So, how many of you actually watched it?

So, how many of you actually watched it?

No, this isn't a "but guise it was actually good" kinda thing, it really was bad. But I'm just curious who took the time to torrent a camrip and see for themselves instead of just parrot what Sup Forums says.

I was disappointed in a weird way. I went in expecting to roll my eyes at 1.5 hours of SJW bullshit but it was actually just boring. The only "gurl power" moment that really stuck out to me was during the Sigourney cameo in the credits. Besides that, all the hyped up feminist garbage was just a colossal marketing fuck up. If the same exact movie was made with a male cast it still be a boring comedy where almost all the jokes fall flat.

I think the movie's biggest crime is making pic related the most annoying character. McKinnon has the talent and potential to be one of those SNL cast members who goes on to have a decent career, but in this movie literally all she does is come of as a past-his-prime Jim Carrey just yelling and making dumb faces.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off nu-male cuck

No, I didn't even watch a camrip. I legit have zero interest in watching It at all. Not even for free.

This isn't Sup Forums in case you haven't noticed.

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers, you redditor.

Cam rip, So the best thing about it (the effects) were gone.

The whole thing was a mess. Nothing was hilarious, maybe a smile that just faded as each new scene kept trying really hard to be funny. Made it 3/4 of the way through before i just skipped to get the idea of the end.

never again.

this isn't reddit where you need a username to post in case you haven't noticed.

All boards are Sup Forums occupied territory.


I like to stand out from the crowd, newfag



no u

I saw a couple of webms here on Sup Forums and that was enough for me. No, thank you.

>McKinnon has the talent and potential to be one of those SNL cast members who goes on to have a decent career

[citation needed]

She has been a complete hack like Amy Poehler before her from everything I have seen.

It only makes it easier to filter you, attention seeking loser.

Well, at least to the rest of the current cast of SNL, which admittedly isn't saying much. A lot of them just seem pretty replaceable, but Kate's one of the ones that stand out.

>tripfags are such cancer
>Back to plebbit

>I'm just about to block you

Topkek, the hypocrisy of these nu male cucks


no u

I asked my 9 year old nephew if he liked it

He said it was ok and kinda funny in some parts. Then I asked him if he liked the older movies better and he said he liked the first one better than the new one.

>the best thing about it (the effects)

Considering how shit the CGI fest was that's not saying a lot.

>stand out from the crowd

That's a funny way of admitting you're an attention whore and also a humongous faggot. Kind of like a fast food employee calling themselves a french fry technician.

Did a tear come to your eye as you told him "You'll do just fine..."

ill probably watch it for Kate Mckinnon. too bad shes lesbo tho

The first half of the movie wasn't funny and sorta lame, the second half was OK. There was just so much missed potential. The movie was essentially a poor reimaging of the first movie's plot, but lacked the charisma shared by the actors in the previous movie. Kristin Wig and Melissa McChicken work, but McKinnon was there purely to produce Tumblr gifs and Leslie Jones goes full coon. I got a couple of chuckles from Hemsworth, but his character is so forgettable and tertiary, it borders on pointless. I did think Wig was kinda hot in her outfits though.

5/10 -- utterly forgettable

>I'm gonna filter you, you attention seeking FAGGOT!


It's just incredibly average.

What fuck happened to the comedy genre when Ghostbusters and Sausage Party are the most critically acclaimed of the year in the genre? these would be rotten in 2008.

>I did think Wig was kinda hot in her outfits though.

If only they made them more skin tight. The bangs and glasses were great on her.

I went to go see it because someone else offered to pay and thought it was mediocre.

Knowing some of the awful shit that went on behind the scenes, I'm really glad it's under-performing.

waiting for a good torrent of it

Torrented a cam rip the day it was available. Shit movie and the novelty factor (as far as all the hype/trailer criticism) wears off about 15-20 minutes into it. Just felt lazy tbqh.

>5/10 -- utterly forgettable

Sounds like a mostly positive review senpai

only good part was this song

you and scum like you are everything wrong with this board. you should go back or kill yourself

put your trip back faggot

You're reddit


PS: I'm actually not the tripbro you're whining about, but you'll never believe me, so whatev's.

why are you whiteknighting random tripfags?

Your mom is reddit

>mike hat
literally the only amusing part


I don't give a fuck about him. I just find smug counter-signallers who shit up threads annoying as fuck.

I didn't bother watching it, but nor did I disparage it as if I had. My only real discussion was on its budget versus box office earnings.

Fuck off numale cuck.

I just watched it at a second-run dollar theater, and it almost seemed like it had potential. Like the director was a sculptor with a piece of marble and a beautiful model, only the sculptor is pants shittingly retarded and used a cheese grater to shape his image.

Paul Feig, your movie is bad and you should feel bad.

t. Jamal

I judge a movies merits on its ability to generate an emotional response from me. I hated both Man of Steel & Avatar, but I could never say they are bad because I felt something watching them. Current Year Ghostbusters though, I felt nothing. The only other movie that generated that lack of emotions in me was the useless live action Speed Racer. The Joker dyke was the worst part of it though.

Tripfag btfo'd

>This isn't Sup Forums
>now fuck off Jamal
Anyone else /mixed signals/ in here?

this is the single most cringeworthy content I've seen on the internet, after 10 years of intense browsing. Congratulations user, you beat the pokemon themed wedding.

>What fuck happened to the comedy genre when Ghostbusters and Sausage Party are the most critically acclaimed of the year in the genre? these would be rotten in 2008.
Literally retards have no tastes nor, care about quality. They keep throwing money away at the theater for garbage.

Besides falling for bait?

You don't come here very often do you?

this is the single most cringeworthy content I've seen on the internet, after 10 seconds of intense browsing. Congratulations user, you beat the ghostbuster nostalgiafag.

>10 years of intense browsing
I think the fact that you've been "browsing intensely" for 10 years of your life is more cringeworthy then any single ephemeral action one could commit on the internet.
Congratz! You're a meme! :^)

What am I going to do with all of these awards?

Saw it on a Sup Forums stream. I actually had two chuckles during it, but they all came from male actors' lines. The two lines were, as I remember

Hey! That worthless junk is the property of whatever University

and when Thor gets the sandwich thrown back to him from off screen at the end.

but the problem with these lines is they're basically cartoon lines, which is what the entire movie is. No one acts like a real person and it's like the four main women know they're in a movie and none of what they are doing matters. Characterization for Lesbian is all over the place, too.

Movie was a subpar comedy. But you could tell throughout it that Sony are desperate for a hit, so the marketing went super hard grrrrl power and tried to stir up controversy to drive ticket sales.

Anyone got a camrip of this?

I liked the first half, nice build up. Some funny moments
The final battles were boring, too glowy cgi ghosts, too many plotholes(he could posess them again, have the cops shoot them etc)

I've browsed this thread intensely at least 10 times and this is the best comment yet :^)