What went right?
What went right?
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he's a big guy
People telling him that being fat was disgusting, and that you should do everything you can to remain fit in life otherwise you're not worth much.
Enough money for Clen, Tren, HGH, gyno surgery, liposuction, skin removal, etc.
Poor job on the gyno surgery btw, his nipples look really bad and have craters around them, this is not supposed to happen with a reputable doctor.
>that body
>Tren, HGH
yea no. he has no definition, not much muscle. he just lost a bunch of weight.
You can tell he used to be fat and anyone that used to be fat you cant take seriously - the actor
He got up and went to the fucking gym instead of siting around posting about how much he hates capeshit.
You don't have to use it for 5 years and become Chris Pratt dude. It's just a thousand times easier to drop the fat with it like he did.
He was the one that didn't get molested
But he doesnt act anymore even after losing fat
why the fuck are fat people after they lose weight have great shoulders and traps WHAT THE FUCK
t. skellington
I wish I had the balls to do the same 2bh, but here I am.
he lifted
now it's time for him to actually eat and get rid of that loose skin
they have a fuck ton of fat to carry around
when he was fat, he was giving his body a lot of protein and calories. fat people tend to have larger muscles than skinny people.
>t. avid fan of josh peck
Literally everyone here would look like that after two years at the gym.
>down 153 pounds here
Reverse Rob Kardashian
Loose skin is real and not a meme right? Currently in the process of losing weight and I'm afraid that this will probably happen to me. Can a simple surgery solve the problem?
>5 years of tren and hgh
>looking dyel as pratt
you lost a whole me
>his belly button drooped below his waistline
irrelevant kike childstaer either way
Depends on genetics. Some get it real bad. Some don't. But you still have it. your arms are probably going to be fine, fill them up and you can walk around sleeveless. your stomach is another matter. but would you rather continue being a fat person because you're worried about loose skin? surgery is crazy expensive, and you're super immobile afterwards for a large period of time. you'll be fine.
He's pretty sexy for a Jew
As someone who lost of a lot of weight: don't worry about it man. Loose skin only happens if you get lipo, or an illness that makes you drop weight extremely fast.
I lost some weight in a very short time due to illness after working out and it looked awful, but there's this thing called skin tightening massage that made it go away. If you lose weight without surgery you can tighten the skin up.
For low effort, just stop eating a lot. 1,000 fewer calories than normal per week will lose you an average of 2 lbs per week, and calculators for it are easy to find. Compliment with 3 days a week and about 1 hour each day of a decent weightlifting plan.
Did this on again off again for five months and lost 45 lbs of fat and gained a slight amount of muscle. At least enough for my bench to go from 155 to 215.
You don't get it if you lose weight slowly or if you do skin tightening massages like said
>what is hyperbole
Well, look at the droopy folds below his tits, and this is AFTER he got surgery that got rid of most of the skin around the nipples. He should have gotten the surgery where you end up with massive horizontal scars across your chest instead, but he'll probably roid up and attempt to fill it in while he's still young.
he was the funny fat kid who lost weight and looked weird and awkward
but he kept at it and eventually looked bretty good
also he not half a million in debt
>As someone who lost of a lot of weight: don't worry about it man. Loose skin only happens if you get lipo, or an illness that makes you drop weight extremely fast.
Or if you're older than your early 20s, underageb&.
any word on dry brushing? how does one do these massages?
I was super fat until I was 35.
Thanks for the answers, I'm trying not to worry too much, and honestly, I'd rather have loose skin or scars than continue with a unhealthy lifestyle. Nice to see that there are some people here to already went through a weight loss process too, keeps me motivated.
He does VA in Ice Age, considering it's a franchise that has turned over a 2 billion profit I reckon he probably gets a decent enough payroll to have a pretty comfy life.
My doctor just recommended me a person who did them. But it was a normal massage studio not something niche. I didn't do dry brushing and I actually hadn't heard about it. Sounds similar to jade rolling. I'd try it, at least it will help with cellulite.
Do you have a lot of a stretch marks now?
They're my main concern cause I've developed a few that are pretty noticeable .
I was until 30 and I ended up with so much shit that I don't have the money to fix that I just gained it all back 5 years after because it looked disgusting anyway.
Do you guys have any tips for someone that can't afford a gym right now? I'm paying for college and the little money that I have left isn't enough for paying a gym where I live. Are there any cheap alternatives like home exercises?
Do youtube pilates and yoga you don't need equipment for that.
where are his pecs?
>Clen, Tren, HGH, gyno surgery, liposuction, skin removal, etc.
look mommy, I cpoypasted from /fit/!
diet is 90% of weight loss. gym helps your metabolism a bit.
this: or check out home bodyweight exercises or scooby on yt
>two years at the gym.
run instead of jogging outside
See, that shit is why eating less isn't better than eating better. There's a thin layer of fat next to your skin, and as long as it's there, your skin thinks you have all the fatload. That's why it doesn't snap back. It's very, VERY rare that it's just loose skin.
You should also eat gelatin daily because it fills you up AND helps with skin elasticity and it's super cheap. It can be done, you should try again.
In the organic waste disposal. They cut out way too much tissue.
