What to expect?
Alien: Covenant
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ridley scott's final attempt to ruin the alien franchise once and for all.
How come he re-designed the space men to not even resemble how they looked in the 79' film?
Ripley's mom
I just want this out of the way so we can have Aliens sequel.
he kind of does with his helmet on. but why they felt the need to turn one of HR gigers nightmarish creatures into a buff dude in speedos is beyond me.
I will never forgive him. Thankfully I can just ignore it knowing it's not how they were supposed to look when they made them in 1979.
>Aliens sequel with geriatric actors
it's gonna be a big hit
It will because it makes sense.
Besides Biehn and Weaver look fine. And they won't be carrying the whole movie on their own.
I dont care what people say, I will watch it and enjoy it
>in the middle of filming before they decided that Noomi Rapace was going to return after all
I'm getting flashbacks to the announcements of cameos in Ghostbusters 2016
He looks fine for an 80 year old man.
Let's hope Ridley doesn't decide to say "nahh" at the last minute because Neill Blomkamp can't make it until Ridley releases this one
holy shit I didn't know he was that old
I'm from the future.
>another Alien film
yeah what the hell? Type in Alien: Covenent into google and it gives you an 85% rotten tomato score and if you click on it it says "404 error not found"
>Blomkamp making a good Alien sequel or a good film in general.
Did you not catch on after Elysium? Did Chappie not make it crystal?
He's not that powerful. Besides he already said some nice stuff about it and that he thinks it will be out in 2017 which is obviously impossible now.
If Covenant does fine then we will definitely have Alien 5 or however you wanna call it. I can wait two years longer. If Weaver or Biehn get more wrinkles in that time I'm sure they can fix it in post production.
Henriksen implied tha the's gonna be involved as well but he doesn't look so good. Hopefully he will make it.
he's a great director, he just needs to stop writing his own scripts.
>mdw claudia black
He's good with visuals and body horror. It's an already existing property so that's also good. He just needs good screenwriters for dialogue.
hicks is dead
I saw his Halo movie screen tests and were very amazed by them so yes he will do really well
Who is the women on right?? My mind is fuzzy so if that was in Prometheus I don't remember
alien3 is not considered canon in the new aliens sequel. hicks and newt are alive.
unit commander in one of the sequels
that's claudia black in farscape.
>What to expect?
A crew of about 5-7 people in space that stumble upon something creepy and organic in a cave on a distant planet, only for most of the people to be killed by that organic thing. It will raise more questions than it answers. There will be a robot in the crew who gets dismembered in some way and in the end the main character will live and fly away into the great abyss.
this anons dick answered it
Dat waist, fuuuug
The Xenomorph living discriminated by the society and Ripley converted in one of them and all living happy for the eternity (score by Die Antwoord)
Somebody wake up Hicks.
btw in Aliens Hicks' armor has a bullet hole and the inscription "born again" on its shoulder, it's actually very visible in some scenes; guess it was destiny
>A crew of about 5-7 people
wait wut? But there was only 2 survivors at the end of Prometheus... unless you telling me Ridley is bringing in a whole new set of characters who come across Fassbender's character?
I hear the women lead isn't returning.
How the hell are they going to explain that? That she opened the space door to check the whether and fell out?
damn that sucks
FUUUUUU that is one of the best sci fi pictures of a character I have ever seen
Elysium was horrible. Literally Battle Angel Alita with Matt Damon instead of qt killer cyborg girl
She got ate by the alien, obviously.
but there was no alien on their ship when they took off ._.
>mfw Ridley doesn't even include the first Alien that was born at the end of Prometheus
Even if his scars weren't that bad at the end of Aliens I'm all for this slight retcon. It's actually great. Looks like Cameron excpected a sequel with all the survivors so he gave Hicks some heroic scars fitting for a veteran fighting aliens.
It makes me more hyped and brings back memories of the AVP2 video game and all that lore exploration.
Whoops, we put up scores too early after the studio sent us the money.
Another cute short-haired android please.
>What to expect.
Prometheus is as good as Alien, if not better. It is Scott's first good film since Blade Runner. So hopefully it's more of the same.
Played by Kristen Stewert please
>Matchstick Men
You're a functional retard.
I did not like what he did with the Martian movie at all with the comedy side so let's hope the Prometheus sequel will not be like that at all
Gladiator was shit. Unlikeable character, flat performance from RC, felt like a feature length "reconstruction" from a history documentary.
Eva Green in Alien franchise, when?
Have not seen matchstick man.
But if you think gladiator is good then I know what to think of your opinion.
As a new kind of Xenomorph?
I was more entertained by your post than by the entire movie.
