What went wrong?
What went wrong?
He literally, without joking or exaggeration, got cuckolded so unbelievably hard that it destroyed his entire life.
What do you mean? Are you not going to watch and enjoy the currently in production modern classic "Jesus, Bro?" Are you some kind of tasteless contrarian?
Get in here it's Eggkara time!
>Going full fedora because a batch of religious movies were released around Easter.
Is Latza /ourguy/?
This guy is hilarious,
Go watch half in the bag, manchild.
>make fun of the movies so long that you make one
>literally live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Why does he look like he splits his time between chemotherapy and doing meth?
Is this the reason why spoony went insane?
of coursh
They're both trash.
get in here boys!
fuck off with your fucking memetrash
Literally nothing, you just found out he doesn't agree with your personal politics and it made your fucking pussy fill with sand. That's typical of alt right numale faggot cuckservatives that post on this dumpsterfire of a board. Don't worry, once you're around thirty and it becomes legal to marry that black guy you met at the grocery store in your home state you'll stop being such a fucking faggot about everything else, that's if you haven't killed yourself yet.
TGWG/CA threads are so fucking autistic.
Hi Brad!
Nah, just a guy who has seen these threads since they first started getting posted here and watched you straight up faggots turn on LE BASED BRAD as soon as he said something that offended you. It's hilarious because you cry about the evil SJWs doing the same thing and don't realize you fucking degenerates are two sides of the same coin. I'd cleanse you all with white Christ's holy flames if I could.
I used to watch this guy.
He seemed like a more bearable version of the nostalgia critic so I had some of his vids on as background noise at times. What'd he do exactly?
Give me the details
He said he was anti Trump and all the Sup Forumsbabies shit their pampers.
>Not thinking a guy with a dyke mom was gonna be anti Trump
>muh non-side feint
I'm not even posturing, they're both just bad critics.
t. Brad
>guy pretty much comes out saying free speech doesn't matter
>you're acting like an sjw if you don't like him anymore
have you even ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like?
>I want to thank Joss Weadon
>Best guess for this image: anime
I'm going to need a source.
Boku no Pico
>facial expression
>Boku no Pico
Don't try to play me like that, nigga. I need a source.