Who /Kubo/ here?
> Best animation in years.
> Uplifting inspiring storyline.
> Not feminist like Ghostbusters.
> Not bro-tier shit like deadpool.
> Basically the best movie ever.
So, Sup Forums, tell me:
Why haven't you seen /kubo/ yet?
Who /Kubo/ here?
> Best animation in years.
> Uplifting inspiring storyline.
> Not feminist like Ghostbusters.
> Not bro-tier shit like deadpool.
> Basically the best movie ever.
So, Sup Forums, tell me:
Why haven't you seen /kubo/ yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is by the ParaNorman people right? I'll catch it on a cheap night.
Agreed this is my favorite animated movie of all time and I work in animation.
Please watch Sup Forums its worth your time.
The animation, storytelling and music combined is purely astonishing.
Fucking beautiful.
Great characters.
Kids will have nightmares.
Are Sup Forumsulnerable Sup Forumsocks still trigger by this flick.After the Robocop remake came out no-one gave a shit.
See this lads.This is what the mentally challenged say when they try to act normal.
Laika confirmed for saving animation?
They fucking lobotomized him and then committed Elder Abuse. Other than that it was an okay story. I think Paranorman had stronger writing.
>good animation
It's this brand new hard light hologram CGI that you can manipulate with gestures, though. Frankly I don't know how they do it. Must have some powerful-ass computers.
>> Basically the best movie ever.
shill thread successful!
10 cents have been deposited into your account!
now fucking kill yourself!
This movie was fucking fantastic, I was getting Katanagatari vibes while watching it.
Here is your (you), my friend.
Some mutual friend I have with a lot of people was saying the Sausage Party people were basically forced to animate it for barely to no pay and lauded Kubo, will check it out.
I'm not a huge fan of their artstyle but these people actually are using real models so I have to congratulate them for that
>> Not feminist
Why are you idiots so fucking anti-feminist?
3rd wave feminism is getting to the point of detrimentality, 1st and 2nd wave were just for equal rights but now we've just got people whining about things they know nothing about.
This looks interesting, but my family already thinks I'm a weeb, I'm not sure this would help.
Marketing your shitty youtube channel is a bannable offense, user
It's an American movie, and I'm not sure why your family would know what movies you're seeing
>Why haven't you seen /kubo/ yet?
Is there a torrent yet?
Open your eyes you fucking mongoloid
how could someone outright contradict themselves with both statements so close to each other?
>Come to your aunties.
What did they mean by this?
I thought it was a fitting punishment since they did the same thing to his dad.
Guessing Mara is the villain in this. Damn Tengus
I thought it was terrific.
My last two experiences in a cinema were to watch Civil War and Suicide Squad;
I'd forgotten what it what like to see an actual work of art on screen until Kubo.
I'd highly recommend it, and Regina Spektor killed the My Guitar Gently Weeps cover.
Was this based on some kind of story or mythology?
Cause I'm egalitarian