>Don't see this movie
>You're a racist
>See this movie
>You're a rapist
What will you do?
>Don't see this movie
>You're a racist
>See this movie
>You're a rapist
What will you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
i guarantee you nobody has said those things to you
Don't you know everyone on Sup Forums has a victim complex?
Watch the autists take this obvious bait.
I won't see this movie because I'm a racist.
>don't see this movie
>you're a pleb
>see this movie
>you're a rapist
What will you do?
I'm guessing you two are in the rapist camp.
What do I do if I'm a racist rapist?
watch it after not watching
or vice versa
I don't see the movie. I'm already automatically racist in the eyes of blacks, race-baiters and SJWs simply because I have white skin.
Who cares about being called a racist anymore?
id rather be labelled a racist
that is the honest truth
id be a racist everyday of the year
fuck being a rapermcniggerton
Rape niggers.
What else?
i think i would rather be a racist than a rapist if i had to choose
Reminds me of something Salman Rushdie said when an interviewer asked him if he was a feminist. He said something to the tune of "of course, because if you say no, people will think call you an asshole."
>Buy 100 tickets because I want to support black cinema
>Don't show up because I don't want to see a rapist's film
>Start raping women and getting caught to prove to all the racists that white men are rapists too
What if I download it and I am a racist-rapist?
I'm a racist.
>do either
>nobody gives a shit because theres no boogeyman out to get you
kill all niggers
all niggers must die
negro genocide when
day of the rope soon
If I'm both, what should I do?
post on Sup Forums
Not see it.
Not even out of spite, but because it looks shit and boring.
The actual true story is fascinating, and they've turned it into some inspirational TV movie bullshit.
I would love to murder a nigger just to send them a message to not fuck with the white man.
This. 100%.
Being a racist now doesn't even mean anything since being a FUCKING WHITE MALE makes you a racist by default.
But being any kind of sex offender is still fucking socially crippling.
Until we finally get to the point where being a FUCKING STRAIGHT MALE makes you a rapist by default too, then racist is definitely the better option.
is anyone else going to see the exclusive cuck experience screening to pay their daily reparations for slavery?
> Fox Searchlight paid a record-breaking £17.5 million for The Birth of a Nation, which tells the story of Turner’s 1931 slave rebellion, after it earned a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival in January.
>Sources told Variety that Fox Searchlight wasn’t aware of the allegations before buying the film – and had only learned about it after the deal was struck.
>Neither profile addressed the alleged comments made by Parker while promoting the 2014 romance Beyond the Lights, when he reportedly said he would not play a gay character in order to “preserve the black man”.
Oh boy.
And they thought Clint Eastwoods interview was problematic for Sully.
I'll kill
I didn't even know this exists. What is it about? Also I'm an Asian so I dont give a damn about some stupid nigger revolutions. That's your problem, whitey. Should've left those nogs in Africa and picked your own cotton :^)
Nat Turner was a mass murderer who heard voices telling him to kill people.
>americans are seen are racist if they don't go see a movie that glorifies the decapitation of dozens of white children
How cucked is can your country be?
Your plan has potentiall, but there's a flaw in it. How can you force a person of color to take rape money from a white rapist such as yourself?
>I didn't even know this exists. What is it about?
It's the story of a slave who slaughtered a village of white people, including women and children, because he thought the sunset was a sign from God.
Its director raped a woman (along with his friend) and when she accused him in court told her "shit happens"
Now come on. The brother was acquitted of the crime.
That's heavy.
And in America it's progressive to support that kind of horror?
The majority of American urban youth are millennial progressives and self-hating whites of the following type:
>muh women and children
I'm not saying it's right to kill them. revolts tend to be bloody, and women and children don't suddenly disappear while the men cave each other's skulls in. You use the women and children bit to smear him as if he's the only person guilty of such actions ever in the history of wanton violence. General Custer sure as hell didn't spare no women and children.
Why don't they they just kill themselves if they hate so much what they are?
Paradoxically, they are narcissists who believe that they are the exceptions of their group, and therefore not racist rapists who deserve to be exterminated.
>1931 slave rebellion
This is true, but it is disgusting to watch fucking progressives who whine about these activities but glorify it when it happens to the other side, at the same side as they preach their bullshit.
Do both
I don't think anyone is making a Custer movie. This is basically 1492: Conquest of Paradise the black version
When is Hollywood going to drop the race baiting fad? Literally every cause Hollywood picks up burns out and nothing is accomplished.
The rainforest is still being chopped down, the middle east is still at war, and black people and white people are never going to be the same race.
All they are going to have to show for this is billions lost and a decade of shitty movies that failed because of miscasting.
Well I already didn't see the movie, so I guess I'll stay the course.