surfaced on reddit and quickly damage controlled by disney accounts
ep 8 script
>lando back
>kylo rey siblings
surfaced on reddit and quickly damage controlled by disney accounts
ep 8 script
>lando back
>kylo rey siblings
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw never read spoiler for ep7 spoilers because I wanted to fully enjoy the movie.
>tfw currently not reading spoilers because "fuck star wars" and idgaf at this point.
Have a bump. If you're still in the game, you can have your fun.
>BIG MOMMA arrives at the Cap
somebody translate this gibberish for me.
BIG MOMMA is a ship apparently. No idea what cap is.
Also, OP, where is the mention of Lando?
Great, another OT remake.
I would be okay with this. Though the "BEN SOLO'S FALL" thing is really out of place and reminds me that this is probably fan fiction
>damage controlled
in what way? every legit leak during ep 7 production was deleted within hours, yet this bullshit is up for at least several days
It implies that hamill will have prominent presence so it's fake. That dude is a live prop.
The previous leak which implied it is ESB remake is probably true though.
Well, episode vii spoilers were leaked 1 year before the release and no one believed them
>WarHammer is destroyed and the FO executes a blockade on CAP
its been up for a day with a stickied comment claiming its fake
old friend of hans? owns casinos and hotels? sounds like lando to me, especially since its an easy way to throw in another dindu
Candy Man is Lando
NO one actually believes this post right?
>>kylo rey siblings
People still believe this.
I'll just wait for the MSW guys to dropped their own spoilers.
What leaks? Got any sources or anything?>WarHammer
First Order
you faggot i will kill you
You dumb neckbeards.
wut? why?
fuckin devil fruit midichlorians
im a twisted f*cking psychopath......
>han solo didn't recognize her own daughter
top cake my friend
well meme'd
this video was amazing at the time
wew lad
didn't the capital get BTFO in the last one?
things sure do move quickly in the Star Wars universe.
Or him and Leia never mentioning a lost daughter. Bloodlines put the final nail on the coffin of Rey Solo.
>Killed by Phasma
He's always been called Artoo in print, what's wrong with it? C3PO is referred to in conversation as "Threepio" as well.
breathe was better
NuEu material reveals the Republic senate isn't stationary on only one planet, but cycles through several. That's why "Hosnian Prime" went FOOM instead of Coruscant. Must be the next planet in the rotation cycle.
>link is a virus
OP you lazy cunt m8 copy and paste that shit here lad
How does working with senile people look? You know, seniors are a little bit slower, they tend to forget things. When you are working on a movie you want to be able to give a quick directions, right? Most of directors are assholes who wouldn't want to sit down and waste time on explaing something to elderly person.
ya booyaft indo bomar lobuyat jamille oi bundalos
Rey and Kylo are siblings but Han isn't Reys father. After Battle of Yavin Luke wanted to rebulid Jedi order fast, he figured out that "creating" kids that are supper force sensitive would be a good idea. He talked Leia into fucking behind Hans back, Rey is Luke/ Leia incest child. Afterwards Leia got super scared and they just left Rey on Jakku. Han found out anyway and that's why he left Leia.
Na pilofft oi bomar judeero, boolum jaterulames. Rebidum.
>implying the Han Solo does recognize his own daughter
>implying that Leia does not recognize her own daughter
>implying that Kylo Ren did not recognize his sister
>Implying that Chewbacca, R2, C3PO and Luke did not recognize Han and Leia's daughter
the link is fine man
didn't Disney's shitty Skylanders ripoff already confirm Rey and Kylo are cousins? Kylo even calls her cousin.
well it does mention Kylo was mad at his father for leaving them. So Han might have left before he even knew he had a daughter. I don't know if there is any new EU that explains Han and Leias relationship, but if not then its possible.
I don't wanna read the script. So is the tree of life thing actually real or is it fake?
This actually sounds pretty legit. But what happens to Luke. From What I can gather he just vanishes?
script doesn't mention it but it was featured in that Marvel pre-TFA comic
Also pretty sure this is fake. Rian Johnsno said episode 8 starts right when 7 ended. this has a different opening.
Han would leave when he and Leai fought, that fuel Kylo's distaste for him. Leai never mentions anything about a lost daughter in Bloodlines in which Ben is stated to be 23 years old and traveling with Luke looking for Jedi artifacts.
Sounds as shitty as TFA.
So wait, they kill Lando? What the hell.
Kylo is Reys brother
Works for me
check em dubs
>Disney movie
but they can not co exist familam
>Finn and Mystery arrive via horseback to a hovel.
what the zug
Cap probably means Capital. The planet from those set shots that leaked a while ago