What will your family think when you die and they look through your hard drive?

What will your family think when you die and they look through your hard drive?

>I'm in the process of cleaning everything up.

Other urls found in this thread:


"I don't understand half these memes"

Not alot my taste is pretty vanilla

"Does anybody know the password?"

Hello everyone I have hijacked this thread in the name of equality. Please email Marvel Comics and tell them that Wonder Woman should be changed to a black woman because it is not fair that there are no People of Color in the Amazon. In the real Amazon Jungle they are all PoC. This is white washing. White people have too much already they don't need this too. This is cultural appropriation and must be stopped.

Huh. That Erin girl he dated had a cock. My son was a fag !

Why, are you dying?


No, but I had a wake up call and it made me think about a lot.
This being one of them.


Hello everyone I have hijacked this thread in the name of equality. Please email Marvel Comics and tell them that Wonder Woman should be changed to a black woman because it is not fair that there are no People of Color in the Amazon. In the real Amazon Jungle they are all PoC. This is white washing. White people have too much already they don't need this too. This is cultural appropriation and must be stopped.

Isn't it really more unfair that she is slaughtering poor German conscripts in the trenches and they are treated like evil monsters.

I'll be dead and it won't matter.

>Isn't give a fuck about anything!

What's that ticking sou-

>implying you can't get inside a person's hard drive through other means.
There are businesses that specialize in these exact services.

No, Wonder Woman should be played by a Middle Eastern MAN!
Diversity is important.

kys nigger lover


They are monsters

Nothing, because I am a god of stealth.
>mom opens computer
>intensely used MacBook pro
>it's turned off
>all the way off
>hit power button
>smoke bomb, bitch
>no sight
>stumble around my room and hit tripwire
>fall into pit
>pit lined with metal d4s (I have a collection of them)
>pierced through back of neck
>mom is dead
>dad walks in
>dad is smarter
>invokes wind style
>windslashes the shit out of the smoke
>approaches computer
>disables lasers
>opens computer
>turns it on
>password protected
>makes deal with isis
>in computer
>clicks on finder
>whole thing freezes
>stays that way for a day
>brings computer into mac store
>they fix it for upwards of $300
>brings home
>enters finder
>all files saved on flash drive
>all that remains is coordinates to said drive
>dad follows directions
>finds pit
>disarms traps
>opens safe
>defuses bomb
>finds drive
>goes home
>plugs into computer
>freezes again
>fixes for more than $300 again
>loads drive
>one file
>goodbye, bitch
>flash drive explodes with fury of 10000 suns
>world has been eliminated
>my secrets are safe

we should have aborted her

Nobody is fucking with AES-256.


"huh, so he wasn't gay"

>implying my hdd aren't encrypted

>Family looks through my hard drive
>This answers so many questions about our son

>not realizing there is specialized software designed to crack it

how do you think certain government agencies get data from such hard drives?

>metal d4s

you are a fucking monster

are you implying that the average parent posseses these softwares?

They're probably gonna wonder why I needed 7 Doom sourceports

>implying some nosey cunts wouldn't pay a company to crack it.



Who gives a fuck? It's not my problem, I'll be dead already.

yeah im sure the average parent wouldn't be too distraught to try moving the heavens and earth itself just to break into their dead kids hdd

what was i thinking, how could i be so delusional

If my hard drive was encrypted with that and my parents found out I think the last thing they would want to know is what the fuck was on it

My family wouldn't care and would just throw it out.

Wonder Woman should be a chick with a dick, contrarian

>move the heavens
You pay like 200 bucks and some nerd cracks into the computer.

gtfo, no one cares about wonder women unless she's naked

wow you defeated my sarcastic remark, you must be 1337 haxor

care to defeat the main point orrrr.....

And you must be some smug liberal faggot.

>"at 2 000 000 000 000 000 000 keys per second it would take ~6.7e40 times longer than the age of the universe to exhaust half of the keyspace of an AES-256 key"

>being this autistic
Have you ever thought that there are things you don't know?

They can't.

I have GOT to delete it before I die. If they've saw what's inside, they would never mention me even by accident.

The Nazi's considered the Enigma secure by similar logic. Oops!


Sorry that I don't believe some random guy on Sup Forums has cracked AES-256.
Please publish a research paper if you have. I'm sure it'd be very interesting.

No private company is providing a public quantum computer backed decryption service, which is the issue at hand.

Are you a computer scientist?
Are you obsessed academia?
Are you a Pakistani?
Are you an arrogant ass?

Post what you got my man.
Give us a taste.

>"You can just pay to have someone break the encryption"
>No you can't
>"But maybe the NSA can!"
>No they can't
>"But maybe they will be able to in the future!"
>But they can't right now
>"Maybe researchers can!"

Goalpost moving should be an Olympic sport.

There's no evidence to support your statements.
You want it to be true that someone can't crack your computer because fuck knows what kind of shit you have on your pc.

I don't use encryption.

bad shit since there is a lot of hidden cams of them

You're a liar and an asshat.

But I use Windows 10, which makes encryption useless for hiding from the government.