Make an apt, intelligent remark comparing Trump's Mexican Wall to Hitler's Berlin Wall

>make an apt, intelligent remark comparing Trump's Mexican Wall to Hitler's Berlin Wall
>get made into an eternal dank meme and trolled into suicide
Don't you think we've gone a bit too far with this one, Sup Forums? Did she really deserve the fate we've led her into?

dude the polish built the wall in 1983 to keep the mongols out you fucking idiot

>be brainwashed lefty
>try to say something clever
>get BTFO and made fun of
>can't take the heat
It's literally her fault.

Remember to SAGE, REPORT, TRASH and FLUSH these slide threads folks.

lmao did she really kill herself?

She committed suicide?

>Berlin Wall
1/10 made me reply

pics or it didnt happen

>Hitler's Berlin Wall


Actually it has been built in 1991 by daco-romans from future to destroy soviet union

sauce? (Pls be true)

op is fag if no deliver

Did she kill herself?


lmao give link, i dont believe this shit

>Hitlers Berlin Wall
Hitler willing divided Germany before he died.
Cmon man

Once again, please provide proofings she an hero'd

no but she asked for it


Is she kill?


This. Being stupid has its consequences. If a white guy goes out in a suit door to door in a nigger neighborhood and tries to redpill people on why Hitler was right, he will get shot down and deserve it. Hide your fucking power levels moron.


>apt, intelligent
Factually incorrect, disingenuous.

>Hitler's Berlin Wall

>Dat Innsmouth face

Is she actually of kill?

Hitler's Berlin Wall

Do think Fish mouthed women need a mandatory dicking in their life?

>Hitler's Berlin Wall

>1 post by this ID. It's bait guys. Check out her jewbook.

kek give me a link to that post

>trolled into suicide

Did she really?

Hitler didn't build the Berlin wall jackshit. It wasn't completed until after his death in order to separate western occupied Berlin (West Germany) from Soviet occupied East Germany. Why the hell would Hitler, a man who supported not only the unification of all of Germany, but all of its people, ever want to build a wall down the center of it

shell be fine

Uhhhh, it was actually the emperor Cincinnati. And when his brother Sharpur jumped over it he killed him on the spot.

>Hitler's Berlin wall

Pathetic, are you even trying? The Soviets built the wall to keep Germans from the east from fleeing to West Berlin. It's probably the most refugee unfriendly structure ever built in Europe and built by every communist hipsters wetdream country, the USSR.

Shill OP won't deliver.

no matter how poor the bait, someone will always take it

>hitlers berlin wall

This is so true.
*sips tea*

Nah, she's off shaggin some nigger while Carl sits in the corner and admires his own virtue.

My ancestors were Christians since 20000BC while they were colonising Transilvania
They got bored, invaded Berlin defeating the inferior Germans and settled it as Daco-Roman city, then they built a wall in it to keep the Japanese away,

>Hitler's Berlin Wall

Post her nudes then!!

Berlin wall was for keeping people from getting OUT.

Trump's wall is for keeping people from getting IN

>Hitler's Berlin Wall
Construction of the Berlin Wall started 16 years after Hitler's death.

Berlin Wall was a wall between Germans and Germans. The same people

The Trump wall is between two different peoples

Who's the one in the left?

>Hitler's Wall

Go die you stupid racist bitch. I hope you get raped and killed fuck you!!!!!!

>fish mouth
>cold dead eyes of a hollow

Lefties unnerve me


Does anyone have the video

>Hitler's Berlin Wall

no she is not kill

just look on her fb or twitter, she is alive and and still a shill

>not glorious dnf

>Hitler's Berlin Wall
Jesus Christ...

Besides, the berlin wall kept people inside. Trump's wall is quite the opposite

She's off shaggin negros, don't be greedy, Milo.

i'd still tenderly tongue her anus and squirt my cum down her throat

>mexican intellectuals

>apt and intelligent remark

>the Berlin Wall divided two countries that should have been one, which is why it was a bad thing.

>implying this is the same thing as America building a wall to stop Cactus Coons from another county burrowing into their country and wrecking the unskilled job trade in many areas.

she needs to get gud.

Did we ever see her again after it?

I wonder what her reaction was when some friendly soul told her she was retarded.

Does anyone have a link to the original video


Are you saying they build the wall in 1986?

stfu you stupid fuck