>There's a thin layer of fat next to your skin, and as long as it's there, your skin thinks you have all the fatload. That's why it doesn't snap back.
Oh I know that, it's just colloquially called "loose skin", everyone calls it that way.
This is why doing it without liposuction and/or a shitload of illegal drugs is futile.
it's real if you have A LOT to lose, like over 100
you just gotta decide if you think you're gonna be happier with staying fat, or being skinny with loose skin, or being skinny with scars all over.
if you're very obese you will have hanging skin on your upper arms, stomach, chest, inner thighs. it doesn't matter how you lose the weight, skin has it's limits in how well it can tighten up after it has been stretched from getting fat/pregnancy.
and there's only so much muscle you can realistically put on to fill out your body where it sags.
btw, a "full body lift" would cost you like 25-30k and isn't covered by any insurance since it's cosmetic.
calogen/bone broth too
You should also drink water, use sunscreen,and moisturize. Or use those balms for pregnant women.
It isn't.
alot of this:
>skin has it's limits in how well it can tighten up after it has been stretched from getting fat/pregnancy
Not true actually but you should take care of your skin before you begin your weight loss journey for shit to work well. Actually start on that skincare routine amonth before you seriously try to lose weight.
When you get fat, your skin is fucked. Don't forget it's also an organ. Take care of this organ and then it will work better.
IIRC this is why women's skin sags a lot less than men's, because most women actually take care of it
Yeah it's also why pregnant celebrities practically bathe in skin products
How heavy were you when you wanted to lose weight?
I'm only at about 210 pounds now and I'm already feeling heavy and disgusting enough that I need to lose weight.
>use sunscreen,and moisturize
enjoy cancer
Not trying to meme but did you all see how much weight Rob Kardashian lost? Doesn't look like a lot from the outside. But he has no sagging skin because he took his time, and now he is trying to space it out even longer. That's the safest way to lose weight without getting the saggy skin everywhere
I got up to 427 :/
idk, considering his family is 60% plastic, i'd have to see him without a shirt on.
no homo
I mentioned him specifically because Chyna posted his fat sweaty body in social media but I realize that yeah using a Kardashian isn't the best, he's just the only celeb I know that went over 400.
be fat, get ridiculed, deservedly. try to be healthy, and lose all that fat, and still get ridiculed. oh, the Sup Forums sites are so silly.
Sheeeit that's a lot, my max was 300, currently on 280. Anyway, you lost a lot user, congrats. What do you think it improved in your life, btw? Just curious
Ey nigga, what you doing following Chyna like some kind of normie?
I work in a shitty newspaper it's part of my job
He isn't $600,000 in debt, like Drake.
Shut up fatty.
Everything physically is easier. I no longer am in the big and tall bullshit. i don't mind parking farther away in the parking lot, women smile at you/let alone look at you. dating is better, you don't wanna die when it's 89 and humid, shoes fits better, feet no longer in pain.
By a set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench and you can get shredded in your bedroom
Its hilarious how hot he turned out when that ugly troll drake was supposed to be the heartthob
>blue eyes
>normal nose
let him slide
He was on a shitty sitcom last year
You can get practically fit with body weight exercises (pushups, pullups, situps etc.). No equipment required to look better and be stronger than the average.
Is that JonTron?
/fit/ here.
Just count calories you stupid fucking cucks.
>/fit/ here.
Stopped reading right there.
Thats why you're fat as fatass and I'm 6'1, muscular with a big dick.
You're not gonna make it, mate.
This thread makes me want to die. I'll never get healthy. I fucking hate food addiction
is shitty grammar also part of your job?
it sounds like you are what makes the newspaper shitty
> food addiction
post dick
>tfw skinnyfat with a bad back
>can barely squat more than 70 (seventy) lbs
>want (need) to get stronger as fast as possible
>have no access to steroids
>food addiction
look up vids on youtube if youre a monster youll need surgery but is it worth being gross and dying young? you could probably get liberals to pay for it and make money if you video tapevstart to finish idk
>telling lies on a Vietnamese doll drawing board
What's the fattest you've been so far guys?
I was at 275lbs 5'4'
Now I'm at 220lb at 5'6'
Puberty helped.. Not a lot
>food addiction
i hate food now
>>have no access to steroids
Just go to a gym
Yes but I need to make strength gainz quickly and that's not gonna happen any sooner than 1-2 years if I do it natty
Don't joke about that. I have food addiction as well. It's literally at the point that I'd die if I went without food for too long.
220 lbs 5'9 at 14 years old
165 at 5'11 at 17 years old
Currently 190 at 6'1 at 23 years old
Literally count your calories. I went 1200 and under a day to reach that 165, and then properly lifted and bulked myself up after that point. That's how you will make it.
You get them at the gym dude, you'll get approached 10 times per day if you're not buying from the local dealer yet.
I've gone from 130lb to 165lb over few months and back down to 145lb over a few months. The stretch marks are fairly noticeable and haven't faded after about a year since losing the max weight. Nothing you can do about that but being someone who uses Sup Forums, you probably don't strut around shirtless much anyways.
Depression doesn't help user. Although that sounds like a meme mental disorder, and I constantly shit on it as well, it does prevent a lot of motivation to do a lot of things