

why do liberals think the president has complete control of the economy? Just wondering

>He was supposed to bring about a post racial society.

he kinda fucked that up by promoting racism on the national stage

now we're back to pre civil-rights tier race relations and niggers are ready to kill people even more than normal

I have the rough outline of a theory on this.

Basically, blacks were acting better back in 2008 because they had incentive to. They weren't acting like chimping retards because they were trying to get a black man into office, and any retarded nigger behavior would subconsciously reflect badly on him. Of course, I don't mean they were LITERALLY better behaved - they were still raping and murdering and all that - but it was all just typical dindu behavior that was the norm, and there wasn't any of this racial activism bullshit.

But then obama got elected. And what does the left do whenever they reach their goal? They move the goalposts and push on even more. So now that they have a magical negro int he white house, they are then free to be more unhinged and go further with their bullshit. Their man is in the white house; they can do what they want and he will help them out.

Catch my drift? It led to this positive feedback look where the dindus would pull shit because they could get away with it while a dindu is in office, and then obama would signal toward the activist dindus and give them approval, and this would in turn reinforce the notion that they are correct and they go ahead and do more dindu activism, etc etc etc

IDK. There's definitely a theory somewhere in here about social behavior.

If you think back to 2008, obama never actually emphasized the fact that he was black. His persona was that of a model citizen who *just so happened* to be black. Others in the media may have made a big deal about him being black, but he himself did not bring it up.

...then he got into the whitehouse and started turning up the race-baiting bullshit to 11. Typical nigger behavior.

I agree with most of your summation, but don't you find it strange that these nig apologists which have come out of the woodwork were radio silent through the entirety of the Bush administration? Sure there was some backlash for the handling of Hurricane Katrina and the rebuilding efforts but the racial component wasn't so blatantly exclaimed.
Don't get me wrong I do feel your right that these morons have been emboldened by the election of a black president. It also doesn't help that Obongo has done nothing but quietly support their thuggish behavior. But why have they all seemingly come from out of the blue now? This feels like a blatant psy ops campaign to sow the seeds of mistrust amongst all possible lines of division. Whether they be racial, economic, etc. A simple conquer by division, but what purpose is served by pushing racial tensions back into the 60's?

People overestimate the power of the president in general.

Obama didn't even manage to shut down guantanamo - and people realistically believe that Trump is going to be able to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

>not that I wouldn't want that to happen but it's unrealistic

The knock out game

It's just how the left operates. I swear to go they have board meets of liberal politicians, social media CEOs, and media executives where they all get together and decide what narratives to push.

My go-to example is trannies. You never fucking heard a damn thing about trannies before. And rightfully so, because they're such a tiny insignificant fraction of the country that they don't warrant discussion. But then suddenly the issue of trannies exploded onto the political scene. Trannies this, trannies that, trannies fucking everywhere. You couldn't not hear about it. It was such a blatant example of agenda-pushing because it came out of fucking nowhere and then suddenly everyone cared deeply about this almost nonexistent demographic. And it came literally right after they "won" gay marriage. It was a blatant example of the left winning something and immediately pushing for something even further.

He jump started it. We now know how fucked up people of color are treated by police officers and are taking countermeasures in unity

Spot on with the tranny thing

Are we being raided or something?

I find it fascinating that niggers choose to defend thugs who got killed in the line of thuggery instead of genuinly innocent victims.

So either there are not innocent niggers, or they don't get shot.

Nigs gotta nig

We're just trying to give everyone equal rights as the founding fathers would've wanted but never considered

they gave it to him solely because he was black he did NOTHING to earn it - NOTHING.