Why do you believe in capitalism?

Why do you believe in capitalism?

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because I live in a house instead of a tumbledown concrete living facility or a gulag

I believe in choice.

>posted from my phone

It's the only moral system

Because markets

Fuck no

Socialism / Communism is anti reality. It discards the reality that some people are more capable / work more than others. And all of the answers above.

Choosing between coke or pepsi, or a simple dems or reps as a political system doesn't mean much as far as freedumbz go..

>implying capitalism needs you keks to belief in it...

It's pro Multi cultural,pro Globalist,Doesn't like Nationalism and funds just about every SJW movement :-)

Because it just works

>Because it just works
That might be your impression, but it's acutally a lot of hard work behind it. Just think of all the memes that first had to be planted; engagement rings, flowers, sexy dinners, all the gadets nobody needs, all the hip hobbies noones actually enjoys, ...

Its the system that comes closest to approximating a meritocracy based on a person's ability to satisfy human desires and needs


>to satisfy human desires and needs
Except that most of those things aren't actually any needs, nor really desired. It's all just memes. Mostly.

The retards here think Capitalism is now "Liberal degeneracy" because it promotes da evil jew controlled "Freedom"

praize paypay

An Australian goes to a hotel in the Alps with internet connection and this is what happens...

Capitalism goes much further to solving hunger than communism, feudalism or whatever ever has. I'd call that a need.

Because its lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.

>90+% of poor own a TV or refrigerator here.

Because all of the others are far worse.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=NHuGG_FsC20

But alas, it did not lift your linguistic skills...

>implying there are only two different sodas and political parties

Because I understand basic economics.

>not giving food to poor countries because they can't pay for it is moral
yeah okay

There are only 2 political parties in the US that ever get elected, dems and reps. There are millions of sodas to choose from but that's not what freedom of choice should mean. When you can choose betwwen millions of drinks and just 2 political systems there's not actually much choice.

>ad hominem

Excuse me, I'm watching my 60 inch flat screen while I browse.

If they don't pay for it no one has a reason to make it.

You can give it if you want. When others (state, africans, faggots) agress you or initiate fore upon you or do things without your consent to your property that's very much immoral. Give, yes if you want.

>There are millions of sodas to choose from but that's not what freedom of choice should mean.

That's the freedom of the economic system, not the political system. Two different things, dumbo.

>Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. ...
>More than 80 percent of the world's population lives in countries where income differentials are widening. ...
>The poorest 40 percent of the world's population accounts for 5 percent of global income.


Needs more capitalism.

Then what is this idiot's idea?

There is unequal wealth creation because people are unequal.

Under capitalism food supply is not an issue - distribution is. Capitalism isn't a "moral" economic philosophy because the supermarkets today are throwing away thousands of pounds of food instead of giving it to the poor because it would lower their profits.

So what?? Disparity is good since human capacity is very much unequal. If we didn't have income disparity then it would mean that something is very wrong in the system... Like legalized stealing...

What about it? I believe in choice too.

Choice of what exactly?

communism and socialism occurs only after capitalism has taken place. i'd rather choose the system that encourages innovation and rewards properly.

Its almost as if, since capitalism says that there is no profit to be had in charity, charities are impossible under capitalism.
Except the capitalist countries have advanced to the point that the individual is not simply fighting to stave of hunger, so they can afford to give to charity.
What, in your opinion, is the alternative to capitalism?

Under socialism there is no financial incentive to grow the food, so it isn't grown, and millions starve to death.

>Except the capitalist countries have advanced to the point that the individual is not simply fighting to stave of hunger, so they can afford to give to charity.

This. When the state stops stealing people like to give to others happily

>Why do you believe in capitalism?
alongside government restrictions to put it in check and keep those greedy jews in place its definitely the perfect system

Because it rewards those who work and punishes those who do not, creating a hierarchy in which those who create sit at the top, and those who consume are at the bottom.
It also furthers the process of evolution by ensuring the survival and ease of the smart and clever rich, and the extinction of those who are not.
It is easily manipulatable, as it relies on the desires of the masses and occasionally allows people like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West to achieve wealth. But it's a good system and I trust it.

>Because it rewards those who work and punishes those who do not
tell that to the sweatshop workers and peasant farmers all over the world

It's hard to explain what I meant, but reality is real. And ignoring objective morality, if you somehow reach the top, you probably deserve it. It's not like anyone with any meaning exists to judge. There is only this universe in all it peculiarity. Why does it exist? I don't know. But it's apparently here, I'm in it. And for some reason, I want to live.

Choice of voting for who I want to vote for. Just because historically Dems and Reps have always been elected doesn't mean a third-party can't get elected.

It's just nearly impossible.