Let's see how stupid you are

Let's see how stupid you are
White to play and mate in 2

Robot to B15


Far to easy! White castle down one square. Check. Black pawn takes castle. Queen takes pawn, checkmate

Kf5 leads to stalemate, you frog fucker

would result in a draw

black king moves diagonally left and up one.

You're a moron. Rook takes pawn above king, that's mate.

King escapes to c5

Why would you play for a stalemate and not the win?

My cock is to small to even satisfy a frog!

queen takes pawn lets king escape to C3 and C5

king takes rook...

king takes rook

just c5, c3 is covered by pawn

Queen moves to B2,
Black King forced to D3,
White Rook to E3 checkmate

But he can't. He'd be moving in to check by the queen?

Then rb4 after

oh right. I'm a dumb

Putting king in harm's way of bishop.

B6 to B4

White wins in 1 move
Rook from e5 to e4




King can take the rook. They're pawns, not bishops

what bishop? those are pawns

Yeah, that would also work. Jesus this setup is stupid.

queen does not have the power of a knight

The king would take the rook on e5 then

pawn takes

King E5 escape

what m8, m8 in 1
e5 to e4

No, king can capture e5 and escape

Ahh, that makes a lot more sense now, and I apologize for my previous comments.

1. white king moves over one square.

if white queen is at e4 then black king can go to c5

Move Rook in middle up 1-3 squares doesn't matter. Move Rook on left down taking pond; checkmate.

How about no? King can move on c5

stalemate not checkmate learn to read

Nigga what? Are you trolling ?

Qb2 Kd3 Re3#

Pawn takes at E4

which is a stalemate. black can't move. king can't put himself in check. was just 1 move needed.

black king not in check and black no longer has any legal moves. this would result in a stalemate/draw

King: D4>D3

Qb2+ Kc5

there is a pawn there he cannot move to c5 it is checkmate

stalemate fail

right rook down one
pawn kills it
queen up two

Awwwh shit, well spotted

pawn takes queen

Mate in 2 is only possible if Black makes a mistake. Mate in 3 is possible.

king to e5


Rxd4 Kxd4 Qe4#


You are mistakening. Check once more. No pown if queen moves

Mate in 2 is unavoidable no matter what Black does. Mate in 40 is possible too

Pawn F3 to F4
Black has no moves

King: D4>D3 is a mistake on black's part.

King: D4>C5 is a better move because E5>D5 is mate. Black will easily spot this and not make the move.


Kg5 Kxe5 Qb2++

Show me.

Also, this is an argument thread. The whole point of which is to post something that is not possible and make people argue about it.

Qc6 Kxe5 Qf6#

Congratulations, you've just given up your queen for no reason

Pawn: D5>D4 Check blocked.


Or king moves from d4 to c5
Then what?

Kg5 Kxe5 Qb2++
You all suck at chess

Right Rook takes pawn
King is forced to take took
Queen up 2 squares
Fucking niggers


rook b5
checkmate in 1

White Qc2 -> c4 Check
Black Kd4 -> e5
White Qc4 -> f4 Check Mate
White Qc2 -> c4 Check
Black Pd5 -> c4
White Tb6 -> d6 Check Mate

Sup Forums really sucks at chess lmao
1. Re4+ dxe4 2. Qxe4+ Kc5 3. Qc6+ Kd4 4. Qd6#

Black can play d4, you shithead

What if Kd3?

B6 --> E6
E5 --> D5

d3 Kxe5

>Qc6 Kxe5 Qf6#
W. Queen: C2>C6
B. King: D4>D5
W. Rook: E5>E3 or any other move does not end in checkmate.

If the opponent has to make a mistake for it to be checkmate then it isn't mate in two.


OP here, nobody has found the answer yet, bravo

You're not even trying

F3 to F4

black pawns can't move.
black king can't move.


>W. Rook: E5>D5 check
>B. King: D4>D5
>W. Queen: C2>C4 check
B. King: D5>E5

Not check mate. Not mate in two.

why can't they both win?

>See this while scrolling
>It was mate in 1
>All white had to do was Rook to B4 to check and mate

What the fuck Sup Forums?

E5 to e4
Black has to d5 e4
C2 e4

Qd1 Kxe5 e4#


Qd1 Kd3 Rxd5#



What's wrong then?

Qc6 and then Qxd5 or Qf6 mate

I did, you just are not reading the thread. It is also not a mate in two but a mate in four

>W. Queen: C2>D3 check
>B. King: D4>D3
>W. Rook: E5>D5 check
B. King: D3>C2 OR D3>E2 both get black out of check.

2nd idea fails: Kxe5

1st idea works, but Kxe5 isn't best defense

Q to E4
Forces PXQ
R to D6 Check mate.

I meant d4# in the first line


Qd1, if Kxe5, then d4#
if Kc5, Qg1#
if Kd3, Rxd5#


OP here, what if Kc5?