ITT: Best/favorite depictions of hell
> hellraiser
Just some place that's unfathomable to humans where horror is an every day thing
> Crowley's hell from supernatural
Big ass waiting room line
ITT: Best/favorite depictions of hell
> hellraiser
Just some place that's unfathomable to humans where horror is an every day thing
> Crowley's hell from supernatural
Big ass waiting room line
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought this film captured Hell really well. Your worst nightmares played out over and over with no escape
>What Dreams May Come
Was Pre hellraiser 3 (before cenobites getting straight up retconed into demons) hell considerd as such ?
Seemed more lovecraftian then anything
10/10 kino
>mfw we are getting a 3rd
I'm glad this exists because I just read The Scarlet Gospels and it has the most boring version of Hell ever depicted in a story
Why the fuck would you read the Scarlet Gospels? Was the unanimity of the people saying it was shit not enough for you? The '89 anthology comics are the only good Hellraiser comics.
It's not Sup Forums related but if anyone is interested in depictions of hell check this shit out Wayne Barlowe's Inferno. The art is incredible.
I don't believe it
Dantes Inferno, any other answer is pure plebian
weeaboo shit
ending of the Black Hole
patrician choice right here
For me it was the galaxy far far away, so many creatures lurking around and unbearable amounts of sand.
What about Jacob's Ladder? That was almost called Dante's Inferno.
Came to post this, my niggas
Haha nice reddit meme
Post the rest
His book is pretty solid world-building too. Made the politics and structure of hell believable, if the punishments ultimately dull (most humans will end up as bricks, which while apparently agonizing, is largely uncreative and done in an apathetic manner)
I only have 3 more. I'm gonna make more soon since I just figured out how to sub with ffmpeg.
Event Horizon.
To be honest
Not exactly Hell, but I really liked the depictions of the afterlife in Beetlejuice. The surreal infinite office park accessible by a chalk door is pretty interesting, but it's also absurd and entertaining that outside of their house leads to Saturn as some sort of desert hellscape populated by man (and ghost) eating sand worms.
Does vidya kino count?
In 40k there's daemon planets, planets completely evnveloped by "hell" and shaped in the image of a daemon
Some of the planets descriptions were really imaginative. On the surface of one planet it looked like paradise, but people eternally hung from a noose on beautiful trees, continuously choking but never fying. The grass was a lush green, but actually razor sharp glass and would shoot into anyone who moved.
Essentially you spent eternity choking and being stabbed but thousands of bit of glass, while see a view of mock paradice
>On the surface of one planet it looked like paradise, but people eternally hung from a noose on beautiful trees, continuously choking but never fying. The grass was a lush green, but actually razor sharp glass and would shoot into anyone who moved.
That's not very imaginative. The "shooting grass" aspect is downright goofy. But that's 40k for you.
Sorry about my bad English, auto correct doesn't help
underated film desu, spawn suit is top notch
This what Christians unironically believe in
Except that was just one planet, each one was radically different.
It's a bad example either way.
That's some state of the art CGI
Constantine (2005)
pic related
From The Hellbound Heart and Weaveworld we can surmise that the Cenobites are just beings from another dimension.
This is the only real answer
I bet you enjoy the films of Paul WS Anderson
Literally how is Rebel Wilson so famous. And didn't she tell some outrageous lies about her age and posh upbringing?