As the Queen
>Gladiator was shit. Unlikeable character, flat performance from RC, felt like a feature length "reconstruction" from a history documentary.
Go on...
From the standpoint of judging a director it's excellent, as it's visually stunning and well paced.
If you don't like the movie overall or dislike the performances of the actors that's cool...but the movie looks amazing, which is the same case with Prometheus
Seriously The Martian is the ultimate so so movie. It's watchable but it never gets good. I get it's like Destination Moon of our time which will be interesting to watch once we get our ass to Mars. That's it. History provides us with much better stories about men struggling alone in isolated place. Ever heard of the fucking Heroic Age of Antarctic?
I've never seen Robin Hood so I don't know if it completes Scott's epic trilogy (together with Gladiator and the DC of Kingdom of Heaven)
Prometheus 1.5. It was supposed to be about Rapace and Fassy going to the Engineers' home planet, an Eldritch like paradise with a completely different set of physics and so alien not even David could wrap his mind around it. But nevermind lol just do a slasher flick on the same planet where the crew gets picked off one by one
>Neill Blomkamp
That guy overstayed his welcome by shitting out one terrible movie after another. I never got the huge support for District 9. It was a nice movie but nothing special. Elysium and Chappie were utter garbage though. I didn't even want to finish them. Just so on the nose and hamfisted as if a child wrote them. No nuance, no subtlety, no investment. Just a bunch of terrible sci-fi covered in some neat effects built upon terrible scripts.
>He didn't see the Halo movie screentest
this was basically what Blomkamp's Halo movie was going to look like before it got cancelled
The one in the Derelict was much larger though. Distant cousin perhaps?
Why the Jews never let this happen I'll never understand...this would have printed money.
the thumbnail just says LIE
Reminds me of that awesome article about the Mortal Kombat movie. Producers have no faith in video game movies.
That's now new, idiot.
>this would have printed money.
LOTS AND LOTS of money but Hollywood is fucking stupid yeah for cancelling this.
Apparently the movie went over budget during the first 10 minutes of filming and they had to can it
Agreed. District 9 becomes increasingly annoying to watch towards the end when they start to treat the viewers as retards. Ham-fisted and on the nose are perfect descriptions.
There was a war between two distinct factions of Engineers. Perhaps they weren't just distinct factions, but in fact different species who were collaborating up until the schism.
All of his movies feel the same
>I hear the women lead isn't returning.
She came back.
I didn't get that Lovecraftian vibe from Alien, though. It just seemed like a lifeform that had evolved on another planet, like the equivalent of tigers from Alpha Centauri. It didn't seem outside our universe, outside our reality, it was just a very fucking dangerous animal.
There was too much science and cause and effect that we could understand. There are eggs, we know what they are. It impregnates people to breed. The baby comes out, it's small, it eats, it grows, then it has "sex" and makes more babies. It's actually very much within the understanding we've had of things for our entire existence. They just look scary.
>she opened the space door to check the whether
Checking the whether? Is that another name for quantum physics?
>that shaking cam
damn, this is like the led flare to Abrams?
so unknowable things should remain unknowable?
glad you aren't a scientist, regardless of whether prometheus had a satisfying story.
in movies, idiot
>Ripley's mom
She's got it going on
how can thickfags even compete
Let's hope she hasn't aged much in 4 years
You know that apparently
wanted to be involved in the project?
If that's not a recipe for a billion dollars I don't know what is.
Spielberg is too old to make good movies.
This was circa 2009
or even earlier.
Even then, it isn't so much him as the immense amount of money/talent that surrounds him.
Additionally, his presence alone emboldens studios to give more money/freedom of creativity.
Who doesn't watch spielberg movies right?
disgusting nips
>What to expect?
>alien 3
>not canon
Does that mean Resurrection isn't canon? Fuck this gay earth
It looks like dogshit.
holy shit relax. why can't we have alternate universes? that is how I am treating the Aliens sequel.
Of course the Alien 3 and Alien 4 movies still exist but just imagine this as a re-imagining of events
Ripley's daughter
>videogame movies
I'm kind of kidding. But I do unironically love alien 3 and resurrection.
I just want a cute female synth
Also, people who are into videogames (eg people who post on a Taiwanese crochet forum) always think videogame movies have massive built in audiences, I think Warcraft proved that they don't.
I still don't get the alien mural in Prometheus. The alien goo is just turbocancer that creates zombies on contact or killer worms if its left out in the open. I understand that space jockeys have the same DNA as humans, making it possible to create a xenomorph queen as in the movie.
But the likelihood that an infected jockey had sex with another one, had a squid baby, let it grow and then get violated by it seems pretty far fetched. Unless they had tested it on themselves on purpose for science .