Im a non-religous anti conservative Sup Forums browser, AMA

As the title says, currently full time student in bioengineering with no religious views in any direction and a strong hatred for both communism and conservatism but still a frequent Sup Forums browser.


This thread might as well be pinned

Are you against Christianity in particular? Even though there's evidence for it?

I'm not religious either but I see the value in going to church. It's good for a community to come together once a week and reestablish themselves as a tribe. That's what muslims do, that's what jews do, and that's what we must do.

Im not against in per se, as long as people do NOT show their beliefs down my throat. I know a lot of Christian people, hell some of my friends studying physics are Christian. Its when it turns to extremism that it becomes a problem, no matter if its Islam, Buddhism or Christianity. The problem with Islam however is that it slowly infiltrates the political system ...

TLDR: Im not against anything unless you try to force me into believing the same shit you do

Fellow atheist, I'm with you.

There are some issues I have with church teachings, that's why I go with my kids and talk to them about what is discussed. No worries.

This picture is very prophetic. Soon enough people will be bullied in schools for being religious. Being a Christian baker who refuses to participate in gay marriage gets you sent to prison. It's disgusting.

I fucking hate liberals so much. Why did the Protties have to go and fuck up our society?

>see that your country is dying
>solution is more of the same
wew lad
And I thought Swedish cuckoldry was just a meme

>t. closet Baptist

Lol, we don't want to convert a cuck like you. You should be crucified, as all doubters should be. Amen.

I would daresay that a community is needed yes, however i would much rather see society instead focusing on technology and its aspects, we are entering a new period of enlightenment with the capabilities of bioengineering ourselves as a species, and should in my viewpoint embrace it.

As a Swede, i can wholeheartedly agree on that we do need traditions however, the current influx of communism and foreign religions is due to Swedes having a tradition of not taking our own country seriously. We WILL fucking kill you if you insult it, but as long as we ourselves do it, its cool. Media is currently using this to shove " acceptance" down our throats. And im just watching my country burn away all of the equality progress we made over the past 50 years in the name of Islam ...

>evidence for it

Equality was always a lie. It was always going to burn away eventually.

Have you ever been mugged, or personally known anyone who has been mugged or raped?

Okay tell me now. What kind of a a fucking wicked bitch forces trillions of people to go to some place of literal eternal torture. If your god IS real. He's is a monster of evil beyond everything ever seen on earth

Dont Wew lad me, im as for fro ma cuck as you can come. I hate extremism in ANY way. We cannot make true progress as a SPECIES until we finally try to tone down our INDIVIDUAL beliefs.

I agree on that we must fight Islam as a political movement, and i am of the opinion that the shitty immigrants currently arriving should assimilate to Swedish values, believe it or not, many Swedes are pissed, the media is controlled by leftists in Stockholm, controlled by giant capitalist corporations, and they LOVE to make big leftist headlines that people get pissed off by and makes them money.

The reason our country HAS been kickass until now is that we balanced capitalism and socialism while valuing freedom of speech over all other things, those times are gone, even though people seem to finally be pushing back now.
I do not believe in one religion taking the others place, Christianity is better YES, but it still restricts freedom of speech, and your right as an individual

Let me ask you another question, then.
Is evangelizing Christianity forcing "beliefs down [your] throat"?

You have no idea what you're talking about, atheist. Hell is just a reality without God and it is one the demonizes of hell choose from their own sin and doubt. If you wish to live with God, then embrace God. Hell is not eternal fire. Some Protty sects do believe that, but they're all heretics who will find out what Hell is like soon enough.

God sent his own son to be butchered by us. That is hardly something a monster would do. Think before you commit such heresy again.

Hey Sweden, you should merge Christianity with the Norse gods and create a new and improved religion.

Raped yes, not by any mudslimes though, instead it was one of the "feminist" males who basically drugged her, me and a friend beat him up pretty damn good.

I do not know of any muggings except of a Romanian woman trying to steal my brothers wallet, i wrestled her ass down instantly, her brothers came and screamed at me, but i was + 5ft taller then them and muscular so they didnt dare to do anything. However i have heard many terrifying stories from friends. Im from the countryside where things arent as bad ... yet

Fanaticism is the only thing that drives people forward. We must fanatical our love for our country and of our God and of science and progress and all things beneficial to mankind.

