Is The Avengers a good movie?
Is The Avengers a good movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, but it's a decent flick
That's not antisocial. That's having brain damage
>wasted money on bullshit
Those people must think they're really special
una vela
That pic triggers me
>I'm such a nerd I like some of the highest grossing, most popular superhero franchises of all time! So nerdy! Girls like Star Wars too! It's not like it's a multi-billion dollar franchise that is known globally!
It's a 7/10 if you watch it with junk food and friends
>liking normie capeshit makes her more unique and cool than the normies who like shit music and culture
It's a pretty well crafted popcorn flick, but really didn't take any risks or try anything new.
Say what you will about BVS or SS, at least they tried to shake things up a bit. Marvel is just playing it safe for the cash cow. Can't say I blame them, but Civil War sucked IMO.
There is so much wrong with that pic it triggers me.
People around me like the Avengers while I'd be "meh". Nobody would ostracize you for liking the Avengers unless you hang with patricians.
The 2 on the left look like normies and the other is a normie thinking she's a special snowflake.
I wouldn't be surprised you got this from tumblr.
>be me
>into film
>girls tell me they're into film too
>tell me they like Avengers and Twilight
>I mention Godard and Kubrick
>have no idea what I'm talking about
>mention Clockwork Orange
>"Oh yeah, I watched that! That's with Johnny Depp, right?"
>he doesnt know
>he doesnt visit to get his daily fill of comedy
Its like you hate life or something
anyone got the patrician one?
It did what it wanted to do pretty well, but it's still not a high quality movie. The TV show is great though.
Those are pretty good. Damn /his/ packs quite a punch.
Sup Forums core
this wasnt supposed to be a rage thread...
stupid bitch cunt, antisocial means being hostile towards others
she means why she's introverted
/his/ had few memes but some were good. It's probably the worst board on the site though.
>having to watch it in three parts
truly a pleb
Sup Forums is worse, it's been almost completely been taken over by tumblrites
>"Oh yeah, I watched that! That's with Johnny Depp, right?"
sometimes i feel like people say that shit on purpose because nobody can be that fucking stupid and clueless
but no, people are that fucking stupid and plebeian
as a hungarian, I never really understood peoples obsession with sátántangó
>worst board on the site
There are so many terrible boards, /his/ is far from the worst.
yea most faggots dont know what words mean
good job autist
most people mean asocial
as in asociality
and antisocial are people who are actively against society
like terrorists and mass shooters
normies dont venture into any of the more autistic boards
they need to go back though
>try to talk about Tarkovsky with people
>never watch foreign films
It's fine if you're not into film but just don't say you are if you're not.
/his/ is reddit incarnate. You can't even mention niggers without being informed they were actually kangz once upon a time
lmao that's not how it goes at all
where the fuck are you getting this retarded definition?
Not really Sup Forums, but still thread-related:
Have you ever come across a girl who was into Doom? Not the new one, the classic ones.
Despite being one of the definitive video games in history, I've never come across a girl who has any interest in it.
the internet
i can't spam their memes on my twitter page like my favorite boards(Sup Forumseddit, Sup Forums and Sup Forums) so its shit dude
Kill me
youre a fucking wise ass nigger
>Asociality refers to the lack of motivation to engage in social interaction, or a preference for solitary activities. Developmental psychologists use the synonyms nonsocial, unsocial, and social disinterest.
literally the first fucking lines you retard
That does happen a lot. Honestly I think /x/ is the most reddit though out of all the boards I frequent. /x/ is such a pile shit
>hur dur anyone can change it
yea no, you are retarded
grow up you faggots
why so mad friendo
>Meet a shy girl
>Never has a word to say
>Watch movies with her
>She pretends she is laughing when I'm laughing
He actually gave his source
Where did you even find your dumbass definitions
you have access to the internet don't you? go fetch
>/his/ is reddit incarnate. You can't even make shitpost without being corrected by historical fact
Shut your dick-licker you mouth-breathing plebeian. Modern society has twisted my fucking brain.
i have access to my dick in your mom
>doing anything worthwhile historically
>i never learnt about it and won't look it up so it's not real
Average Trump supporter: the post
you wouldn't even be able to penetrate her with your micro penis
Th-that's cute tho
All boards are a different shade of shit
its like 6 hours long.....
>negative 27 points
>is correct
Reddit, everyone!
>having sparse settlements of mudhuts on large swarths of moslty empty land is now having empires
ayo hol up
No, it never feels like there's a threat. It's just bland.
>strawmanning to convince himself he's not really an uneducated retard
wew lad
This might be the most awful fight scene I have ever seen. How the fuck did this get into the movie? They didn't get one thing right.
except I'm not wrong.
Niggers only built anything when they were under rule by Muslims. Prior to that, they were nothing and are today nothing.
You guys realise that if you weren't weird you'd be able to get girlfriends, right?
/his/ is great
More like boring.
Even a shy girl is pleb as any girl when it comes to movies. She liked The Amazing Spiderman and many other movies that deem to have that quirky male actor who happens to be 10/10 looking and spills his spaghetti.
>"You get the big guy."
I'll happily see some examples to prove me wrong lads. The only nigger of note was a Malian kang who was so nigger-rich he disrupted the economies of many nations on his journey to Mecca.
>Never worked for a living
>Lived in your relatives house
>Spend your time writing """""""philosophy"""""""" which has no root to the human condition and how the world works
Marx was a true NEET and would post on /r9k/ if he was around.
Jazz music. One of the most influential forms of music for a vast majority of artists even today.
But what the fuck am I bothering for, I'll only be replied to in fucking memes and low-effort retorts.
House niggers that went on to make the travesty that is rap music two generations later
A lot of cinephiles know about Marxist film theory, so your pic kind of makes sense..
>tfw this is acceptable according to the public
>Clockwork Orange
Am I the only one getting kinda tired of seeing petite women beating the shit out of a dozen men without breaking a sweat?
In older movies, this stuff was more endurable, since it was pretty novel and rare, but nowadays it seems like it's mandatory in any mainstream action movie.
Is it a cuck thing?
can't tell if you're joking
It's a """"""""""""""""""""stronk"""""""""""""""""" woman thing
She has time and money to buy a portal gun and t shirt but she can't be fucked to finish it?
I just don't understand these people
But women hardly even watch these movies.
It's a female thing.
You wouldn't understand.
should i kill myself?