Anons over 25, what do you listen to?

anons over 25, what do you listen to?

Other urls found in this thread:

Luomo is all I need

dub techno

27 in a half hour, pretty much bounce around. Genre to genre

Ambient and prog rock.

anisongs, no time for full length album listening sessions anymore.

age has nothing to do with taste

Useless bread


The same as you, but we grew out of the Pitchfork landfill indie hype cycle of disappointment.

you're just a poptimist

because people don't grow out of things right?

I listen to other things than pop. I actually enjoy music to liking pop doesn't bother me. Maybe I'm just not as insecure as you are about the things I like?

metal and idm mostly, some hip hop and country

i only ever see you in pop threads
stop being so defensive you fuck, trying to act all tuff lmao

trip hop, industrial, shoegaze, hip hop instrumentals, rock, the paris sisters,

Madonna, Kate Bush, Bjork.

Most of what I listen to can be split into either:

Classical music (eastern or western)

What? I'm not acting tough at all, I'm just saying that it's stupid logic. It doesn't matter if someone knows theory of plays an instrument, they're still entitled to express their opinion over how they feel about something.

the radio, its angst free

Renaissance polyphonic vocal music
20th and 21st century classical composers (not film soundtracks unless hermann or goldsmith)

Pretty much exclusively classical, but sometimes traditional music too.

Krautrock the fall second wave of electro acid house dub library music some rap a lot of house and techno old country post punk early free form synth you know the usual

A group of quasi-80s-smooth-pop artists who work between Berlin and Montreal. Sad!

Dead to Me and Murderburguers on repeat all day.
I identify a lot with songs about being a fuckup.

Recently it's been a lot of ...

Sun Ra
Jim O'Rourke
Cosmic Church
Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Hell (US)
Jack Rose

Lot of garage, punk, and post-punk/artrock stuff. Quite a few local and local-ish bands.

MC ride and the RadioSwans collective

witchfinder, you've been here far too long. When is it time to pack up?

Here's one I recently found about 2 months ago, one of the mentioned local art rock bands.

the good stuff

Why do you care about what I do?
Not being shitty. I'm genuinely curious.

Happy birthday user :)

because i've been around as long as you have and it eats me away

I'm in my 30's I listen to this


happy birthday

Sup Forums is not you
you are not Sup Forums

stay strong user

It absolutely does if music exploration is your hobby. Taste evolved with experience.

im 30 and i mostly listen to stuff like future and migos

>being a fuckup
iktf I'll check that out

That's a cool drawing

please be bait

Sure it does.

Patrician thing to do is definitely stop listening to bands.

lawnmovers, barking and occasional bird song.

Death and black metal mostly, some mucore to

I listen to anything except for rap and country music.