The right of the individual are a secondary concern, if they are a concern at all. All that matters is the propagation and glorification of mankind.

You simultaneously criticize fanaticism yet you are fanatically devoted to freedom. Why? Freedom for its own sake is pointless. Freedom is why the world is so horrifically fucked up like it is now. Freedom is not necessarily beneficial. Where it is not so, it should be stamped out and replaced with pure, fanatical loyalty to God and country.

Im not christian dude ... i believe we simply return to atoms, become one with the universe, we dot not disappear, one may say we were just a temporary entropic structure.

I would not say so, IF you respect me when i say NO to you. I will always be against most religious groups since it leads to a "we and them" way off thinking which leads to conflict, but as long as you are peaceful and respectful i wouldn't care.

Hell i even pay church tax since i truly enjoy being near or inside churches, i like all forms of spiritual places, the tranquility is amazing.

Kind of disappointed noone has asked me about human engineering, experimenting on fetuses etc. You guys are surprisingly civil tonight

Jokes aside, the old gods are actually kind of kickass, the Vikings were very respectful of the right to free speech and had good rules for society (hence why we prospered back then and made the world our bitch). I would be totally onboard just for shits'n'giggles. Norway would never agree though, they still hate us for forcing them to be part of our country for a couple of hundred years ...

That is your opinion, you have the right to have it because of our current society, in a truly fanatical society you would have NO opinion.

I disagree though, i believe greed is what drives society forward, thats why capitalism is needed as a foundation for the economy, and socialism needs to come after as a safety net when shit gets tough (to a limited degree however, not like we have it today).

Greed is what created religion, greed is what created new ones. We are apes by default, all we are about is having a ton of shit and fucking the hottest people around. And that is what makes us amazing!

>I would not say so, IF you respect me when i say NO to you.
Fair enough.

I kinda against experimenting on fetuses, however we're technologically advance sufficient to start testing individual cells without irreversibly damage the entire process of the baby's development.

Precisely, the promises of stem cell therapy and ESPECIALLY Crispr-cas-9 will change humanity and the world around us in the next century, we can literary create new species with ease, cure inherited deceases, create superhumans etc (The TRUE Ubermensch for all you stormfags out there)

I don't care if I have no right to speak out. If anything, my right to speak is damaging to society. Freedom of speech breeds instability. There may be some use for it in the halls of academia or elsewhere, but I would advise a government against allowing it for the most part.

Greed is a tool, as all negative emotions are. They should be repurposed to suit the needs of society at large. For instance, that mixture of lust and ambition which all men have in order to seek and seduce mates can be repurposed as expansive energy (as Freud wrote) to better society at large. A negative emotion, in this case lust, changed into a positive emotion.

What you're talking about, capitalism, is one of the few cases wherein I would agree that freedom is a good thing. No economic model brings as much prosperity as capitalism does, so freedom of economic choice is essential to a strong society. However, this doesn't mean freedom is good in all ways.

Fanatical devotion to God is necessary in order to keep things like greed and lust in check, especially for the common man. Faith brings stability, which brings benefit to society at large.

So people need a balance between our competitive-individualist and cooperative-collectivist drives. I can buy that.

But, from my experience, any attempt to find a *third way* between the extremes of capitalism and communism automatically equals fascism.

Of all of the intelligent atheists out there. The one who decides to attack Sup Forums is a complete autist.

Exactly, and if the balance is not kept in check, it either goes south to total Capitalism or Total Socialism, the shit Bernie is peaking of will spin out of control fast ... I feel many in our generation have forgotten that revolutions bring death and suffering, while slow assimilation to new values actually works and bring stability and prosperity!

Im not attacking Sup Forums i browse and agree on many things here.

You have your opinion, i have mine, however it is due to freedom of speech we can exchange opinions and influence others and by that give birth to new ideas and ideals faster.

I think this is where we fundamentally disagree, i like instability to a certain degree, we need to shake things up now and then to not become sedimentary. Stability is not the goal, for me its a nightmare which will bring the technological revolution of late to a halt.