Which films are best to watch on psychedelics?
I was thinking of watching On the silver globe.
Which films are best to watch on psychedelics?
I was thinking of watching On the silver globe.
have you never done psychedelics before? because if you had you would know it doesn't matter what you decide to watch before you take the drugs, the second you peak you wont want to watch any of it, and if you try to force yourself to watch whatever stupid crap you picked out ahead of time, you will fucking hate it.
wait until you're on them and figure out what to do in the moment.. last time i just ended up flipping past shit on cable at light speed because everyone on tv looked like creepy alien insects, until i ran across homeward bound, then cried like a baby at the end of it.
same goes for music and everything else, music, art, whatever... honestly it all pales and becomes hollow and meaningless compared to just sitting outside and listening to the wind or staring at wood grain or looking at yourself in the mirror.
I've taken LSD a bunch of times, and never really had any issues with watching something I've decided beforehand.
drawing was pretty fun for me
Samsara, Koyaanisqatsi.
that's a waste of acid if you ask me
>honestly it all pales and becomes hollow and meaningless compared to just sitting outside and listening to the wind or staring at wood grain or looking at yourself in the mirror
i will never understand why people just sit inside and watch films etc. instead of doing that
Well, I find staring at yourself in the mirror or watching nature to be kind of vapid after doing it once.
I took a heroic dose of mushrooms one time and watched the holy mountain. When it came time for the man who hadn't been able to let go of his body in the film to cut off his hand I had a birth/death experience and basically existed as an eternal creature for a few minutes who had always existed and always would and that my current reality was all just another of my endless dreams. I also pissed the bed.
None of them. Psychs are entertainment enough on their own. If you had to watch something it should be something with nice visuals, music and very little dialogue. Something like Baraka, The Tree of Life or Only God Forgives
>last time i just ended up flipping past shit on cable at light speed because everyone on tv looked like creepy alien insects
My friend and I did that exact thing once. For about two hours we were flipping through channels and laughing how fake, staged and creepy it all looked.
Then we stumbled upon pic related. We dropped on the floor and laughed for a good half hour, rolling.
OP, watch:
>LEGO movie
>Planet Earth
>Blue Planet
>How It's Made
As another user said, drawing/painting is really fun.
I need something inspiring to watch on acid, but can't really think of anything.
Something grandiose preferably
I can't get invested in watching anything while tripping, it doesn't distract me and I become hyper aware of the fact that I'm sitting on a couch staring at a flat screen of flickering lights and every moment of my life that I waste doing so become a tragic loss.
I remember everyone looked weird to varying degrees, but Marg Helgenberger from CSI specifically being a monstrous insectoid alien creature who was posing in an ill-fitting human skin disguise.
Starting to think you must take some really weak shit, or really weak doses.
I had a similar experience just smoking a huge amount of really good pot while watching the Labyrinth... though without the bed pissing part..
I can't decide on Samsara or Baraka.
I only take around 200ug, I don't really like more than that, too intense for me.
uh ok anyway, so instead you take acid and do what you always do?
sometimes when i read these online hey-guise-i'm-doing-psychedelics-what-should-i-do-while-tripping -things it just seems that people don't really understand what they have on their hands
or maybe you do know and outdoors isn't your thing and you just want to keep it fun
listen to music and vegetate
not this. Tried watching it on LSD and it just made me hate the movie. It made me notice how manufactured and boring it is.
Watch Baraka. It is more general as it shows humans in the modern world. It will definitely make you think twice about this world.
Samsara is more about the circle of birth, death and rebirth. It is a buddhist concept.
>It made me notice how manufactured and boring it is.
Same for every live action film.
That's why when tripping I like to watch cartoons and animated films because I know they're not pretending to be reality.
Got it, started downloading Samsara since the trailer visuals looked more intriguing but that sounds more interesting.
I often find myself watching random TV when I'm coming down/the peak of the trip is over.
I remember watching Pokemon for some light entertainment and ended up crying at the bit in this episode when Ash said "...guess we'll all be cold together".
LSD is a strange drug.
>mfw I just found my 25 strips were layered
>tfw I have over 50 tabs now
I also watched Samsara first. I really liked it so I watched Baraka after. Made me a vegetarian. Not even joking, I haven't eaten meat since I watched Baraka over three and a half years ago.
honestly it ruins most animated stuff for me too. It makes me so aware of little details that even the best animation ends up looking bad.
I like the sequel KANEDA more
eating meatballs while on shrooms made me want to become a vegetarian and eat less in general. then it wore off
I hope you aren't talking about anything other than micro dosing.
The last time I had psychedelics (shrooms and dabs) was with a group of eight friends. We were too busy crawling around like slugs and shouting for the first three hours to appreciate film.
Reminds me of when I watched the Last Crusade with some friends after we all drank bottles of cough syrup, and the movie just broke into pieces. All I could see where a bunch of short clips that had nothing to do with one another.
Never had anything quite like that happen while on regular hallucinogens.
well dissociatives are an entirely different beast, you don't really get to enjoy your senses with proper doses especially if you extract the dxm (like you should)
why should i?
>drop acid for the first time
>with a bunch of chill people, decide to pop in a movie
>someone mentions Paprika
One of the best moments on any sort of drug I've ever been on. Good barely understand the plot, especially when the dreams started to merge with reality. I remember the whole room bursting into laughter for a good 10 minutes when the cheesy Miami Vice faux ending appeared.
I can only eat fruits when tripping. And not even eat, but stuff in my mouth, suck, just like a savage prehistoric human.
it takes away the nausea and other bad side effects
I think you'll end up ditching pre-prepared TV selections when you're tripping, anyway. It depends on the moment. I've had an incredible time watching Samsara (highly rec), but also things like Always Sunny, Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers, Bojack.
Avoid cheaply made animations and movies where you will focus too much on the bad acting / production.
First time I did acid was with this gang. Picture taken the night of. On the comedown we ended up watching teletubbies and it was getting spooky.
another trip I ended up watching the modern time traveler movie next to a fire and it was maximum comfy because the middle has nice organic textures.
to avoid all possible stomach pain and the risk of shitting yourself when you lose the control of your body and because when you do something you do it right
watch THief and the Cobbler (recobbled cut) or Mind Game
Mind Game looks good, i'll give it a shot.
Should've posted some alan resnick.
>dropping acid
Do you guys want holes in your brain?
i just want to die
that's MDMA
ACID fucks your DNA
"I have two daughters who will one day take drugs. Of course, I will do everything in my power to see that they choose their drugs wisely, but a life lived entirely without drugs is neither foreseeable nor, I think, desirable. [...] But if they don’t try a psychedelic like psilocybin or LSD at least once in their adult lives, I will wonder whether they had missed one of the most important rites of passage a human being can experience."
-Sam Harris
They both cause brain damage.
lsd doesn't damage the brain just wires it differently temporarily
>opens up your neural pathways, decalcifying your pineal gland and unlocking third eye hidden chakras
stay woke
you sound like a faggot. it's just a drug, grow up.
I watched this one on LSD and had a blast.
Watched Holy Motors and Fire Walk With Me on LSD.
Haven't watched Holy Motors again since so I don't really know which parts of the movie I saw was actually in the movie... since it's a weird movie itself.
FWWM was absolutely horryfing and amazing.
I recommand both.
Speed Racer.
Never seen it sober, never want to.