Be delivery driver

>be delivery driver
>99% of the times I get stiffed is delivering to niggers

There are certain areas in our delivery zone that deserve to be gassed.

It's not their fault

That's Niggers for you dude.

They're the lowest form of live in Earth.

Yeah it's obviously whitey keeping them down

You should work for an employer that pays a living wage instead of relying on customer subsidies. Until then you can't complain since nobody is forcing you to work for a shit company.

I get payed more than min wage hourly and I also make tips. If I were only getting like 3 an hour and had to rely on tips I'd have left a long time ago.

Also yeah I get that argument but from my perspective as a decent human being I feel like if you can't tip then don't fucking order out you broke ass lazy nigger

Serious question. Can you order delivery pizzas with an ebt card?

Tell me exactly what you do that deserves a tip as a delivery driver.

Well jimmy John's is subs not pizza

And I would fucking hope that No restaurant of any kind would take EBT

Papa murphys will accept them. I don't think they deliver though.

Deliver food to lazy fucks who can't get it themselves

Not the guy you were talking to but, when I used to deliver, regulars who tipped well got delivered to first even if I was leaving with 5 orders.

Regulars who stiffed me got cold food. Tipping means your shit will get to you faster, and your driver will take the time to double check the order instead of taking the kitchen staffs word for it.

Now you as a customer decide if that's worth it or not. If not, great, drivers a busy restaurants tend to be stretch thin. If everyone was a good tipper it wouldn't work. Someone has to get screwed, it might as well be the people the driver makes less money off of.

true. I don't order deliver for weeks at a time and you guys do remember me. I always tip the delivery person more than the bullshit delivery fee just to stick it to the multimillionaire companies who are fucking their drivers with that fee.

So. Extortion?

Just want to make sure. As this shit is only acceptable in the food service industry. Imagine a school bus driver picking up kids who tip first, or a surgeon operating on a person who tips first. Seems kind of crazy to me. But however you want to justify your crappy service.

Does it make you feel shitty that your only skill is a convenience and could be done just as easy by some nigger who can't be bothered?

Hell, a drone could do it faster, wouldn't spit in the food, and wouldn't expect a tip.

If my job were so easily replaced, I'd just put a bullet in my head.

Or just spend all my free time playing video games pretending I had a meaningful life. Yeah, I'm looking at you, kid.

Extortion? No. Supply and demand? Yes.

The bus driver or the surgeon are paid a wage that discourages tipping.

Where as when you order out you have a choice. More control for the customer, and an avenue for a good driver to make a lot of money if they are willing to hustle.

You may choose to wait an extra 15 minutes for your food and pay less for it. But to suggest you should not have to make the choice shows a lack of understanding about how the world works.

You can rage all you wish about it, but the only controll you have to change it is getting your fat ass into your car and getting your own fucking food.


I have niggers and spics in my store at all time. I feel your pain...

Ebt can't buy hot food .

>be delivery driver
>literally never don't get tipped

half of my deliveries are in a nig infested area idk i guess they are cool though.

Not really because niggers can do it. Never seen a nigger last more than a week on the job.

As for the rest. The income is pretty good if you're willing to apply yourself just a little bit.

I'd think a person should only feel bad delivering if they are still doing it after 3 or 4 years.

>It's an American whines about getting tips episode.

I normally disagree with tipping however I take exception with delivery drivers. Wait staff should not be tipped because nobody goes to a restaurant for the "service" they go there to have a professionally cooked meal.

On the other hand people generally don't order delivery because it's amazing food, they do so because they don't want to go out or cook. Therefore you are ordering the delivery drivers services. Even at say $8/hour there is no way the driver is making enough to cover gas and wear on his vehicle and the restaurant probably can't afford to pay much more so just shell out a few extra shekels for the service.

and then you woke up. it's a universal constant that black people don't tip. it's not racist. it's not whitey being evil. it's just the way it is.

What part of the country are you in? In New Jersey a nigger would be a garentee no tip, 80 percent chance of paying with a cup of change.

This. I love when I tip 50% at JJs, and it arrives at my house in 9 minutes.

I'll also add this, not sure about OP, but where I'm at, fuckers bike for miles, usually uphill, and still get the food here in about 10 minutes. They absolutely deserve a fucking tip.

im in new jersey. it might be a shitty 1 or 2 dollar tip but its still a tip.

I got a sandwich from there a few days ago. It was very good, actually, but I didn't freak ...

Is it true that you guys are represented by the IWW union?

That's some hippy level bullshit.
Each example given falls into your choice analogy. And the customer does not get a choice as you said "if everyone tips, then someone gets sewed either way".

It's more akin to you auctioning good service to the highest bidder. But you're also wrong in that you get paid a wage to do your job, you're just trying to make extra money by holding out a portion of the service you're already paid for ,for extra cash from the consumer. A simple map program would give you the most optimal route.

I think that depends where you are. I'm a waiter in Atlanta and ONLY the blacks or whites ever tip.
Mexicans however fuck right off almost everytime.

Dominos takes EBT around here

You stupid fuck! Wages of any kind are customer subsidies. Who the fuck do you think pays the bills? Does the boss just make money magically appear out of no where?

They are breaking the law. You can't buy any prepared foods with food stamps.

I'd fine it hilarious to watch a fleet of drones crashing on a Friday night rush because the cheese on the pizza will all dump to one side if it's half a degree out of level and through off the balance of the load.

If someone is deliberately trying to rip you off then it's their fault. Stop making excuses and being an enabler for lazy criminal niggers.

Also a driver for jj. 9/10 times I get stiffed it's cause of some Nigger, and I stress the word nigger. a decent human who works and is a functioning member of society who also happens to have black skin will tip. Nig nog named Jerome and his section 8 apartment with 8 pit bulls owing tip.

And some drivers need a job like delivering. For example I'm a college student. I'm in class 6 hours a day and have tons of homework. I need a job where I can work 4 hours 4 days a week and stay on top of my bills. You're too lazy to go get food, cough up $2 and take care of your driver.

A map program can't take into account if I have to walk through a pouch filled with dog shit for no tip , because the lazy fucks can't be bothered to clean after their animals or feed themselves.

I can, those people go to the back of the que no matter what.

The rest of my customers get their food fast because the ones the crest problems or don't tip have to wait.

If you don't like that, so be it. Eat your food with a frown. Or cook the shit yourself. Nothing will change so long as people like you keep ordering out.

I'm a britfag motorcycle food courier, Deliveroo.

>get raped by less than minimum wage
>average delivery time is under 6minutes so the food is hot as fuck
>make up for shit wage in mad tips

Niggers think delivery is like a public service. As if it's part of Obama care.

I think there is now enough data to official classify all blacks as inconsiderate, rude, cheap, dumb cunts.

Jimmy johns owner killed the last black rino