Literally anyone who wants to talk im really bored

literally anyone who wants to talk im really bored
male 18 spain if you want to know


hi, who are you :)


where from user?

Male, 18, from Spain here, too

and you talk to me in english??? de que parte?

Sorry gotta go my gf is not doing so well

Just checkin'
Del norte, qué te cuentas

user I'm back

I'm from the US

Barcelona aquí, pues nada tremendamente aburrido, como vas con selectividad? si es que la haces?

nice asl?

Oh boy this is gonna be bad I'm 13, Male and Live in the U.S. not saying state lol.

Tengo 18 pero hago 19 en cinco días, la selectividad ya la pasé en su día. Ahora simplemente ando buscando curro. ¿Qué tal tú?

Buenas, hoy es feria donde vivo y yo estoy en casa solo y aburrido tanteando la opción de masturbarme.

why should this be bad? also gtfo kid there are better places for you like 9 gag

13 years? get the fuck out of here, kid

Love you too

que te echa para atrás? dale como si no hubiera mañanaa persigue tus sueños chabal! conejox es la clave

You don't even feel love yet, maybe except for your mother

Do I care?

FIRST RULE OF INTERNET: dont even argue on the internet

dont worry you will learn

Gracias por la página, visitar siempre los mismos sitios te quitan las ganas

Hows the weather down there?

Check out the very lil' badass here. Get out of his way. He will... like... tell you he'll fuck your mother via Minecraft chat?

Por cierto OP, ¿qué parte de España? yo del sur.

Chill you guys turned this on to me I was just trying to chill. Wait this is Sup Forums what am I saying.

que paginas miras

op here you are right, lets chill all togheter, tell us who are you?


Muchas, pero te dejo algunas para buscar en google:


Does it really matter? Everything I say here will be made fun of.

At least i wont make fun of you idc others. I know thats 4 chan but lets keep it chill as it should be, so go on

Just a 13 year old kid that sits in the basement sleeping and playing video games. Talking to my gf (Shouldn't be she's not allowed to text guys) but other that that nothing special

You there OP?